Media: Policy

Forest Management Planning

March 1, 2021 - Identifies the different types of management plans in Virginia that are developed by DOF and provides guidance to foresters on the information that is included in each type of plan and how these plans may interact with each other. Examples include: Forest Stewardship Plans, State-Owned Land Plans, Land-Use Plans, Conservation Activity Plans (CAP) #106, Tree Farm Plans, and Cost-Share/Practice/Stand Plans.

Rural Financial Assistance Programs

March 1, 2021 - Provides information about state-, federal- and privately-funded forestry cost-share/incentive programs available requiring DOF technical assistance in establishing tree cover, wildlife habitat, and soil and water quality protection. Examples include: Reforestation of Timberlands Program (RT Program),  Conservation Reserve (CRP), Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Forestry Conservation Activity Plans (CAP#106), Golden Winged Warbler Initiative (GWWI), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), James River Buffer Program (JRB), and Mountains to... Read More

Rural Forestry Laws

March 1, 2021 - Provides guidance to ensure adherence to and enforcement of the Seed Tree Law and the Endangered Species Act.

Rural Forestry Technical Procedures

March 1, 2021 - Provides technical guidance about forest management practices for forest landowners in pine establishment, hardwood establishment, herbicide application, timber marking, and riparian forest buffers.