Vendor Opportunities

Doing Business with DOF

The Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF) advertises timber sales through our website. Solicitations and procurement notifications are posted publicly to the Virginia Business Opportunities (VBO) page of the Commonwealth’s web-based procurement system, eVA.

DOF reserves the right to verify the vendor’s capability prior to making an award. It is the responsibility of each vendor to maintain a current and accurate registration account in eVA. Vendors not registered with eVA who wish to respond to a State Agency solicitations and be considered for an award must register prior to award.

DOF ensures non-discrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action in the hiring and employment practices of contractors and subcontractors.

Key Contacts

Bid and Solicitation Information

Timber Sales

Charlotte State Forest – Greenwood Unit 2/Walker Unit 4
Information | Contract
Bids Due: 10/23/2024 @ 10:00 am
Contact Person: Kirby Woolfolk
Phone: (434)995-8096

Dendron Swamp Natural Area Preserve Timber Sale
Bids Due: 10/16/2024 @ 10:00 am
Contact Person: Dennis Gaston
Phone: (804)840-5493

Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest – AB 1st Thin FY 2025
Information | Contract
Bids Due: 10/09/2024 @ 10:00 am
Contact Person: Shannon Lewis
Phone: (434)326-2364
Bid Result

Virginia Tech Southern Piedmont AREC
Information | Contract
Bids Due: 09/25/2024 @ 10:00 am
Contact Person: Ed Stoots
Phone: (540)492-0152
Bid Result