Financial Assistance Programs for Forest Health


Forest health financial assistance programs are offered to assist landowners and forest managers in Virginia as they manage their trees and land, and to benefit forests in Virginia overall.

Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Assistance Programs

The southern pine beetle is a destructive native insect that threatens pine forests. Good forest management practices like thinning can help reduce losses from this insect. There are currently three cost-share programs available through the Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Cost-Share Program. All programs exist to offer incentives to landowners and loggers for specific forest management projects aimed at improving the health of managed pine stands in Virginia.

Learn more about Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Assistance Programs.

Forest Pest Treatment Cost-Share Programs

Treating trees for destructive non-native insects increases the chance of preserving genetic material for tree species throughout the state. The Emerald Ash Borer and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Programs can help landowners and organizations offset treatment costs of trees on their property. Click the links below for program-specific requirements and information on how to apply.

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program

Treating ash trees for this destructive non-native insect increases the chance of preserving genetic material of ash trees throughout the state. The Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program can help landowners and organizations offset up to 70% of costs for treatment of ash trees through stem injections with emamectin benzoate insecticide.

Learn more about the Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program

The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program can help landowners and organizations offset treatment costs for eastern and Carolina hemlock trees on their property. This program will reimburse up to 100% of imidacloprid or dinotefuran insecticide treatment costs, either performed by the landowner or a certified arborist.

Learn more about the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program.

A variety of financial assistance programs are available through DOF and partner agencies for forest management activities to improve forest health.

Explore All Financial Assistance Programs

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ImageTitleIDDescriptionContent TypeViewhf:tax:document-categoryhf:tax:document-tagshf:tax:Media
Ash Tree Management - Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer Invasion
Ash Tree Management – Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer InvasionFT0035

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about managing your ash trees during a time when the emerald ash borer is invading, including options for your property and possible biological controls being used.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topics landowner-resourcespublication
Cost-Share/AMP Project Amendment
Cost-Share/AMP Project Amendment3.11Viewfinance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance financial-assistance-forest-management forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-programform
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash Trees
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash TreesFT0032

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program for protecting ash trees, including the requirements and treatments covered by the program.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topicspublication
Emerald Ash Borer Program
Emerald Ash Borer Program

Learn more about the ash treatment financial assistance program and to see the work that has been done so far.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program insectsstorymap
Emerald Ash Borer Program - Application Process and Information
Emerald Ash Borer Program – Application Process and Information

Document provides guidance through the application process for the Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for treating ash trees.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programdocument
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application6.05Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programform
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application - Supplement
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application – Supplement6.05-SViewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programform
Forestry Cost-Share or Grant Program Certification of Work Completed
Forestry Cost-Share or Grant Program Certification of Work Completed3.09Viewfinance financial-assistance financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs grant-programs lpfct-program lpr-program pct-programform
From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia's Native Longleaf Pine - 2014 Status Report
From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia’s Native Longleaf Pine – 2014 Status ReportP00212

Report provides a brief history of longleaf pine in Virginia, the original range of longleaf pine, longleaf and fire, the search for native longleaf pine, the case for conserving and restoring Virginia’s longleaf pine, the importance of Northern-source seedlings for longleaf pine restoration, seed collection and seedling production, orchard development, where we are restoring longleaf pine, special programs available to promote the restoration effort, and future goals and challenges. Printed copies available.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthdiminished-species longleaf-pine lpr-program species-restorationpublication
Hemlock Tree Management - Protection from the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Hemlock Tree Management – Protection from the Hemlock Woolly AdelgidFT0063

Forestry topic information sheet discusses treatment options to protect hemlock trees from the damaging hemlock woolly adelgid.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryforestry-topics hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insectspublication
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Soil Drench Treatment
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Soil Drench Treatment

Video on how to treat hemlock trees using the soil drench method.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insectsvideo
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program - Application Process and Information
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program – Application Process and Information

Document provides guidance through the application process for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for treating hemlock trees.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-programdocument
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application6.07

Application form to be completed to apply for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-programform
Multiple Landowners Supplement
Multiple Landowners Supplement3.10Viewfinance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance financial-assistance-forest-management forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-programform
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Logger Incentive Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Logger Incentive Cost-Share Application6.03Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs lpfct-program logger-resources pine-bark-beetle southern-pine-beetleform
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Longleaf Pine Restoration Cost-Share Application
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Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Pre-Commercial Thinning Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Pre-Commercial Thinning Cost-Share Application6.02Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs pine-bark-beetle pre-commercial-thinning pct-program southern-pine-beetle thinningform
Protect Your Pine Forest
Protect Your Pine ForestP00114

Brochure educates landowners on options available to help maintain healthy pine forests and prevent bark beetle damage including cost-sharing pre-commercial thinning and cost-sharing longleaf pine restoration. Printed copies available.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs forest-health-impacts landowner-resources pine-management timber-harvestingpublication
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)W-9Viewfinance urb financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response financial-assistance-forest-management fire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management urban-and-community-forestry water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-program throwing-shade-va-programform

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