Media: Publication

No. 122 Sowing Five Clonal Lots of Loblolly Seed Separately or Randomly Mixed – Results A20 Years; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. Scrivani

November 3, 2020 - Report provides 20-year results of a comparison of seedlings from five open-pollinated loblolly pine parents sown either separately or randomly mixed in the nursery bed. Survival was not affected by sowing pattern, but at age 20, the randomly-mixed seedlings were taller than those sown in pure lots and there were differences among genotypes.

No. 107 Loblolly Pine Seedling Grade – Effect on Survival and Growth Through 20 Years; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. Chandler

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes 20-year growth of loblolly pine in studies comparing small, average, and large initial root collar diameter. Large seedlings survived only slightly better than average seedlings, but small seedlings suffered considerable mortality. Even if small seedlings had survived as well as the others, they would have produced significantly less volume.