Field Notes: What’s in the Woods Today? Nov. 14, 2017

November 14, 2017 12:57 pm

Field Notes: What's in the Woods Today? Nov. 14, 2017

by Area Forester Lisa Deaton


When you work in the woods every day, it can be joyful to see something new.  After the rain last week, quite a variety of mushrooms sprouted.  The most unusual one I saw was hairy on top.hairy mushroom

These mushrooms were so tiny I almost missed them.tiny mushrooms

This mushroom is keeping company with a small army of lichens, and perhaps fungi, on the decaying log behind it.lichen log

This mushroom has an interesting sombrero shape, and is covered with ashes from a recent forest fire.mushroom at fire

One time I cleared a trail in New Kent County with a leaf blower, leaving the mineral soil exposed.  It rained soon after that, and I walked the trail with some teachers a few days later.  At least 20 different kinds of mushrooms had sprouted in the trail.mushrooms from Squirrel Trail

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