Media: Publication

No. 084 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 13; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 68-70% more basal area and 91-99% more volume than check plots.

No. 069 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 5; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by mist-blowing herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 21. Mist-blown plots averaged 78% more basal area and 91% more volume than check plots.

No. 070 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 6; by T. A. Dierauf

November 3, 2020 - Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by either hand chopping or mist-blowing herbicides at age five to no treatment and measured through age 22. Hand-chopped plots averaged 52% more basal area and 63% more volume than the check plots, and mist-blown plots averaged 19% more basal area and 17% more volume than check plots.

No. 071 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Damaged by an Early Hail Storm; by T. A. Dierauf, R. S. Jenkins, and D. L. Hixson

November 3, 2020 - Report documents the effects of severe hail on loblolly pine seedlings with three different kinds of damage: those with stems broken at the groundline survived best (62%) and had the best growth; those with stems broken above the groundline survived worst (24%) and were intermediate in growth, and those with unbroken stems which lost most of their cotyledons were intermediate in survival (46%), and had the slowest growth.