Media: Publication

No. 092 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 21; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 28-29% more basal area and 48-66% more volume than check plots.

No. 078 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 11; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 18% more basal area and 23% more volume than check plots. This report also introduced the pine free-to-grow classification system that has been used ever since in hardwood control studies across the South.

No. 079 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 12; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age six to no treatment and measured through age 18. Herbicide plots averaged 41% more basal area and 39% more volume than check plots.

No. 080 Performance of Pine Needles and Wood Chip Mulches Compared to No Mulch on Loblolly Pine Seedbeds; by T. A. Dierauf and L. J. Apgar

November 3, 2020 - Report provides findings from a two-year study that compared no mulch with mulches of pine needles or wood chips. Whether mulched or not, seed drilled 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep produced higher stocking than surface sown seed. When seed was drilled, mulches did not improve seedbed stocking, but when used to cover surface sown seed, mulches immensely improved stocking.

No. 082 Root Pruning White Pine Seedlings Prior to Planting; by T. A. Dierauf and H. Hannah

November 3, 2020 - Report provides results from six separate studies installed between 1980 and 1984 to test root pruning of white pine seedlings to lengths of 1, 3, and 5 inches compared to unpruned seedlings. Severe root pruning (to 1 inch) reduced survival by 60-75%, and pruning to 3- or 5-inch lengths reduced survival to lesser amounts. Surviving seedlings did not differ in height growth regardless of severity or pruning.

No. 083 Early Planting, Over-Winter Storage, and Late Planting of White Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes results from a study installed from 1981-1984 to evaluate early lifting/planting, over-winter storage, and late lifting/planting of white pine. The most significant effect on survival came from storage; seedlings lifted and planted in the fall or in the spring survived equally. Height growth of surviving seedlings was not affected by lifting/planting schedule.

No. 084 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 13; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 68-70% more basal area and 91-99% more volume than check plots.