Virginia Department of ForestryAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Throwing Shade VA Program

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Get a Discount for Buying
Native Species

From March 1 through May 1, buyers can visit a participating nursery, look for the Throwing Shade VA tags, choose an eligible native tree or shrub species, scan the QR code and enter basic information, and receive a $25 discount on eligible trees valued at $50 or more (paper forms will be available if needed).

Visit a participating nursery near you.

Look for the Throwing Shade VA tag!

Help us plant more native trees and expand biodiversity throughout Virginia. Native trees and shrubs provide food and habitat for wildlife, especially important pollinators, and their benefits to wildlife outweigh those of ornamental species. Native trees evolved in Virginia’s different ecosystems, so they are more adapted to their natural environment and more likely to thrive.

DOF is partnering with retail nurseries to offer discounts on eligible native trees and shrubs. The Throwing Shade VA program incentivizes customers to purchase native species of trees and shrubs, and nurseries to promote native species through customer discounts of $25 on eligible trees valued at $50 or more.



nursery plants

DOF is seeking retail nurseries or garden centers within the state of Virginia that have a diverse inventory of native species, enthusiasm for spreading the word about native species, and a customer-oriented focus.

DOF will provide tree tags, which will contain the QR code for reporting. DOF will also provide nurseries with paper forms for tree reporting when a smartphone is not available, as well as program outreach materials and a banner for the nursery to display.

To Apply

Now accepting applications for spring 2025. Submit your application by Friday, November 29, 2024. The full Request for Application is posted and can be accessed via the link below.

Retail nurseries will be selected to participate in the program based on a ranking process and the completion of their application.

To apply to be a part of this program, nurseries must register with eVA, our state procurement platform. See the “New Supplier Registration Guide” when you arrive at the registration page. When you register in eVA, you may be asked for a commodity code. Try listing one of these: 59540, 94743, or 94784. These are all associated with different nursery services. Or, view the different code descriptions here: eVA NIGP Codes.

View eVA Request for Application

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of planting native trees and shrubs?
How much is the tree discount?
What species are eligible to receive the discount?
How does the Throwing Shade VA program work?
Why do I need to enter my information?
What if I don't have a smart phone or prefer not to enter information online?
When can nurseries apply?

Additional Resources

Contact Us

For more information or questions, e-mail us or use our contact form.