DOF Financial Assistance Programs

Virginia Department of Forestry administers numerous financial assistance programs for landowners, communities, loggers and more. The following table provides a brief overlook at various programs available.

Click the links on the program names to explore the program further. Click on a column heading to sort by that column, or type in the search box.

ProgramSponsorEligible ApplicantsEligible AreasEligible LandsDeadlinesCategories
Agricultural BMP Cost-Share Program (VACS)DCRPrivate LandownersStatewidePrivate Lands
Open Lands
Private Lands along Waterways
Continuous Sign-upTree Planting
Community Forest Revitalization ProgramDOFCommunities
Local Government
Nonprofit Organizations
Public Educational Institutions
Tribal Organizations
StatewidePublic Lands
Tribal Lands
TBADirect Technical Assistance
Community Planning
Community Wildfire Defense Grant ProgramDOF/USFSCommunitiesStatewidePrivate Lands
Public Lands
Tribal Lands
February 28, 2025Hazard Mitigation
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)USDA Farm Service AgencyPrivate LandownersStatewide
Private Lands along WaterwaysContinuous Sign-upTree Planting
Open Field Site Preparation
Riparian Forest Buffers
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)USDA Farm Service Agency

Private LandownersStatewide
Private LandsContinuous Sign-upTree Planting
Open Field Site Preparation
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)USDA Natural Resources and Conservation ServicePrivate LandownersStatewide
Private LandsContinuous Sign-upTree Planting
Forest Improvement
Invasive Plant Control
Dry Hydrant Grant ProgramDOFFire DepartmentsStatewiden/aMarch 31 AnnuallyFire Suppression Equipment
Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program (EAB)DOFPrivate Landowners
Private Lands
Public Lands
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)USDA Natural Resources and Conservation ServicePrivate LandownersStatewide
Private Lands
Open and Forested lands
Continuous Sign-up
Approvals November - February
Tree Planting
Forest Improvement
Invasive Plant Control
Federal Firefighter Property ProgramDOFFire DepartmentsStatewiden/aContinuous Sign-upFire Suppression Equipment
Firewise Virginia Community Hazard Mitigation Grant ProgramDOFCommunitiesStatewidePrivate Lands
Public Lands
Tribal Lands
Continuous Sign-upHazard Mitigation
Forest Sustainability Fund for Local GovernmentDOFLocal GovernmentStatewiden/aOctober 1 - November 15 AnnuallyForest Land Use
Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share ProgramDOFPrivate Landowners
Nonprofit Organizations
StatewidePrivate LandsContinuous Sign-up
Approvals April-May Annually
Forest Improvement
Invasive Plant Control
Prescribed Burning
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit ProgramDOFPrivate Landowners
Pass-Through Entities
StatewidePrivate LandsContinuous Sign-upForest Improvement
Invasive Plant Control
Prescribed Burning
Tree Planting
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share ProgramDOFPrivate Landowners
Private Lands
Public Lands
Continuous Sign-upInsect/Disease
Logger Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-Share ProgramDOFLogging ContractorsStatewide
Private Lands
Forested Lands
Water Resources
Continuous Sign-upTimber Harvesting
Stream Crossings
Logger Incentive Cost-Share Program for First Commercial Pine Thinning [PBBPP]DOFLogging ContractorsStatewide
Private Lands
Forested Lands
Continuous Sign-upPine Thinning
Longleaf Pine Restoration Program [PBBPP]DOFPrivate LandownersStatewide
Private LandsContinuous Sign-upInsect/Disease
Tree Planting
Longleaf Pine Restoration
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Programs (PBBPP)DOFPrivate Landowners
Logging Contractors
Private LandsContinuous Sign-upTimber Harvesting
Tree Planting
Pine Thinning
Longleaf Pine Restoration
Pre-Commercial Thinning Program [PBBPP]DOFPrivate LandownersStatewide
Private LandsContinuous Sign-upTimber Harvesting
Pine Thinning
Reforestation of Timberlands Program (RT)DOFPrivate Landowners
Forest Industry
Private Lands
Harvested Forestlands
Pine Plantations
Open Lands
Continuous Sign-up
Approvals April - May
Tree Planting
Forest Improvement
Riparian Buffer Tax Credit Program (RFBTC)DOFPrivate LandownersStatewide
Private Lands
Harvested Forestlands
Water Resources
Continuous Sign-upTimber Harvesting
Streamside Management Zones (SMZs)
Riparian Forests for Landowners ProgramDOFPrivate LandownersStatewidePrivate LandsContinuous Sign-upMaintenance
Riparian Forest Buffers
Site Preparation
Tree Planting
Slip-On Tanker GrantsUSFSLocal Government
Statewiden/aFebruary 26, 2025Fire Suppression
Temporary Bridge Cost-Share ProgramDOFLogging ContractorsStatewide
Private Lands
Forested Lands
Water Resources
Continuous Sign-upTimber Harvesting
Stream Crossings
Urban and Community Forestry Grant ProgramDOFCivic Groups
Local Government
Neighborhood Associations
Nonprofit Organizations
Public Educational Institutions
State Agencies
Tribal Organizations
Volunteer Groups
StatewidePrivate Lands
Public Lands
Tribal Lands
October 25, 2024Urban Forestry
Tree Care
Community Planning
Stormwater Management
Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant ProgramDOFCivic Groups
Local Government
Neighborhood Associations
Nonprofit Organizations
Public Educational Institutions
State Agencies
Tribal Organizations
Volunteer Groups
StatewidePrivate Lands
Public Lands
Tribal Lands
December 1 AnnuallyTree Planting
Urban Forestry
Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant ProgramDOFFire DepartmentsStatewiden/aMarch 31 AnnuallyFire Suppression Equipment

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