Hardwood Initiative

Virginia’s hardwood initiative promotes quality hardwood management to grow healthy hardwood forests today and tomorrow. With more than 80% of Virginia’s forestland being privately owned, DOF needs cooperation from landowners to reverse the decline in our hardwood forests through the implementation of best practices. In addition to improving our forests, activities that facilitate tree regeneration are often beneficial to game and other wildlife.

The hardwood initiative is funded by Virginia state budget bill HB1800.

What the Hardwood Initiative Offers

Forest management starts with setting goals. As part of the hardwood initiative, DOF foresters and consultants work closely with landowners to discuss ownership objectives. Once determined, the forester will perform assessments and offer recommendations in the form of a management plan. The plan will outline suitable practices based on the data and desired outcomes.

Recommendations may include management practices eligible for incentives. Foresters can help eligible landowners apply for incentives to put plans into action.

Incentive Programs

Hardwood management practices take many different forms. Some involve a harvest and timber sale that produce income; others do not produce income in the short term, but instead enable a forest to be productive and valuable in the future. These often require either time and effort, or an expense from the landowner.

To offset these challenges and promote hardwood management, DOF will soon offer incentives to reduce the cost of some hardwood management practices.

Learn more about hardwood management practices.

Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program

This program provides cost-share funds to landowners who complete eligible hardwood management practices.

Learn more about the Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program.

Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program

This tax credit matches out-of-pocket cost of eligible hardwood management work up to $1,000.

Learn more about the Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program.

Get started managing your hardwood forest.

Find a DOF Forester

Additional Resources

ImageTitleIDDescriptionContent TypeViewhf:tax:document-categoryhf:tax:Media
Hardwood Initiative - Improving Hardwood Forests for Future Generations
Hardwood Initiative – Improving Hardwood Forests for Future GenerationsFT0061

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s hardwood initiative to bring focus to improving hardwood forests for future generations.

Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Hardwood Management
Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Hardwood ManagementFT0071

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program, who is eligible and what qualifies for cost share.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementpublication
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Application
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Application7.29

Application to apply for Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementform
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program - Offering Tax Incentives for Hardwood Management
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program – Offering Tax Incentives for Hardwood ManagementFT0062

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program, who is eligible and what qualifies for the tax credit.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementpublication
Hardwood Management Practices - Improving Hardwood Forests with Proper Forest Management
Hardwood Management Practices – Improving Hardwood Forests with Proper Forest ManagementFT0070

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about various hardwood management practices that may be used during the establishment, regeneration and tending stages to improve hardwood forests.


Contact Us

DOF foresters can assist you with your forestland, contact your local DOF forester.

For more information or questions, e-mail us or use our contact form.