Recent Forestry News

Upcoming Events

September 24, 2024 - Staunton Generation NEXT Workshop Oct. 26 If you own woodland, you have a legacy worth passing on. Legacy planning can seem daunting, so we’ve partnered with Virginia Cooperative Extension to give you a confident start. Join us for our next Generation NEXT workshop in Staunton Oct. 26 to gain advice from law and financial experts, tips and insights from fellow landowners, and a clear path forward. Estate planning is a... Read More

Virginia’s Least Wanted: Wavyleaf Grass

September 23, 2024 - This grass may look harmless, but it wants to use you and your pets for a free ride. The seeds of wavyleaf grass (Oplismenus undulatifolius) stick to everything, easily spreading this invasive across Virginia’s forests, replacing our native plants and wildflowers. Wavyleaf grass thrives in shaded forest understories, especially along forest trails looking for a free ride. Wavyleaf grass produces seeds August – November. Here’s what you can do to prevent... Read More

What’s in the Woods: September

September 18, 2024 - This time of year there are several berry-producing shrubs in Virginia. Let’s compare two you’re likely to see: the native spicebush (Lindera benzoin) and invasive amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii). Spicebush is hardy to various soil conditions, produces pollinator-friendly yellow blooms in spring and golden fall foliage, hosts the stunning spicebush swallowtail butterfly, and its berries are a favorite of many songbirds. Amur honeysuckle is an imported non-native and has become... Read More

The Quaker Run Fire from a Wildland Firefighter’s POV

January 5, 2024 - By Joe Rossetti, DOF Hardwood Initiative Coordinator – The Quaker Run Fire in Madison County garnered a great deal of attention, and rightly so. A fire this large, at nearly 4,000 acres, rarely occurs in Virginia. Suppressing this fire proved particularly challenging because, on top of the usual fall fire seasonal weather conditions like low humidity and gusty winds, the region was experiencing a persistent drought. It also occurred on... Read More

Meet the Interns!

July 28, 2023 - Each year, DOF hires interns for about two months to support our work and introduce students to the world of forestry. Read on to meet this summer’s interns and learn a bit about what their experience was like. Interning in DOF’s eastern region this summer was Virginia Tech forestry student Evan R. During his internship, Evan joined DOF foresters to work on projects at several eastern state forests, as well... Read More

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