
Narrow your search by choosing a broad category or specific tag from one of the dropdown selections; or you can enter key words in the Search box. Click on a column heading to change the sort order.

ImageTitleIDDescriptionDateContent Typehf:tax:document-categoryhf:tax:document-tags
Alternate Management Plan
Alternate Management Plan7.0610/15/2018Viewforest-managementforest-planning
Alternate Management Plan Supplement For… (Transfer)
Alternate Management Plan Supplement For… (Transfer)7.0710/15/2018Viewforest-managementforest-planning
Application for Exemption to the 4PM Burning Law
Application for Exemption to the 4PM Burning Law4.07

Application to request exemption to the 4PM Burning Law

12/19/2024Viewfire-and-emergency-response4pm-burning-law burn-manager-tools prescribed-burning
Camp Woods & Wildlife Application and Nomination Form (PDF version)
Camp Woods & Wildlife Application and Nomination Form (PDF version)13.05

Form is used to apply and nominate students for Camp Woods & Wildlife. [PDF format]

01/10/2025Viewpublic-informationcamp educator-resources kids-resources
Camp Woods & Wildlife Application and Nomination Form (Word version)
Camp Woods & Wildlife Application and Nomination Form (Word version)13.05

Form is used to apply and nominate students for Camp Woods & Wildlife. [Word template]

01/10/2025Viewpublic-informationcamp educator-resources kids-resources
Century Forest Application
Century Forest Application10.03

Application to apply for the recognition in the Century Forest Program.

05/04/2021Viewforestcentury-forest-program conservation forest-planning land-planning
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – Lower Tier Covered TransactionsAD-1048Viewfinance financial-assistancecost-share-programs grant-programs
Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Assistance Programs) - Alternative 1 - For Grantees Other than Individuals
Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Assistance Programs) – Alternative 1 – For Grantees Other than IndividualsAD-1049Viewfinance financial-assistancecost-share-programs grant-programs
Cost-Share/AMP Project Amendment
Cost-Share/AMP Project Amendment3.1104/19/2021Viewfinance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance financial-assistance-forest-management forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-program
Credit Reference
Credit Reference4012/15/2010Viewfinance
Dry Fire Hydrant Grant Program Application
Dry Fire Hydrant Grant Program Application4.3004/01/2016Viewfinancial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response fire-and-emergency-responsecost-share-programs dry-hydrant-program fire-department-resources grant-programs
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application6.0503/11/2025Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-program
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application - Supplement
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application – Supplement6.05-S02/12/2020Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-program
Employee Direct Deposit Authorization (Dept. of Accounts)
Employee Direct Deposit Authorization (Dept. of Accounts)Viewfinancefirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources payroll
Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
Employee’s Withholding Allowance CertificateW-4Viewhuman-resourcesfirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources hiring
Federal I-9 - Employment Eligibility Verification (DHS)
Federal I-9 – Employment Eligibility Verification (DHS)I-9Viewhuman-resourcesfirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources hiring
Firefighter Property Program Cooperative Equipment Possession Agreement
Firefighter Property Program Cooperative Equipment Possession Agreement4.2908/01/2019Viewfinancial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response fire-and-emergency-responsefederal-firefighter-property fire-department-resources
Firefighter Property Program Request for Federal Excess Property
Firefighter Property Program Request for Federal Excess Property4.2408/01/2019Viewfinancial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response fire-and-emergency-responsefederal-firefighter-property fire-department-resources
Forest Legacy Program Application - Conservation Easement
Forest Legacy Program Application – Conservation Easement10.04

Application to apply to be considered for the Forest Legacy Program via conservation easement.

03/06/2024Viewforestconservation conservation-easements forest-legacy forest-legacy-program forest-planning land-planning
Forest Legacy Program Application - Fee Simple Purchase
Forest Legacy Program Application – Fee Simple Purchase10.05

Application to apply to be considered for the Forest Legacy Program via fee simple purchase.

03/06/2024Viewforestconservation conservation-easements forest-legacy forest-legacy-program forest-planning land-planning
Forest Legacy Program Application - Property Proposal
Forest Legacy Program Application – Property Proposal10.06

Application Property Proposal is to be submitted as a part of the submission package when applying to be considered for the Forest Legacy Program.

03/06/2024Viewforestconservation conservation-easements forest-legacy forest-legacy-program forest-planning land-planning
Forest Legacy Program Application - Property Proposal - Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding Supplement
Forest Legacy Program Application – Property Proposal – Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding Supplement10.07

Application Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding Supplement is to be submitted as a part of the submission package when applying to be considered for the Forest Legacy Program during IRA funding application cycles.

03/06/2024Viewforestconservation conservation-easements forest-legacy forest-legacy-program forest-planning land-planning
Forest Management Services Agreement
Forest Management Services Agreement7.0109/17/2018Viewforest-managementagency-services forest-planning
Forest Stewardship Program Application
Forest Stewardship Program Application7.1009/17/2018Viewforest-managementforest-planning stewardship
Forestry Cost-Share or Grant Program Certification of Work Completed
Forestry Cost-Share or Grant Program Certification of Work Completed3.0904/01/2016Viewfinance financial-assistance financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs grant-programs lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program
Forestry Grant Program -Time and Activity Log for Staff and Volunteers
Forestry Grant Program -Time and Activity Log for Staff and Volunteers3.2608/11/2023Viewfinance urb financial-assistance urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs firewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program grant-programs ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-program
Forestry Grant Program Request for Reimbursement
Forestry Grant Program Request for Reimbursement4206/01/2006Viewfinance financial-assistancecost-share-programs grant-programs
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Application
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Application7.29

Application to apply for Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit.

11/21/2024Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementhardwood-initiative hardwood-initiative-tax-credit
Hardwood Planting Quality Field Tally Sheet
Hardwood Planting Quality Field Tally Sheet7.1402/26/2020Viewforest-managementplanting-quality
Hardwood Reinspection Field Tally Sheet
Hardwood Reinspection Field Tally Sheet8407/31/2012Viewforest-managementplanting-quality
Harvest Notification
Harvest Notification18.0106/26/2024Viewwater-qualitylaw-enforcement water-quality-laws
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application6.07

Application form to be completed to apply for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program.

08/21/2023Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program
Identification Guide Book Order - In-Person Sales
Identification Guide Book Order – In-Person Sales13.04

Use this order form to request books for purchase and pickup in person.

12/10/2024Viewpublic-informationpublication-sales tree-id
Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Package (zip file)

Zip files contains pdf forms of most commonly used ICS forms used in incident management and development of an incident action plan.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefirefighter-resources incident incident-management
Incident Qualification System (IQS) Data Collection
Incident Qualification System (IQS) Data Collection4.2506/24/2020Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources qualifications
Incident Qualification System (IQS) Data Update
Incident Qualification System (IQS) Data Update4.2607/29/2020Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources qualifications
Informed Consent for Work Capacity Tests
Informed Consent for Work Capacity Tests8.0306/05/2017Viewhuman-resourcesfirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources hiring
Multiple Landowners Supplement
Multiple Landowners Supplement3.1003/20/2019Viewfinance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance financial-assistance-forest-management forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-program
NRCS Conservation Planning Activity (CPA 106) and Design and Implementation Activity (DIA 165) Application
NRCS Conservation Planning Activity (CPA 106) and Design and Implementation Activity (DIA 165) Application7.0908/22/2022Viewforest-managementconservation forest-planning
Open-Space Easement Application
Open-Space Easement Application10.0112/08/2021Viewforestconservation conservation-easements easement-application forest-planning land-planning
Open-Space Easement Landowner Checklist
Open-Space Easement Landowner Checklist10.0201/24/2019Viewforestconservation conservation-easements easement-application forest-planning land-planning
Photo/Video Consent and Release - PDF Fillable
Photo/Video Consent and Release – PDF Fillable13.01

Form to be used for a photographer/videographer to provide consent to DOF to use his/her photo/video in educational and promotional materials. Form is also used for a photo or video subject (person appearing in the photo/video) to provide consent to DOF to use his/her photo/video image in educational and promotional materials. For a child pictured in a photo/video, the parent/guardian must provide consent to DOF.

Photo/Video Consent and Release - PDF Printable
Photo/Video Consent and Release – PDF Printable13.01

Form to be used for a photographer/videographer to provide consent to DOF to use his/her photo/video in educational and promotional materials. Form is also used for a photo or video subject (person appearing in the photo/video) to provide consent to DOF to use his/her photo/video image in educational and promotional materials. For a child pictured in a photo/video, the parent/guardian must provide consent to DOF.

Photo/Video Consent and Release - Word Template
Photo/Video Consent and Release – Word Template13.01

Form to be used for a photographer/videographer to provide consent to DOF to use his/her photo/video in educational and promotional materials. Form is also used for a photo or video subject (person appearing in the photo/video) to provide consent to DOF to use his/her photo/video image in educational and promotional materials. For a child pictured in a photo/video, the parent/guardian must provide consent to DOF.

Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Logger Incentive Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Logger Incentive Cost-Share Application6.0301/16/2024Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs lpfct-program logger-resources pine-bark-beetle southern-pine-beetle
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Longleaf Pine Restoration Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Longleaf Pine Restoration Cost-Share Application6.0103/04/2019Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs lpr-program pine-bark-beetle pre-commercial-thinning southern-pine-beetle thinning
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Pre-Commercial Thinning Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Pre-Commercial Thinning Cost-Share Application6.0201/16/2024Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs pine-bark-beetle pre-commercial-thinning pct-program southern-pine-beetle thinning
Prescribed Burn Management Plan
Prescribed Burn Management Plan4.0901/17/2024Viewfire-and-emergency-responseburn-manager-tools prescribed-burning
Prescribed Burning Services Agreement
Prescribed Burning Services Agreement4.1004/17/2024Viewfire-and-emergency-responseburn-manager-tools prescribed-burning
Reforestation Tree Seedling and Service Order
Reforestation Tree Seedling and Service Order12.0110/31/2022Viewnurseriesseedling-sales
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)W-9Viewfinance urb financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response financial-assistance-forest-management fire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management urban-and-community-forestry water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-program throwing-shade-va-program
Riparian Buffer Tax Credit Application
Riparian Buffer Tax Credit Application18.0812/15/2016Viewwater-qualityriparian-buffer-tax-credit
Riparian Buffer Tax Credit S-Corporation/Partnership Landowner Information
Riparian Buffer Tax Credit S-Corporation/Partnership Landowner Information18.0912/15/2016Viewwater-qualityriparian-buffer-tax-credit
SF-424 - Application for Federal Assistance
SF-424 – Application for Federal AssistanceFederal-SF-424

This links to a federal form used for grants. Click View to download the form and then open the form manually in Acrobat Reader. The form has trouble opening directly in Chrome.

Viewfinance financial-assistancecost-share-programs grant-programs
SF-424A - Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs
SF-424A – Budget Information – Non-Construction ProgramsFederal-SF-424A

This links to a federal form used for grants. Click View to download the form and then open the form manually in Acrobat Reader. The form has trouble opening directly in Chrome.

Viewfinance financial-assistancecost-share-programs grant-programs
SF-424B - Assurances for Non-Construction Programs
SF-424B – Assurances for Non-Construction ProgramsFederal-SF-424B

This links to a federal form used for grants. Click View to download the form and then open the form manually in Acrobat Reader. The form has trouble opening directly in Chrome.

Viewfinance financial-assistancecost-share-programs grant-programs
Temporary Bridge Cost-Share Program Application
Temporary Bridge Cost-Share Program Application18.12

Application form to be completed to apply for Temporary Bridge Cost-Share Program.

08/11/2023Viewfinancial-assistance-water-quality water-qualitytemporary-bridge-cost-share-program
Travel and Expense Reimbursement Form
Travel and Expense Reimbursement Form3.06

Staff form for requesting travel and expense reimbursement.

Tree Seedling Credit Application
Tree Seedling Credit Application8508/08/2013Viewfinance
Tree Seedling Order
Tree Seedling Order12.0207/29/2024Viewnurseriesseedling-sales
Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant Program Budget Worksheet
Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant Program Budget Worksheet17.0508/04/2022Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrygrant-programs
Urban Forest Management Plan Stakeholder Survey
Urban Forest Management Plan Stakeholder Survey17.07

Form is used to survey stakeholders to gather information to assist in preparing an Urban Forest Management Plan.

Virginia Grown Forest Products Program Promotional Materials Order
Virginia Grown Forest Products Program Promotional Materials Order11.0108/01/2018Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-products virginia-grown
Virginia Income Tax Withholding Exemption (VA Dept. of Taxation)
Virginia Income Tax Withholding Exemption (VA Dept. of Taxation)VA-4Viewhuman-resourcesfirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources hiring
Volunteer/Student Agreement
Volunteer/Student Agreement8.1204/01/2016Viewhuman-resourcesvolunteer
Volunteer/Student Time Sheet
Volunteer/Student Time Sheet8.1304/01/2016Viewhuman-resourcesvolunteer
Wage Employment Application
Wage Employment Application8.07

Application form for hiring part-time personnel, including part-time fire and emergency response personnel.

07/08/2024Viewhuman-resourcesfirefighter-hiring firefighter-resources hiring
Wildland Urban Interface Fire Protection Program Woodland Community Wildfire Hazard Assessment
Wildland Urban Interface Fire Protection Program Woodland Community Wildfire Hazard Assessment4.3309/12/2016Viewfire-and-emergency-responsewildfire-hazard
Wildland Urban Interface Fire Protection Program Woodland Home/Structure Wildfire Hazard Assessment
Wildland Urban Interface Fire Protection Program Woodland Home/Structure Wildfire Hazard Assessment4.3404/01/2016Viewfire-and-emergency-responsewildfire-hazard