Forest Management and Health

Forest Management and Health

Healthy, well-managed forests are essential to our economy and provide benefits to people and wildlife in Virginia. The Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF) works with partners and private landowners throughout the state to develop, conserve, and protect sustainable forest resources.

DOF field staff across the Commonwealth serve as trusted advisors to landowners and help them achieve their property goals. By providing technical assistance and developing management plans, field staff assist landowners in managing their forestland for forest products, water quality, historic resources, and wildlife habitat.

DOF works diligently to conserve and restore forestland (and the waters that flow from them) for current and future generations. Through cost-share incentives and the landmark Reforestation of Timberlands  (RT) Program, the agency helps landowners to sustainably manage their forest resources and reforest their land after harvests.

In response to increasing forestland conversion and fragmentation, the Forestland Conservation program was established to help keep Virginia’s forest intact and in forest. The program supports this objective through conservation easements and acquisitions, intergenerational land planning outreach, and acknowledgement programs for forestland owners.

The Forest Health program aims to protect and improve Virginia’s forest resource through prevention and detection of major forest pests, pathogens, non-native invasive plants, and other disturbances. Through surveys, monitoring, and data collection, DOF is able to make recommendations and decisions to land managers based on unbiased scientific data. Forest health staff and partners provide technical assistance, training, and outreach to the forestry community regarding pest identification and forest health concerns.

DOF has been growing seedlings for Virginia landowners for more than 100 years. The agency operates two  seedling nurseries which grow seedlings for reforestation, riparian plantings, and more. When you put your money in the ground in the form of seedlings, you need to start with the best stock available; stock suited for Virginia soils and climate.

Forest Management and Health Resources

Explore our library to view additional information and learn more. Click on the category, tag, or media dropdown lists, or enter a keyword in the search box to filter the library list to find more specific information.

ImageTitleIDDescriptionContent TypeViewhf:tax:document-categoryhf:tax:document-tagshf:tax:Media
A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern Forests
A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern ForestsSRS-131

Invasions of nonnative plants into forests of the Southern United States continue to spread and include new species, increasingly eroding forest productivity, hindering forest use and management activities, and degrading diversity and wildlife habitat. This book provides the latest information on how to organize and enact prevention programs, build strategies, implement integrated procedures for management, and proceed towards site rehabilitation and restoration. Effective control prescriptions are provided for 56 nonnative plants and groups currently invading the forests of the 13 Southern States. A companion book, “A Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests,” (Miller and others 2010) includes information and images for accurate identification of these invasive plants.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-controlpublication
A Year in Forest Health - Calendar
A Year in Forest Health – Calendar

One-page calendar identifies what forest health issues or occurrences are happening each month throughout the year. Learn what to look for each month.

Vieweducation forest-health public-informationdiseases forest-health-impacts insect-and-disease-id insectsdocument
Acorn and Nut Identification Guide
Acorn and Nut Identification GuideFT0060

Forestry topic information sheet helps in identifying the most common acorns and nuts in Virginia to assist in the collection for our nursery.

Vieweducation nurseries public-informationacorns-nuts forestry-topics tree-idpublication
Ailanthus Control Methods - Removing Tree-of-Heaven
Ailanthus Control Methods – Removing Tree-of-HeavenFT0055

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the invasive species Ailanthus and possible methods for removing or controlling Ailanthus, including manual as well as chemical methods such as foliar spray, stem injection or basal spray.

Viewforest-healthforestry-topics invasive-species invasive-species-control tree-of-heavenpublication
Alternate Management Plan
Alternate Management Plan7.06Viewforest-managementforest-planningform
Alternate Management Plan Supplement For… (Transfer)
Alternate Management Plan Supplement For… (Transfer)7.07Viewforest-managementforest-planningform
America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative 2020 Range-Wide Accomplishment
America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative 2020 Range-Wide Accomplishment

DOF is part of the Longleaf Cooperators of Virginia working together to conserve and restore longleaf pine in its native range of southeast United States. Report summarizes the 2020 range-wide accomplishments of America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative.

Viewforest-management research-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species longleaf-pine lpr-programpublication
An Overview of Forest Carbon Credit Programs in Virginia
An Overview of Forest Carbon Credit Programs in VirginiaVT-CNRE-177P

Woodland owners increasingly hear about opportunities to earn income by participating in emerging forest carbon markets. This Virginia Cooperative Extension publication provides an overview of these markets and introduces the carbon credit programs operating in Virginia. This information is intended to help Virginia’s woodland owners decide if taking part in a forest carbon credit program is a good fit for their management objectives.

Viewforest-management forestestate-planning forest-legacypublication
Ash Tree Management - Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer Invasion
Ash Tree Management – Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer InvasionFT0035

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about managing your ash trees during a time when the emerald ash borer is invading, including options for your property and possible biological controls being used.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topics landowner-resourcespublication
Basic Tree Identification
Basic Tree Identification

By Ellen Powell, Conservation Education Coordinator – Presentation reviews the basics of tree identification.

Vieweducation forest-management public-information training human-resourcestree-idpresentation
Beech Leaf Disease
Beech Leaf DiseaseR9–PR–001–21

USDA Forest Service Pest Alert publication about beech leaf disease discusses identification and description, range, and management.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts tree-healthpublication
Best Practices for Establishing Eastern White Pine - Based Upon Years of Research
Best Practices for Establishing Eastern White Pine – Based Upon Years of ResearchFT0023

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about best practices to be used in establishing Eastern white pine to encourage the best possible survival.

Viewforest-managementforestry-topics landowner-resources planting-practices reforestation tree-planting white-pinepublication
Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.
Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.SREF-FH-012

Hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA) is a small insect that causes huge problems. Learn more about this insect in this publication including information on how to identify it, its lifecycle, and distribution as well as the damage it causes and tactics for managing it. This Southern Region Extension Forestry publication provides additional information about the biology and management of HWA.

Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insectspublication
Biology, Ecology, and Management of Laurel Wilt Disease and the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle
Biology, Ecology, and Management of Laurel Wilt Disease and the Redbay Ambrosia BeetleSREF-FH-006

Southern Regional Extension Forestry Forest Health publication discusses in depth the current distribution, plant hosts, beetle identification, symptoms, disease cycle, impacts, and management of laurel wilt.

Brush Piles for Wildlife
Brush Piles for WildlifeP00201

Brochure educates landowners about an excellent alternative to burning brush on his or her property, including where to build a brush pile, building a brush pile, and maintenance. Printed copies available.

Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-managementburning landowner-resources wildfire-prevention wildlife wildlife-habitatpublication
Callery Pear Control Best Management Practices - Controlling the Invasive Pyrus Calleryana
Callery Pear Control Best Management Practices – Controlling the Invasive Pyrus CalleryanaFT0067

Forestry topic information sheet provides best management practices for controlling the invasive Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana).

Viewforest-healthcallery-pear invasive-species invasive-species-controlpublication
Common Pests of Oaks in Virginia - Common Pests and Diseases of Oak Trees
Common Pests of Oaks in Virginia – Common Pests and Diseases of Oak TreesFT0059

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the most common pests and diseases affecting oak trees in Virginia.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forestry-topics insects oak oak-declinepublication
Control and Utilization of Tree-of-Heaven: A Guide for Virginia Landowners
Control and Utilization of Tree-of-Heaven: A Guide for Virginia LandownersP00144

Publication provides landowners comprehensive insight to this invasive species, including biology and life cycle, control and elimination methods, utilization of ailanthus, and other resources available. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-control landowner-resources tree-of-heavenpublication
Cost-Share/AMP Project Amendment
Cost-Share/AMP Project Amendment3.11Viewfinance financial-assistance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-programform
Crop Tree Release Improves Competitiveness of Northern Red Oak Growing in Association with Black Cherry
Crop Tree Release Improves Competitiveness of Northern Red Oak Growing in Association with Black CherryNJAF 23(2)

In 1993, a crop tree study was established in a pole-sized stand consisting of black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) and northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.). Ten-year mean height growth of northern red oak exceeded that of released black cherry, but not that of unreleased black cherry crop trees. Crown expansion and diameter at breast height (dbh) growth also increased as a result of crop tree release for both species, but black cherry clear stem development was suppressed. Based on increment core analysis, dbh growth of released northern red oak crop trees in 2003 was about twice that of unreleased northern red oak, although black cherry treatment related differences in radial growth were no longer present. Ten years after crop tree release, northern red oak crown class distribution improved and black cherry crown class distribution was unchanged. These results suggest crop tree management will improve northern red oak competitiveness in pole-sized stands when growing in association with black cherry and, perhaps, other fast growing species. By Thomas M. Schuler.

Viewforest-managementblack-cherry hardwood-management hardwood-silviculture oakpublication
Disaster Relief - A Guide for Forest Landowners
Disaster Relief – A Guide for Forest LandownersFT0015

Forestry topic information sheet provides the steps you can take for assistance for forest landowners impacted by disasters.

Viewforest-managementdisaster-recovery storm-recoverypublication
DOF Hardwood Sustainablity Strategy
DOF Hardwood Sustainablity Strategy

Summary document of DOF’s hardwood sustainability strategy, including a description of hardwood resources, concerns and issues, and strategies.

DOF Pine Seedlings are Top Choice - Genetically-Improved Seedlings Explained
DOF Pine Seedlings are Top Choice – Genetically-Improved Seedlings ExplainedFT0001

Forestry topic information sheet details why Virginia trees are your best choice, including cooperative research efforts, advantages of our genetically-improved pine, benefits of top clipping seedlings, importance of dormancy, pales weevil treatments, and details about our genetically- improved seedlings available for sale.

Viewnurseriesforestry-topics genetics loblolly-pinepublication
Don't Move Firewood
Don’t Move FirewoodP00135

Brochure advises citizens to leave their firewood at home, explaining the danger of spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resourcespublication
Don't Move Firewood - Spanish - No Transport Lena
Don’t Move Firewood – Spanish – No Transport LenaP00136

Brochure advises citizens to leave their firewood at home, explaining the danger of spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resources spanishpublication
Don't Move Firewood Flyer
Don’t Move Firewood Flyer426-106

Flyer advises citizens to leave their firewood at home, explaining the danger of spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. This is a previous version that is still available to use until supply is depleted.

Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resourcespublication
Don't Move Firewood Flyer
Don’t Move Firewood FlyerPST007

Flyer advises citizens not to move firewood and prevent spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resourcespublication
Don't Move Firewood Flyer - Spanish - No Mueva La Lena
Don’t Move Firewood Flyer – Spanish – No Mueva La LenaPST007

Flyer advises citizens not to move firewood and prevent spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resourcespublication
Effect of Thinning on Height and Diameter Growth of Oak and Yellow-Poplar Saplings
Effect of Thinning on Height and Diameter Growth of Oak and Yellow-Poplar SaplingsNE-173

Studying the response to thinning of a 7- to 9-year-old upland hardwood sapling stand, we found that height growth of yellow-poplar and oak trees was markedly reduced by heavy thinning. This suggests that stand density should be carefully controlled to achieve maximum benefit from thinnings in very young stands. By Rufus H. Allen, Jr. and David A. Marquis.

Viewforest-managementhardwood-management hardwood-silviculture oak yellow-poplarpublication
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash Trees
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash TreesFT0032

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program for protecting ash trees, including the requirements and treatments covered by the program.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topicspublication
Emerald Ash Borer in Virginia
Emerald Ash Borer in Virginia

Information about emerald ash borer in Virginia.

Viewforest-healthemerald-ash-borer eabt-program insectsstorymap
Emerald Ash Borer Program
Emerald Ash Borer Program

Learn more about the ash treatment financial assistance program and to see the work that has been done so far.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program insectsstorymap
Emerald Ash Borer Program - Application Process and Information
Emerald Ash Borer Program – Application Process and Information

Document provides guidance through the application process for the Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for treating ash trees.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programdocument
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application6.05Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programform
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application - Supplement
Emerald Ash Borer Program Cost-Share Application – Supplement6.05-SViewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs emerald-ash-borer eabt-programform
Environmental Quality Incentives Cost-Share Program - Project Success Stories
Environmental Quality Incentives Cost-Share Program – Project Success StoriesFT0009

Forestry topic information sheet provides “success stories” portraying real-life experiences of Virginia forest landowners who have used Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) cost-share assistance to accomplish sustainable forest management activities. The EQIP program can improve a forest landowner’s “return on investment” by covering a percent of the costs associated with sustainably managing forest stands – planting trees, controlling invasive plant species and improving wildlife habitat. Printed copies available.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementcost-share-programs environmental-quality-incentives-program forestry-topics tree-planting wildlife-habitatpublication
Evaluating Initial Responses of Natural and Underplanted Oak Reproduction and a Shade-Tolerant Competitor to Midstory Removal
Evaluating Initial Responses of Natural and Underplanted Oak Reproduction and a Shade-Tolerant Competitor to Midstory Removal

This study describes growth 6 years after mid-story removal of planted and natural black oak, northern red oak, and white oak, and natural red maple competition. Article by Jared M. Craig, John M. Lhotka, Jeffrey W. Stringer, Society of American Foresters. Forest Science, Volume 60, Issue 6, December 2014, Pages 1164–1171.

Viewforest-management research-resource-information resource-informationhardwood-management hardwood-silviculturepublication
Facts About Low-Density Plantings of Loblolly Pine - Advantages of Planting Fewer Trees Per Acre
Facts About Low-Density Plantings of Loblolly Pine – Advantages of Planting Fewer Trees Per AcreFT0003

Forestry topic information sheet provides guidance to landowners about low-density planting for loblolly pine, including forest health, thinnings, wood quality, and return on investment.

Viewforest-managementforestry-topics landowner-resources reforestation tree-plantingpublication
Farm Life 360
Farm Life 360

Video provides a 360° forestry experience on a timber harvest. Read the Fact Sheet or do the Activity Suggestion: Create a Tree.

Vieweducation forest-management water-quality public-informationkids-resources timber-harvestingvideo
Forest Health Review 2005-09
Forest Health Review 2005-09No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2006-04
Forest Health Review 2006-04No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2006-11
Forest Health Review 2006-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2007-05
Forest Health Review 2007-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2007-11
Forest Health Review 2007-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2008-05
Forest Health Review 2008-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2008-11
Forest Health Review 2008-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2009-05
Forest Health Review 2009-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2009-11
Forest Health Review 2009-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2010-05
Forest Health Review 2010-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2010-11
Forest Health Review 2010-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2011-05
Forest Health Review 2011-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2011-11
Forest Health Review 2011-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2012-07
Forest Health Review 2012-07No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2013-01
Forest Health Review 2013-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2014-02
Forest Health Review 2014-02No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2014-12
Forest Health Review 2014-12No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2016-02
Forest Health Review 2016-02No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2017-01
Forest Health Review 2017-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2018-01
Forest Health Review 2018-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2019-01
Forest Health Review 2019-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2020-01
Forest Health Review 2020-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2021-01
Forest Health Review 2021-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown periodical cicadas, spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle, fall cankerworm, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2021-12
Forest Health Review 2021-12No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown periodical cicadas, spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle, fall cankerworm, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2022-12
Forest Health Review 2022-12P00219

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, spongy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown periodical cicadas, spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle, fall cankerworm, red imported fire ant, laurel wilt disease, oak decline, and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2023-12
Forest Health Review 2023-12P00219

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as invasive species, wavyleaf grass, pine bark beetles, spongy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, vascular streak dieback, heterobasidium, beech leaf disease and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Health Review 2024-12
Forest Health Review 2024-12P00219

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as invasive species, wavyleaf grass, pine bark beetles, spongy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, vascular streak dieback, heterobasidium, beech leaf disease and more.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insectspublication
Forest Management Services Agreement
Forest Management Services Agreement7.01Viewforest-managementagency-services forest-planningform
Forest Ownership in Virginia Chart
Forest Ownership in Virginia Chart

Pie chart shows the major forest ownership types in Virginia.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management resource-informationgraphicsgraphic
Forest Products Tax Collected Chart
Forest Products Tax Collected Chart

Line chart shows the forest products tax collected in Virginia over a 5-year time frame.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management resource-informationforest-products graphicsgraphic
Forest Stewardship Program Application
Forest Stewardship Program Application7.10Viewforest-managementforest-planning stewardshipform
Forest Sustainability Fund Locality Award Amounts FY2025
Forest Sustainability Fund Locality Award Amounts FY2025

This document presents the forgone revenue from forest land use reported by applying localities and the Forest Sustainability Fund amounts awarded for fiscal year 2025.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforest-sustainability-funddocument
Forest Types in Virginia Chart
Forest Types in Virginia Chart

Pie chart shows the major forest types in Virginia.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management resource-informationgraphicsgraphic
Forest Types in Virginia Map
Forest Types in Virginia Map

Map shows the major forest types in Virginia.

, Vieweducation forest-inventory-analysis forest-management public-information resource-informationforest-types graphicsgraphic map
Forestry Cost-Share or Grant Program Certification of Work Completed
Forestry Cost-Share or Grant Program Certification of Work Completed3.09Viewfinance financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance financial-assistance-water-quality forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs grant-programs lpfct-program lpr-program pct-programform
From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia's Native Longleaf Pine - 2014 Status Report
From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia’s Native Longleaf Pine – 2014 Status ReportP00212

Report provides a brief history of longleaf pine in Virginia, the original range of longleaf pine, longleaf and fire, the search for native longleaf pine, the case for conserving and restoring Virginia’s longleaf pine, the importance of Northern-source seedlings for longleaf pine restoration, seed collection and seedling production, orchard development, where we are restoring longleaf pine, special programs available to promote the restoration effort, and future goals and challenges. Printed copies available.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthdiminished-species longleaf-pine lpr-program species-restorationpublication
Growing Loblolly Pine for Profit - Productivity and Financial Implications of Three Pine Competition Control Prescriptions
Growing Loblolly Pine for Profit – Productivity and Financial Implications of Three Pine Competition Control PrescriptionsFT0033

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about growing pine trees for profit based on research, comparing three possible competition control scenarios, resulting volume growth, financial projections and the timing of the practices.

Viewforest-managementforest-economics forestry-topics landowner-resources pine-management reforestationpublication
Gypsy Moth (Spongy Moth) Management for Homeowners on Small Properties
Gypsy Moth (Spongy Moth) Management for Homeowners on Small Properties

This factsheet details the life cycle and biology of the spongy moth.

Viewforest-healthinsects spongy-mothresource
Hardwood Initiative - Improving Hardwood Forests for Future Generations
Hardwood Initiative – Improving Hardwood Forests for Future GenerationsFT0061

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s hardwood initiative to bring focus to improving hardwood forests for future generations.

Viewforest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-managementpublication
Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Hardwood Management
Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Hardwood ManagementFT0071

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program, who is eligible and what qualifies for cost share.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-initiative-cost-share-program hardwood-managementpublication
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Application
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Application7.29

Application to apply for Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementhardwood-initiative hardwood-initiative-tax-creditform
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program - Offering Tax Incentives for Hardwood Management
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program – Offering Tax Incentives for Hardwood ManagementFT0062

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program, who is eligible and what qualifies for the tax credit.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-initiative-tax-credit hardwood-managementpublication
Hardwood Management Practices - Improving Hardwood Forests with Proper Forest Management
Hardwood Management Practices – Improving Hardwood Forests with Proper Forest ManagementFT0070

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about various hardwood management practices that may be used during the establishment, regeneration and tending stages to improve hardwood forests.

Viewforest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-managementpublication
Hardwood Planting Guide
Hardwood Planting GuideP00137

Brochure illustrates and explains proper planting techniques for planting bare-root hardwood seedlings. Printed copies available.

Viewnurserieshardwood-management homeowner-assistance landowner-resources reforestation seedling-nurseries tree-plantingpublication
Hardwood Planting Quality Field Tally Sheet
Hardwood Planting Quality Field Tally Sheet7.14Viewforest-managementplanting-qualityform
Hardwood Reinspection Field Tally Sheet
Hardwood Reinspection Field Tally Sheet84Viewforest-managementplanting-qualityform
Hemlock Tree Management - Protection from the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Hemlock Tree Management – Protection from the Hemlock Woolly AdelgidFT0063

Forestry topic information sheet discusses treatment options to protect hemlock trees from the damaging hemlock woolly adelgid.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestryforestry-topics hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insectspublication
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Biology and Management in the Southeastern U.S.
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Biology and Management in the Southeastern U.S.

Webinar about HWA biology and management in the Southeastern U.S.

Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insectsresource
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Soil Drench Treatment
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Soil Drench Treatment

Video on how to treat hemlock trees using the soil drench method.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insectsvideo
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program - Application Process and Information
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program – Application Process and Information

Document provides guidance through the application process for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for treating hemlock trees.

Viewurb financial-assistance-forest-health forest-health urban-and-community-forestrycost-share-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-programdocument
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program Application6.07

Application form to be completed to apply for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment Cost-Share Program.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryhemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-programform
Impact of Planting Treatments on Eastern White Pine Seedling Survival and Growth at the Matthews State Forest in Grayson County, Virginia
Impact of Planting Treatments on Eastern White Pine Seedling Survival and Growth at the Matthews State Forest in Grayson County, VirginiaCNRE-137NP

As part of an undergraduate research project, two Virginia Tech students collected data in a white pine seedling survival study to determine which planting treatments had the best survival and growth rates. The test plot was located on the Matthews State Forest in Grayson County, Virginia. This report summarizes the findings of this case study.

Viewforest-management research-resource-information state-forests resource-informationmatthews-sf white-pinepublication
Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer
Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer

Learn more about all treatment options available for ash trees with this multi-state emerald ash borer insecticide fact sheet.

Viewforest-healthemerald-ash-borer insectspublication
Integrating Chemical and Biological Control of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: a Resource Manager's Guide
Integrating Chemical and Biological Control of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: a Resource Manager’s GuideFHAAST-2018-04

A non-native invasive insect, the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), threatens the ability of natural resource managers to maintain eastern and Carolina hemlocks as critical components of unique forest ecosystems in eastern North America. Although substantial progress has been made in both chemical and biological control of HWA, neither of these tactics applied alone are expected to provide adequate control of HWA throughout its introduced range. This guide presents a methodological strategy for integrating biological and chemical control together in the same forest stands.

Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insectspublication
Intensity of Precommercial Crop-Tree Release Increases Diameter and Crown Growth in Upland Hardwoods
Intensity of Precommercial Crop-Tree Release Increases Diameter and Crown Growth in Upland HardwoodsNE-197

In 1988, seven study areas were established in Connecticut to examine the effects of precommercial crop tree release on bole and crown growth. Relative to unreleased trees, 4-yr diameter growth of northern red oak increased by 86%, black/scarlet oak by 65%, red maple by 56%, and black birch by 52%. Release slowed height growth of dominant and codominant oaks for only the first 2 yr. In sapling stands with few oaks in upper canopy positions, precommercial release could be used to augment oak density. Survival and diameter growth of oaks in the intermediate and suppressed crown classes increased with release intensity. Release also increased height growth of northern red oak in the suppressed crown classes. By Jeffrey S. Ward.

Viewforest-managementhardwood-management hardwood-silviculturepublication
Invasive Plants - Help Stop the Spread
Invasive Plants – Help Stop the SpreadP00216

Brochure educates citizens about invasive plants, including what makes an plant invasive, the problems they cause, characteristics, and how to stop the spread of invasive plants. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-identification landowner-resourcespublication
Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Abundance Through Forestry
Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Abundance Through Forestry420-138

Virginia Cooperative Extension publication provides in-depth information about forestry practices for wildlife.

Laurel Wilt
Laurel WiltR8-PR-01-19

USDA Forest Service Pest Alert publication about laurel wilt discusses symptoms, disease process, hosts, detection, and management.

Laurel Wilt (Raffaelea lauricola and Xyleborus glabratus)
Laurel Wilt (Raffaelea lauricola and Xyleborus glabratus)

Don’t Move Firewood website provides additional information about laurel wilt and the redbay ambrosia beetle.

Laurel Wilt Disease - A Threat to All Species in the Laurel Family
Laurel Wilt Disease – A Threat to All Species in the Laurel FamilyFT0056

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about laurel wilt disease – a threat to all species in the Laurel family. Information includes the hosts, signs and symptoms, and how to manage the disease.

Viewforest-healthdiseases forestry-topics laurel-wiltpublication
Making Sense of the Genetics Market
Making Sense of the Genetics MarketViewforest-managementgeneticspublication
Methods for Treating Invasive Plants with Chemicals
Methods for Treating Invasive Plants with Chemicals

In this video, we explain and demonstrate four common methods for treating invasive plants with chemicals. Remember to always wear the correct PPE and to read and follow the instructions on a chemical’s label for safe and effective applications.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-controlvideo
Multiple Landowners Supplement
Multiple Landowners Supplement3.10Viewfinance financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance forest-health forest-management water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-programform
National Timber Tax Website
National Timber Tax Website

The National Timber Tax Website was developed to be used by timberland owners, as well as a reference for accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters and other professionals who work with timberland owners regarding the tax treatment of timber related activities.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforest-planning land-planning landowner-assistance landowner-resources timber-harvesting timber-salesresource
Net Growth:Drain Ratio for Softwoods and Hardwoods on Virginia's Timberland Chart
Net Growth:Drain Ratio for Softwoods and Hardwoods on Virginia’s Timberland Chart

Line chart shows the growth and drain on timberland in Virginia over a 20-year time frame.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management resource-informationgraphicsgraphic
Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Control Treatments - Timing Methods and Herbicide Rates
Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Control Treatments – Timing Methods and Herbicide RatesFT0031

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about possible control treatments for some of Virginia’s most common non-native invasive plant species.

Viewforest-healthforestry-topics invasive-species invasive-species-controlpublication
Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)
Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)

Virginia DWR information sheet provides information about the endangered northern long-eared bat.

Viewforest-management water-qualitynorthern-long-eared-batpublication
NRCS Conservation Planning Activity (CPA 106) and Design and Implementation Activity (DIA 165) Application
NRCS Conservation Planning Activity (CPA 106) and Design and Implementation Activity (DIA 165) Application7.09Viewforest-managementconservation forest-planningform
Oak Decline in Virginia
Oak Decline in Virginia

This report provides an overview of oak decline and the factors that cause it.

Viewforest-healthinsects oak-declinepublication
Optimized Insecticide Dosage for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Hemlock Trees
Optimized Insecticide Dosage for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Hemlock Trees

Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) (Adelges tsugae) is killing hemlock trees in the eastern U.S. This invasive insect is native to Japan and has been in the eastern U.S. since the 1950’s. HWA feed by sucking fluids from hemlock twigs just at the base of the needles, depleting the tree of needed energy reserves. Large swaths of hemlock forests have been decimated by HWA, and millions of hemlocks have died. This publication provides information about optimized dosage for HWA control in hemlock trees

Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insectspublication
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Logger Incentive Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Logger Incentive Cost-Share Application6.03Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs lpfct-program logger-resources pine-bark-beetle southern-pine-beetleform
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Longleaf Pine Restoration Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Longleaf Pine Restoration Cost-Share Application6.01Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs lpr-program pine-bark-beetle pre-commercial-thinning southern-pine-beetle thinningform
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Pre-Commercial Thinning Cost-Share Application
Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program Pre-Commercial Thinning Cost-Share Application6.02Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs pine-bark-beetle pre-commercial-thinning pct-program southern-pine-beetle thinningform
Pine Planting Guide
Pine Planting GuideP00117

Brochure illustrates and explains proper planting techniques for planting bare-root pine seedlings. Printed copies available.

Viewnurserieshomeowner-assistance landowner-resources pine-management reforestation seedling-nurseries tree-plantingpublication
Plan Your Forest's Future
Plan Your Forest’s FutureP00205

Brochure provides information regarding the responsibility of owning forestland and the importance of planning your forest’s future, conserving your forestland, forest planning options, types of plans, elements of a plan, and benefits of a plan. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-managementconservation estate-planning forest-planning land-planning landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Protect Your Pine Forest
Protect Your Pine ForestP00114

Brochure educates landowners on options available to help maintain healthy pine forests and prevent bark beetle damage including cost-sharing pre-commercial thinning and cost-sharing longleaf pine restoration. Printed copies available.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs forest-health-impacts landowner-resources pine-management timber-harvestingpublication
Red Imported Fire Ant
Red Imported Fire Ant

Information about the red imported fire ant (RIFA).

Refining the Oak-Fire Hypothesis for Management of Oak-Dominated Forests of the Eastern United States
Refining the Oak-Fire Hypothesis for Management of Oak-Dominated Forests of the Eastern United StatesJAF 110(5)

For prescribed fires to be effective, they must positively influence oak regeneration at one or more critical life stages: pollination, flowering, seed set, germination, establishment, seedling development and release into the canopy.  The authors propose a refinement in our thinking to improve the match between management tools and objectives and provide some guidelines for thinking more ecologically about when and where to apply fire on the landscape to sustain oak-dominated forests. A very helpful key is provided on page 7 to help managers identify when fire will help managing the forest.

Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-managementburn-manager-tools competition-control fire-ecology hardwood-management hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments oak oak-decline prescribed-burning species-restorationpublication
Reforestation of Timberlands Program - Cost-Share Assistance for Growing Pines
Reforestation of Timberlands Program – Cost-Share Assistance for Growing PinesFT0020

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Reforestation of Timberlands Program (RT Program), including an overview and information about the projects and payment rates for various covered activities.

Viewforest-managementcost-share-programs forestry-topics landowner-resources reforestation rt-programpublication
Reforestation Tree Seedling and Service Order
Reforestation Tree Seedling and Service Order12.01Viewnurseriesseedling-salesform
Reforesting Cutover Timberland - Pine… A Good Investment
Reforesting Cutover Timberland – Pine… A Good InvestmentFT0004

Forestry topic information sheet provides guidance to landowners about reforesting their cutover timberland, including planning, site preparation, planting, and checking survival. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-managementforestry-topics landowner-resources pine-management reforestation tree-plantingpublication
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Virginia Dept. of Accounts)W-9Viewfinance financial-assistance-forest-health financial-assistance-water-quality financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response urb financial-assistance-forest-management fire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management urban-and-community-forestry water-qualitycost-share-programs eabt-program grant-programs hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program lpfct-program lpr-program pct-program rt-program throwing-shade-va-programform
Seedling Price Guide
Seedling Price GuideP00139

Brochure provides a listing of seedling species available for sale at our state Nurseries and current pricing. For more detailed species information and to order online, visit our Web Store. Printed copies available.

Viewnurserieshardwood-management homeowner-assistance landowner-resources pine-management seedling-nurseries seedling-sales tree-plantingpublication
Seeking Acorns and Nuts to Grow Seedlings - We Need Your Help
Seeking Acorns and Nuts to Grow Seedlings – We Need Your HelpFT0011

Forestry topic information sheet encourages citizens to get involved in the collection of acorns and nuts for propagation at our nursery, including the species needed, how and when to collect, and where to deliver seed.

Viewnurseriesacorns-nuts forestry-topicspublication
Services for Landowners
Services for LandownersP00112

Brochure provides information about the services available to landowners from the Virginia Department of Forestry, including forest management and forest health, timber harvesting and water quality, land conservation, tree seedling production, and resource protection. Printed copies available.

Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management forest nurseries urban-and-community-forestry water-qualityagency-services conservation forest-health-impacts forest-planning land-planning landowner-assistance seedling-nurseries timber-harvesting water-quality-laws water-quality-protection wildfire-prevention wildfire-suppressionpublication
Southern Pine Beetle
Southern Pine Beetle

Information about the southern pine beetle and the problems it can cause.

Viewforest-healthinsects southern-pine-beetlestorymap
Spongy Moth Control Methods - A Guide for Homeowners
Spongy Moth Control Methods – A Guide for HomeownersFT0068

Forestry topic information sheet describes spongy moth, the damage it causes, and how you can protect your trees using chemical and natural control methods.

Viewforest-healthforestry-topics insects spongy-mothpublication
Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia
Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia

Information on how to identify the spotted lanternfly or find additional resources are available on this Virginia Cooperative Extension website.

Viewforest-healthinsects spotted-lanternflyresource
Spotted Lanternfly Logger Self-Inspection Checklist - Slow the Spread!!!
Spotted Lanternfly Logger Self-Inspection Checklist – Slow the Spread!!!FT0050

Forestry topic information sheet provides a checklist for loggers to do a self-inspection for spotted lanternfly, including photos of what to be looking for.

Viewforest-healthforestry-topics logger-resources spotted-lanternflypublication
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Agreement Signing
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Agreement Signing

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of forestry grants. This guide assists with agreement signing.

Viewfinance financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance urb fire-and-emergency-response forest-management urban-and-community-forestryfirewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program forest-sustainability-fund system-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programuser-guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Forest Sustainability Fund Program
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Forest Sustainability Fund Program

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of the Forest Sustainability Fund Program.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforest-sustainability-fund system-access-portal-forestry-grantsuser-guide
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide - Requesting an Agreement Modification
System Access Portal for Forestry Grants User Guide – Requesting an Agreement Modification

System Access Portal User Guide for application and administration of forestry grants. This guide assists with requesting an agreement modification.

Viewfinance financial-assistance-forest-management financial-assistance urb financial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response forest-management urban-and-community-forestry fire-and-emergency-responsefirewise-virginia-community-hazard-mitigation-grant-program forest-sustainability-fund system-access-portal-forestry-grants ucf-grant-program va-trees-for-clean-water-program volunteer-fire-assistance-grant-programuser-guide
Tables For Measuring Timber
Tables For Measuring TimberP00058

Pocket card provides tables to assist in measuring and calculating timber volumes.

Viewforest-managementforest-planning pre-harvest-planning timber-harvestingpublication
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2021 Tax Year
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2021 Tax YearFS-1188

This USDA Forest Service publication provides tax tips intended to assist forest landowners and their tax advisors in preparing 2021 Federal income tax returns. It can also help plan for future years. This material is for information and educational use only and is not intended as financial, tax, or legal advice. Please consult with your tax advisor concerning your particular tax situation.

Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-management forestestate-planning forest-planning land-planning tax-planningpublication
The Value of Pine Production - An Analysis of Investment
The Value of Pine Production – An Analysis of InvestmentFT0021

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the value of producing pines, including starting with a plan, growing pines, pine as an investment, and getting started.

Viewforest-managementforest-economics forestry-topics landowner-resources pine-management reforestationpublication
The Woods in Your Backyard - A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas
The Woods in Your Backyard – A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas

This 108-page guide, including more than 100 color photos, was developed by University of Maryland Extension, Penn State Extension and Virginia Cooperative Extension. It guides small-acreage owners through the process of implementing proper forestry and wildlife habitat improvement practices to enhance a property’s natural resources. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
The Woods in Your Backyard Program - Resources
The Woods in Your Backyard Program – Resources

This resource list provides descriptions and links to a number of valuable resources available for small-acreage landowners in managing their woods. Provided by The Woods in Your Backyard Program Partnership, Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcesdocument
Timber Harvests in Virginia Chart
Timber Harvests in Virginia Chart

Chart shows the number of timber harvests and the number of acres harvested in Virginia over time.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management resource-information water-qualitygraphics timber-harvestinggraphic
Timber Sales
Timber SalesP00118

Brochure offers guidance to landowner’s considering selling the timber from their property, including planning for success, selling methods, forest law compliance, public forestry services, private forestry services, and timber sale contract provisions. Printed copies available.

Viewforest-managementpre-harvest-planning timber-harvesting timber-salespublication
Timber Theft in Virginia
Timber Theft in VirginiaCNRE-117P

Publication by Virginia Cooperative Extension address timber theft in Virginia. Woodlands provide recreational opportunities, ecosystem services such as wildlife habitat and clean water, and can be an important source of income. Many landowners take careful steps to ensure that their property is managed to maximize these benefits. However, all of this work can be easily eradicated by one of Virginia’s most dreaded forest pests: timber thieves.

Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbances
Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbancesP00217

Book provides guidance about tree and forest health; conditions that are common or important enough in Virginia to gain frequent attention are covered. General guidelines are given for the diagnosis and treatment of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) disturbances of forests and individual trees. Guide should not be used as a final reference, but rather a quick field guide and training tool.

Viewforest-healthdiseases insect-and-disease-id insectspublication
Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbances (2-page spread)
Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbances (2-page spread)P00217

Book provides guidance about tree and forest health; conditions that are common or important enough in Virginia to gain frequent attention are covered. General guidelines are given for the diagnosis and treatment of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) disturbances of forests and individual trees. Guide should not be used as a final reference, but rather a quick field guide and training tool.

Viewforest-healthdiseases insect-and-disease-id insectspublication
Tree Seedling and Understory Plant Presence in Deer Exclosures on the Matthews State Forest
Tree Seedling and Understory Plant Presence in Deer Exclosures on the Matthews State ForestCNRE-138NP

The purpose of this case study was to determine the impact of deer on the composition of the herbaceous and regeneration layer in two stands in the Matthews State Forest. This report summarizes the findings of this case study.

Viewforest-management nurseries research-resource-information state-forests resource-informationhardwood-management wildlifepublication
Tree Seedling Order
Tree Seedling Order12.02Viewnurseriesseedling-salesform
Virginia Cooperative Spongy Moth Suppression Program
Virginia Cooperative Spongy Moth Suppression Program

Publication provides information on the Spongy Moth Slow the Spread Program.

Viewforest-healthinsects spongy-mothpublication
Virginia Forest Cover Map
Virginia Forest Cover Map

Map shows the current forest cover in Virginia. Image file.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management forest resource-informationgraphicsmap
Virginia Forest Land Assessment Map
Virginia Forest Land Assessment Map

Map shows seven of the most common land uses across Virginia. Image file.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management forest resource-informationgraphicsmap
Virginia Forest Stewardship Management Plan Template
Virginia Forest Stewardship Management Plan Template

Standard template to be used as a base document with individual information modified as needed and general format and structure to remain consistent.

Viewforest-managementforest-planning stewardshiptemplate
Virginia Forest Stewardship Management Plan Template
Virginia Forest Stewardship Management Plan Template

Standard template to be used as a base document with individual information modified as needed and general format and structure to remain consistent. (Template .dotx file format). Use this file format if you’re having issues with the header on the docx file.

Viewforest-managementforest-planning stewardshiptemplate
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: Appendix
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: AppendixP00212

Appendix provides an excellent supplement to an individual landowner’s Forest Stewardship Plan. Subjects include land ownership, forest management, forest products marketing, water quality, forest health, fire, forests and wildlife, forest recreation, forest conservation, natural heritage and historic resources, taxes and financial assistance, forest stewardship program and certification, glossary, and contacts. Printed copies available with DOF Stewardship Plan development services only.

Viewforest-managementagency-services forest-planning stewardship wildlifepublication
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: Appendix - Introduction Cover Letter
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: Appendix – Introduction Cover LetterP00212

Appendix provides an excellent supplement to an individual landowner’s Forest Stewardship Plan. Subjects include land ownership, forest management, forest products marketing, water quality, forest health, fire, forests and wildlife, forest recreation, forest conservation, natural heritage and historic resources, taxes and financial assistance, forest stewardship program and certification, glossary, and contacts. Printed copies available with DOF Stewardship Plan development services only.

Viewforest-managementagency-services forest-planning stewardshippublication
Virginia Invasive Plant Species List
Virginia Invasive Plant Species List

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation maintains the invasive plant species list.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-identificationpublication
Virginia's Emerging Forest Threats
Virginia’s Emerging Forest Threats

Publication produced by the USDA Southeast Climate Hub with cooperation of DOF to educate landowners about preparing for the likelihood of climate change when managing their land.

Virginia's Historic Planting Chart
Virginia’s Historic Planting Chart

Chart shows the acres planted in Virginia over a 20-year time frame.

Viewforest-inventory-analysis forest-management resource-informationgraphics tree-plantinggraphic
Virginia's Least Wanted: Callery Pear
Virginia’s Least Wanted: Callery Pear

Callery pear is a rapid-growing tree that poses a major threat to Virginia’s plant biodiversity. In this video, we’ll discuss how to identify and remove Callery pear trees.

Viewforest-healthcallery-pear callery-pear-exchange invasive-species invasive-species-controlvideo
Virginia's State and Federal Cost-Share Programs - An Overview of Landowner Programs
Virginia’s State and Federal Cost-Share Programs – An Overview of Landowner ProgramsFT0019

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about various state and federal cost-share programs for landowners.

Viewforest-managementcost-share-programs forestry-topics landowner-resourcespublication
Walnut Thousand Cankers Disease Alert
Walnut Thousand Cankers Disease Alert

This Virginia Cooperative Extension factsheet will help detail thousand cankers disease {TCD} and what symptoms to be on the lookout for.

Viewforest-healthinsects thousand-cankers-diseasepublication
Wildlife and Your Forest
Wildlife and Your ForestP00207

Brochure provides an overview of the critical relationship between forests and wildlife, the habitat required, and forest projects that benefit wildlife.

Woodland Health Assessment - Checklist and Management Actions
Woodland Health Assessment – Checklist and Management Actions

This assessment is part of the Woodland Health Practices Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas but also available separately to assist green industry professionals and do-it-yourselfers in assessing a variety of conditions on the site and recommending management actions.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Health Practices - A Field Guide
Woodland Health Practices – A Field Guide

This pocket-sized quick-reference guide assists managers in the field with implementing land-care practices. This 68-page, full-color resource is a distillation of the Woodland Health Practices Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Health Practices Handbook - A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas
Woodland Health Practices Handbook – A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas

This 85-page guide, including more than 60 color photos, provides an overview of land management techniques, checklist and management action tables, glossary and index. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Health Practices Handbook Webinar Series Recordings
Woodland Health Practices Handbook Webinar Series Recordings

A four-part webinar series covering the information in the Woodland Health Practices Handbook was held in fall 2020 and an eight-part series in spring 2021. Webinar recordings of this series is available here.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resourcespublication
Woodland Owners: The Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Rule May Apply to YOU!
Woodland Owners: The Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Rule May Apply to YOU!

In September 2022, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued the Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Rule under the Corporate Transparency Act. This rule requires disclosing the identity of beneficial owners of small business entities beginning on January 1, 2024.

Viewforest-management forestestate-planning forest-legacydocument
Your Roots are in Virginia
Your Roots are in Virginia

This poster is a pictoral representation of the history of DOF nurseries.


Upcoming Forest Management and Health Events