Urban and Community Forestry

Urban and Community Forestry

Urban trees are an important part of the local ecosystem providing shelter, food, and other benefits to nearby creatures – including us! As populations in cities and towns continue to grow, creating and caring for green infrastructure (like trees) is increasingly important. Trees help make cities livable – providing shade, clean air, clean water, and other useful benefits for human and environmental health.

Urban and Community Forestry Program

Virginia Department of Forestry’s Urban and Community Forestry Program fosters partnerships between government agencies, businesses, academic institutions and nonprofit organizations to ensure trees in our communities receive necessary care, long into the future. We provide assistance including education, community engagement, tree selection, and grants for tree planting and local program development.

These resources and others are available for municipalities and local governments to promote a healthy tree canopy. The USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program directly supports this state program delivered in all 59 states and U.S. territories. The USDA Forest Service Southern Region Urban and Community Forestry Program supports the southern states’ urban forestry programs.

Urban and Community Forestry Resources

Explore our library to view additional information and learn more. Click on the category, tag, or media dropdown lists, or enter a keyword in the search box to filter the library list to find more specific information.

ImageTitleIDDescriptionContent TypeViewhf:tax:document-categoryhf:tax:document-tagshf:tax:Media
A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards 4th Edition - Volunteers for the Community Forest
A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards 4th Edition – Volunteers for the Community Forest

This training manual includes 10 units, including Tree Anatomy, Tree Physiology, Environmental Factors Affecting Trees, Tree Identification, Tree Selection, Tree Planting and Care, Tree Pruning, Tree Problems and Diagnosis, Invasive Species in Virginia, and Trees and People in the Community.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources tree-carepublication
Ash Tree Management - Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer Invasion
Ash Tree Management – Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer InvasionFT0035

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about managing your ash trees during a time when the emerald ash borer is invading, including options for your property and possible biological controls being used.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topics landowner-resourcespublication
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities Template
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities TemplateP00214T

Workbook and the accompanying template are intended as tools for Virginia communities to use in assessing their community forest storm readiness, mitigating tree risk and reducing tree-related storm damage, and developing a community forest storm mitigation plan. Available in Word template form with form fields that can be filled in – unprotect the form to change the template to meet your needs. Printed copies available.

, Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-planning community-resources storm-recoverypublication template
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities Template
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities TemplateP00214T

Workbook and the accompanying template are intended as tools for Virginia communities to use in assessing their community forest storm readiness, mitigating tree risk and reducing tree-related storm damage, and developing a community forest storm mitigation plan. Available in Word template form with form fields that can be filled in – unprotect the form to change the template to meet your needs. Microsoft Word Template.

, Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-planning community-resources storm-recoverypublication template
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities Workbook
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities WorkbookP00214

Workbook and the accompanying template are intended as tools for Virginia communities to use in assessing their community forest storm readiness, mitigating tree risk and reducing tree-related storm damage, and developing a community forest storm mitigation plan. Printed copies available.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-planning community-resources storm-recoverypublication
Community Forest Revitalization Program – Creating and Supporting Community Forestry Projects
Community Forest Revitalization Program – Creating and Supporting Community Forestry ProjectsFT0065

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Community Forest Revitalization Program available to help create and support forestry projects in underserved communities.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forest-revitalization-programpublication
Community Tree Planting During COVID-19 - Be Safe, Keep Planting!
Community Tree Planting During COVID-19 – Be Safe, Keep Planting!FT0054

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about safely holding community tree planting events during the COVID-19 pandemic, including guidance for planning, supplies, and more.

Viewurban-and-community-forestryarbor-day community-forestry covid-19 event-management forestry-topics tree-plantingpublication
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash Trees
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash TreesFT0032

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program for protecting ash trees, including the requirements and treatments covered by the program.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topicspublication
Emerald Ash Borer Program
Emerald Ash Borer Program

Learn more about the ash treatment financial assistance program and to see the work that has been done so far.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program insectsstorymap
Emerald Ash Borer Program - Application Process and Information
Emerald Ash Borer Program – Application Process and Information

Document provides guidance through the application process for the Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for treating ash trees.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programdocument
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application6.05Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programform
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application - Supplement
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application – Supplement6.05-SViewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programform
Fire Adaptive Landscaping for Native Habitats and Wildlife in the Southern Coastal Plain
Fire Adaptive Landscaping for Native Habitats and Wildlife in the Southern Coastal Plain

Book was prepared by the Georgia Forestry Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Coastal Wildscapes, and Firewise Communities to provide every resident and business owner has the opportunity to enhance wildlife habitat and natural ecological systems by maintaining, or where necessary, restoring connectivity to the surrounding forests and other natural communities through landscaping and gardening activities. They can also address the very important issues of water conservation and loss of habitat from invasive species by using native plants and avoiding exotic plants when deciding what to plant. We invite all coastal plain individuals and communities to emphasize creative solutions to protect native habitats and wildlife while connecting with nature and achieving Firewise principals. This publication was created to give everyday people and everyday businesses guidelines for landscaping with these goals in mind.

Viewfire-and-emergency-response urban-and-community-forestrycoastal-resiliancy community-forestry firewise firewise-landscaping homeowner-resources landowner-resources tree-plantingpublication
Forestry Grant Program -Time and Activity Log for Staff and Volunteers
Forestry Grant Program -Time and Activity Log for Staff and Volunteers3.26Viewfinance urb financial-assistance urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs firewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program grant-programs ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programform
Healthy Trees Healthy Lives Resources
Healthy Trees Healthy Lives Resources

Many resources are available through this website, a cooperative effort of the Southern Group of State Foresters, Western Forestry Leadership Coalition, and the Northeast Midwest State Foresters Alliance to educate about the connection of trees, forests, and health.

Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives
Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives

Presentation prepared by the Southern Group of State Foresters highlights the reasons trees contribute to healthy lives. (Warning – large file)

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry tree-benefits urban-forestrypresentation
Hemlock Tree Management - Protection from the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Hemlock Tree Management – Protection from the Hemlock Woolly AdelgidFT0063

Forestry topic information sheet discusses treatment options to protect hemlock trees from the damaging hemlock woolly adelgid.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryforestry-topics hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insectspublication
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Soil Drench Treatment
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Soil Drench Treatment

Video on how to treat hemlock trees using the soil drench method.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insectsvideo
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program - Application Process and Information
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program – Application Process and Information

Document provides guidance through the application process for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for treating hemlock trees.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-programdocument
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application6.07

Application form to be completed to apply for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-programform
How To Kill A Tree
How To Kill A Tree

Poster demonstrates the most common mistakes made that negatively impact tree health. Printed copies available.

Viewurban-and-community-forestryposter tree-carepublication
How to Plant a Windbreak to Conserve Energy
How to Plant a Windbreak to Conserve Energy

Planting the right trees in the right places conserves energy and reduces your energy bills, while helping to fight climate change. See how properly placed trees save energy by providing summer shadewinter warmth, and winter windbreaks.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources energy-conservation homeowner-resources landowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefits urban-forestryresource
How to Plant Trees to Conserve Energy for Summer Shade
How to Plant Trees to Conserve Energy for Summer Shade

Planting the right trees in the right places conserves energy and reduces your energy bills, while helping to fight climate change. See how properly placed trees save energy by providing summer shade, winter warmth, and winter windbreaks.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources energy-conservation homeowner-resources landowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefits urban-forestryresource
How to Plant Trees to Conserve Energy for Winter Warmth
How to Plant Trees to Conserve Energy for Winter Warmth

Planting the right trees in the right places conserves energy and reduces your energy bills, while helping to fight climate change. See how properly placed trees save energy by providing summer shade, winter warmth, and winter winter windbreaks.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources energy-conservation homeowner-resources landowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefits urban-forestryresource
How Trees Can Save Energy
How Trees Can Save EnergyTCUSA No. 21

This Arbor Day Foundation Tree City USA Bulletin provides information about how trees can save energy. Trees have been called the low-tech solution to energy problems and climate change. Whether you want to reduce the amount of money you spend each month on utility bills or help guide your community toward wiser energy policies, the information in this Bulletin is of special importance.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources energy-conservation homeowner-resources landowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefits urban-forestrypublication
My Trees Count
My Trees Count

Every tree planted makes a difference to the health of our communities and the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The DOF and partners want to highlight tree planting projects from across the state. Submit your tree planting to show that your trees count!

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry tree-benefits urban-forestrystorymap
Property Mulching Techniques
Property Mulching Techniques

Publication explains proper mulching techniques, including type, amount, and method.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry tree-care urban-forestrypublication
Rain Gardens
Rain GardensP00124

Brochure educates landowners on options available to resolve issues with excess drainage from roofs, gutters, sidewalks, and roads, eliminating soil erosion, improving the quality of water, and how to put nature to work for you. Printed copies available.

Viewurban-and-community-forestry water-qualityhomeowner-assistance landowner-resources rain-gardens stormwater-managementpublication
Rain Gardens: Technical Guide
Rain Gardens: Technical GuideP00127

Technical guide provides detailed instruction for homeowners, teachers, community leaders, gardeners and landscape architects on the planning and development of rain gardens to create a landscape feature that will solve drainage problems, address erosion problems, improve water quality, create wildlife habitat and create a garden focal point. Printed copies available.

Viewurban-and-community-forestry water-qualityhomeowner-assistance landowner-resources rain-gardens stormwater-managementpublication
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)W-9Viewfinance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response financial-assistance-forest-management urb financial-assistance-forest-health fire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management urban-and-community-forestry water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-program throwing-shade-va-programform
Services for Landowners
Services for LandownersP00112

Brochure provides information about the services available to landowners from the Virginia Department of Forestry, including forest management and forest health, timber harvesting and water quality, land conservation, tree seedling production, and resource protection. Printed copies available.

Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management forest nurseries urban-and-community-forestry water-qualityagency-services conservation forest-health-impacts forest-planning land-planning landowner-assistance seedling-nurseries timber-harvesting water-quality-laws water-quality-protection wildfire-prevention wildfire-suppressionpublication
Stormwater to Street Trees
Stormwater to Street Trees

EPA publication explores engineering urban forests for stormwater management.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry stormwater-management urban-forestry water-quality-protectionpublication
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Agreement Signing
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Agreement Signing

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of forestry grants. This guide assists with agreement signing.

Viewfinance financial-assistance-forest-management urb financial-assistance financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response forest-management urban-and-community-forestry fire-and-emergency-responsefirewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program forest-sustainability-fund system-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programuser-guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Registration User Guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Registration User Guide

System Access Portal User Guide for registering to use the grants system.

Viewfinancial-assistance financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response urb finance fire-and-emergency-response urban-and-community-forestryfirewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program forest-sustainability-fund system-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programuser-guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Requesting an Agreement Modification
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Requesting an Agreement Modification

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of forestry grants. This guide assists with requesting an agreement modification.

Viewfinance financial-assistance-forest-management urb financial-assistance financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response forest-management urban-and-community-forestry fire-and-emergency-responsefirewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program forest-sustainability-fund system-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programuser-guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of the Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrysystem-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-programuser-guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grants
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grants

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grants.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrysystem-access-portal-forestry-grants va-trees-for-clean-water-programuser-guide
The Benefits of Trees!
The Benefits of Trees!PST006

Poster educates the public about the benefits of trees – human health, improved water quality, energy savings, reducing heat, and providing local wood sources. Printed copies available.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry poster tree-benefitspublication
The Benefits of Trees! (Los Beneficios de Los Arboles)
The Benefits of Trees! (Los Beneficios de Los Arboles)PST006

El póster educa al público sobre los beneficios de los árboles – mejor salud y bienestar, mejor calidad del agua, conservación de la energía, reducción de temperaturas extremas, y aprovechamiento de madera local. Los árboles mantienen nuestra salud y la salud del medio ambiente.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry poster spanish tree-benefitspublication
The Woods in Your Backyard - A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas
The Woods in Your Backyard – A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas

This 108-page guide, including more than 100 color photos, was developed by University of Maryland Extension, Penn State Extension and Virginia Cooperative Extension. It guides small-acreage owners through the process of implementing proper forestry and wildlife habitat improvement practices to enhance a property’s natural resources. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
The Woods in Your Backyard Program - Resources
The Woods in Your Backyard Program – Resources

This resource list provides descriptions and links to a number of valuable resources available for small-acreage landowners in managing their woods. Provided by The Woods in Your Backyard Program Partnership, Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcesdocument
Throwing Shade VA - Eligible Native Species
Throwing Shade VA – Eligible Native Species

Listing of native species of trees and shrubs that are eligible for a discount at participating nurseries through the Throwing Shade VA program.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrythrowing-shade-va-programdocument
Throwing Shade VA - Program Flyer
Throwing Shade VA – Program Flyer

This flyer provides an overview of the Throwing Shade VA program for promotional purposes.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrythrowing-shade-va-programdocument
Throwing Shade VA - Program Flyer (png)
Throwing Shade VA – Program Flyer (png)

This flyer provides an overview of the Throwing Shade VA program for promotional purposes.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrythrowing-shade-va-programdocument
Throwing Shade VA - Scope of Work
Throwing Shade VA – Scope of Work

This document defines the scope of work for nurseries to participate in the Throwing Shade VA program.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrythrowing-shade-va-programdocument
Throwing Shade VA - Survey Form
Throwing Shade VA – Survey Form

Printable survey form (2 per sheet) that can be used for paper reporting of to receive a discount at participating nurseries through the Throwing Shade VA program.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrythrowing-shade-va-programdocument
Tree City USA Bulletins and Resources
Tree City USA Bulletins and Resources

This Arbor Day Foundation webpage provides access to many Tree City USA Bulletins offering a vast array of information about all things trees and community forestry.

Vieweducation urban-and-community-forestry public-informationresource
Tree Owner's Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Tree Owner’s Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United StatesNA-FR-04-07

Manual provides guidance about proper tree care from planting a tree to maintenance and care through the life of the tree.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry homeowner-assistance landowner-resources tree-care tree-planting urban-forestrypublication
Tree Owner's Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Tree Owner’s Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United StatesFT0218

Manual provides guidance about proper tree care from planting a tree to maintenance and care through the life of the tree. Manual produced by USDA Forest Service, cover created by DOF. Limited printed copies available.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry homeowner-assistance landowner-resources tree-care tree-planting urban-forestrypublication
Trees and Extreme Weather - Make Your Landscape Storm Ready
Trees and Extreme Weather – Make Your Landscape Storm ReadyFT0064

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the benefits of trees and how to make your landscape storm ready and resilient against extreme storms.

Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry homeowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefitspublication
Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant Program Budget Worksheet
Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant Program Budget Worksheet17.05Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrygrant-programsform
Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program - Request for Application
Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program – Request for Application

Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program – Request for Application document details the program and proposal requirements as well as deadlines and submission information.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestryucf-grant-programdocument
Urban and Community Forestry Programs - Resources for Trees in Our Communities, Cities and Towns
Urban and Community Forestry Programs – Resources for Trees in Our Communities, Cities and TownsFT0052

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the urban and community forestry programs available through the DOF.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-forestry community-resources cost-share-programs forestry-topicspublication
Urban Forest Management Plan Stakeholder Survey
Urban Forest Management Plan Stakeholder Survey17.07

Form is used to survey stakeholders to gather information to assist in preparing an Urban Forest Management Plan.

Virginia Department of Forestry Grants - Frequently Asked Questions
Virginia Department of Forestry Grants – Frequently Asked Questions

Document answers the most common questions asked about forestry grants, including application requirements, qualifying expenses, reimbursements and other how do I… questions.

Viewfinance financial-assistance financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response urb fire-and-emergency-response urban-and-community-forestrycommunity-wildfire-defense-grant dry-hydrant-program firewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program system-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programdocument
Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grants - Request for Applications
Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grants – Request for Applications

Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grants – Request for Applications document details the program and application requirements as well as deadlines and submission information.

Viewurb urban-and-community-forestryva-trees-for-clean-water-programdocument
Woodland Health Assessment - Checklist and Management Actions
Woodland Health Assessment – Checklist and Management Actions

This assessment is part of the Woodland Health Practices Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas but also available separately to assist green industry professionals and do-it-yourselfers in assessing a variety of conditions on the site and recommending management actions.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Health Practices - A Field Guide
Woodland Health Practices – A Field Guide

This pocket-sized quick-reference guide assists managers in the field with implementing land-care practices. This 68-page, full-color resource is a distillation of the Woodland Health Practices Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Health Practices Handbook - A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas
Woodland Health Practices Handbook – A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas

This 85-page guide, including more than 60 color photos, provides an overview of land management techniques, checklist and management action tables, glossary and index. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Health Practices Handbook Webinar Series Recordings
Woodland Health Practices Handbook Webinar Series Recordings

A four-part webinar series covering the information in the Woodland Health Practices Handbook was held in fall 2020 and an eight-part series in spring 2021. Webinar recordings of this series is available here.

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Upcoming Urban and Community Forestry Events

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Urban and Community Forestry News

A Park, a Planting, a Partnership | Apr 18, 2022

New Life for Old Trees | Mar 9, 2022

Urban Trees “Releave” the Heat | Jan 28, 2022

Praise for Fallen Leaves | Dec 15, 2021