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A Forested Tract-Size Profile of Virginia's NIPF Landowners
A Forested Tract-Size Profile of Virginia’s NIPF LandownersSRS-001

Report provides a profile of non-industrial private forest landowners, the decrease in tract size, increase in number of landowners and impacts of fragmentation on forest management.

02/01/1996Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
A Guide for Prescribed Fire in Southern Forests
A Guide for Prescribed Fire in Southern ForestsViewfire-and-emergency-responseprescribed-burning
A Guide to Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Quality
A Guide to Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Quality10/01/2005Viewfire-and-emergency-responseprescribed-burning
A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern Forests
A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern ForestsSRS-131

Invasions of nonnative plants into forests of the Southern United States continue to spread and include new species, increasingly eroding forest productivity, hindering forest use and management activities, and degrading diversity and wildlife habitat. This book provides the latest information on how to organize and enact prevention programs, build strategies, implement integrated procedures for management, and proceed towards site rehabilitation and restoration. Effective control prescriptions are provided for 56 nonnative plants and groups currently invading the forests of the 13 Southern States. A companion book, “A Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests,” (Miller and others 2010) includes information and images for accurate identification of these invasive plants.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-control
A Review of the “Pull-Up” and “Leave-Down” Methods of Planting Loblolly Pine
A Review of the “Pull-Up” and “Leave-Down” Methods of Planting Loblolly PineVol. 51, Issue 1

Article provides a review of the research and science behind two approaches to planting loblolly pine seedlings – essentially a comparison of planting depth vs. root straightening priorities. Shallow planting regardless of taproot form can kill seedlings. A seedling that has a bent taproot but is planted deeply will have a higher probability of survival than a shallow planted seedling with a straight taproot. David B. South, Professor, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, AL.

01/01/2005Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards 4th Edition - Volunteers for the Community Forest
A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards 4th Edition – Volunteers for the Community Forest

This training manual includes 10 units, including Tree Anatomy, Tree Physiology, Environmental Factors Affecting Trees, Tree Identification, Tree Selection, Tree Planting and Care, Tree Pruning, Tree Problems and Diagnosis, Invasive Species in Virginia, and Trees and People in the Community.

01/01/2020Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources tree-care
Acorn and Nut Identification Guide
Acorn and Nut Identification GuideFT0060

Forestry topic information sheet helps in identifying the most common acorns and nuts in Virginia to assist in the collection for our nursery.

08/21/2024Vieweducation nurseries public-informationacorns-nuts forestry-topics tree-id
Ailanthus Control Methods - Removing Tree-of-Heaven
Ailanthus Control Methods – Removing Tree-of-HeavenFT0055

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the invasive species Ailanthus and possible methods for removing or controlling Ailanthus, including manual as well as chemical methods such as foliar spray, stem injection or basal spray.

09/08/2021Viewforest-healthforestry-topics invasive-species invasive-species-control tree-of-heaven
America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative 2020 Range-Wide Accomplishment
America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative 2020 Range-Wide Accomplishment

DOF is part of the Longleaf Cooperators of Virginia working together to conserve and restore longleaf pine in its native range of southeast United States. Report summarizes the 2020 range-wide accomplishments of America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative.

07/01/2021Viewforest-management research-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species longleaf-pine lpr-program
An Assessment of Potential of Hybrid Poplar for Planting in the Virginia Piedmont
An Assessment of Potential of Hybrid Poplar for Planting in the Virginia Piedmont

Report provides four-year results from a study of 12 hybrid poplar clones planted in replicated yield trials at two locations in the Virginia Piedmont. Results through the first four growing seasons showed that the clone with the most rapid height growth was also most susceptible to frost damage and stem canker disease. Harold E. Burkhart, Amy M. Brunner, Brian J. Stanton, Richard A. Shuren, Ralph L. Amateis, Jerre L. Creighton.

03/08/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgenetics hardwood-silviculture research-studies tree-improvement
An Overview of Forest Carbon Credit Programs in Virginia
An Overview of Forest Carbon Credit Programs in VirginiaVT-CNRE-177P

Woodland owners increasingly hear about opportunities to earn income by participating in emerging forest carbon markets. This Virginia Cooperative Extension publication provides an overview of these markets and introduces the carbon credit programs operating in Virginia. This information is intended to help Virginia’s woodland owners decide if taking part in a forest carbon credit program is a good fit for their management objectives.

03/01/2024Viewforest-management forestestate-planning forest-legacy
Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest Recreation and Trails Map
Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest Recreation and Trails MapP00171

Map introduces recreation and trails, including trail segments, descriptions and distances, located on the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest in Appomattox and Buckingham counties.

06/01/2009Viewstate-forestsappomattox-buckingham-sf recreation state-forest-recreation
Ash Tree Management - Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer Invasion
Ash Tree Management – Dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer InvasionFT0035

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about managing your ash trees during a time when the emerald ash borer is invading, including options for your property and possible biological controls being used.

07/01/2018Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topics landowner-resources
Become a Wildland Firefighter
Become a Wildland FirefighterP00149

Brochure provides information to help get started in becoming a wildland firefighter in Virginia. Firefighters must meet certain training, fitness, and service requirements.

02/01/2011Viewfire-and-emergency-response human-resourcescareers fire-department-resources wildfire-suppression
Beech Leaf Disease
Beech Leaf DiseaseR9–PR–001–21

USDA Forest Service Pest Alert publication about beech leaf disease discusses identification and description, range, and management.

01/01/2021Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts tree-health
Best Management Practices: Brush Matting and Vegetation - Examples
Best Management Practices: Brush Matting and Vegetation – ExamplesFT0041

Forestry topic information sheet shows examples of correct best management practices – brush matting and vegetation.

08/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices forestry-topics logger-resources timber-harvesting
Best Management Practices: Log Landings - Examples
Best Management Practices: Log Landings – ExamplesFT0043

Forestry topic information sheet shows examples of correct best management practices – log landings.

08/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices forestry-topics logger-resources timber-harvesting
Best Management Practices: Roads and Trails - Examples
Best Management Practices: Roads and Trails – ExamplesFT0046

Forestry topic information sheet shows examples of correct best management practices – roads and trails.

08/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices forestry-topics logger-resources timber-harvesting
Best Management Practices: Stream Crossings - Examples
Best Management Practices: Stream Crossings – ExamplesFT0042

Forestry topic information sheet shows examples of correct best management practices – stream crossings.

08/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices forestry-topics logger-resources timber-harvesting
Best Management Practices: Streamside Management Zones - Examples
Best Management Practices: Streamside Management Zones – ExamplesFT0044

Forestry topic information sheet shows examples of correct best management practices – streamsize management zones.

08/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices forestry-topics logger-resources timber-harvesting
Best Management Practices: Water Bars and Rolling Dips - Examples
Best Management Practices: Water Bars and Rolling Dips – ExamplesFT0045

Forestry topic information sheet shows examples of correct best management practices – water bars and rolling dips.

08/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices forestry-topics logger-resources timber-harvesting
Best Practices for Establishing Eastern White Pine - Based Upon Years of Research
Best Practices for Establishing Eastern White Pine – Based Upon Years of ResearchFT0023

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about best practices to be used in establishing Eastern white pine to encourage the best possible survival.

08/01/2014Viewforest-managementforestry-topics landowner-resources planting-practices reforestation tree-planting white-pine
Beyond the Bonfire: A Primer on Prescribed Fire for Virginia's Landowners
Beyond the Bonfire: A Primer on Prescribed Fire for Virginia’s Landowners

Booklet educates landowners about prescribed fire. What are the laws regarding prescribed burning? How is a burn conducted? What tools are necessary to safely conduct a burn?

Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.
Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.SREF-FH-012

Hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA) is a small insect that causes huge problems. Learn more about this insect in this publication including information on how to identify it, its lifecycle, and distribution as well as the damage it causes and tactics for managing it. This Southern Region Extension Forestry publication provides additional information about the biology and management of HWA.

05/01/2019Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insects
Biology, Ecology, and Management of Laurel Wilt Disease and the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle
Biology, Ecology, and Management of Laurel Wilt Disease and the Redbay Ambrosia BeetleSREF-FH-006

Southern Regional Extension Forestry Forest Health publication discusses in depth the current distribution, plant hosts, beetle identification, symptoms, disease cycle, impacts, and management of laurel wilt.

Brush Piles for Wildlife
Brush Piles for WildlifeP00201

Brochure educates landowners about an excellent alternative to burning brush on his or her property, including where to build a brush pile, building a brush pile, and maintenance. Printed copies available.

09/01/2015Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-managementburning landowner-resources wildfire-prevention wildlife wildlife-habitat
Callery Pear Control Best Management Practices - Controlling the Invasive Pyrus Calleryana
Callery Pear Control Best Management Practices – Controlling the Invasive Pyrus CalleryanaFT0067

Forestry topic information sheet provides best management practices for controlling the invasive Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana).

03/14/2024Viewforest-healthcallery-pear invasive-species invasive-species-control
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2019
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2019

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors, budget summary and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

02/01/2020Vieweducation public-informationcamp educator-resources kids-resources
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2022
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2022

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors, budget summary and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

01/19/2023Vieweducation public-informationcamp
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2023
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2023

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

12/12/2023Vieweducation public-informationcamp
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2024
Camp Woods and Wildlife Annual Report 2024

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

01/17/2025Vieweducation public-informationcamp
Camp Woods and Wildlife Postcard Advertising Camp
Camp Woods and Wildlife Postcard Advertising Camp

Camp Woods and Wildlife is typically held each year, normally in June. Printed copies available.

01/01/2019Vieweducation public-informationcamp educator-resources kids-resources
Careers in Forestry
Careers in ForestryP00089

Brochure provides an introduction to careers in the forestry field, including becoming a forestry professional, working as a forestry professional, the future of forestry, 50 careers in trees, and forestry internship opportunities. Printed copies available.

Changes in Output of Industrial Timber Products in Virginia, 1976-1978
Changes in Output of Industrial Timber Products in Virginia, 1976-1978SE-054

This report presents the findings of a periodic canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and complements Forest Inventory and Analysis’ periodic inventory of volume and removals from southeastern timberland.

12/01/1980Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Changes in Output of Industrial Timber Products in Virginia, 1987-1989
Changes in Output of Industrial Timber Products in Virginia, 1987-1989SE-129

This report presents the findings of a periodic canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and complements Forest Inventory and Analysis’ periodic inventory of volume and removals from southeastern timberland.

07/01/1992Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Clearcutting Facts and Myths
Clearcutting Facts and MythsP00202

Brochure offers clarification of the facts and myths related to clearcutting, including the history of clearcutting, science behind clearcutting, and the benefits of clearcutting.

Coloring Book for Smokey's Friends
Coloring Book for Smokey’s Friends

Coloring book teaches Smokey’s 5 rules of fire prevention for children.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responsekids-resources wildfire-prevention
Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia: Identification Guide
Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia: Identification GuideP00027

Identification book is a favorite of teachers, Scout leaders and outdoor enthusiasts. Book features descriptions, line drawings and an identification key to the most common native Virginia shrubs and woody vines. It also contains hints for effective plant identification, invasive species threats, and more. Printed copies available for sale.

03/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources tree-id
Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia: Identification Guide (2-page-spread)
Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia: Identification Guide (2-page-spread)P00027

Identification book is a favorite of teachers, Scout leaders and outdoor enthusiasts. Book features descriptions, line drawings and an identification key to the most common native Virginia shrubs and woody vines. It also contains hints for effective plant identification, invasive species threats, and more. Printed copies available for sale.

03/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources tree-id
Common Native Trees of Virginia: Identification Guide
Common Native Trees of Virginia: Identification GuideP00026

Identification book is a favorite of teachers, Scout leaders and outdoor enthusiasts. Book features descriptions, line drawings, and an identification key to the most common native Virginia trees. It also contains hints for effective plant identification, invasive species threats, and more. Printed copies available for sale.

03/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationtree-id
Common Native Trees of Virginia: Identification Guide (2-page spreads)
Common Native Trees of Virginia: Identification Guide (2-page spreads)P00026

Identification book is a favorite of teachers, Scout leaders and outdoor enthusiasts. Book features descriptions, line drawings, and an identification key to the most common native Virginia trees. It also contains hints for effective plant identification, invasive species threats, and more. Printed copies available for sale.

03/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationtree-id
Common Pests of Oaks in Virginia - Common Pests and Diseases of Oak Trees
Common Pests of Oaks in Virginia – Common Pests and Diseases of Oak TreesFT0059

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the most common pests and diseases affecting oak trees in Virginia.

04/25/2022Viewforest-healthdiseases forestry-topics insects oak oak-decline
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities Template
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities TemplateP00214T

Workbook and the accompanying template are intended as tools for Virginia communities to use in assessing their community forest storm readiness, mitigating tree risk and reducing tree-related storm damage, and developing a community forest storm mitigation plan. Available in Word template form with form fields that can be filled in – unprotect the form to change the template to meet your needs. Printed copies available.

09/01/2016, Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-planning community-resources storm-recovery
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities Template
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities TemplateP00214T

Workbook and the accompanying template are intended as tools for Virginia communities to use in assessing their community forest storm readiness, mitigating tree risk and reducing tree-related storm damage, and developing a community forest storm mitigation plan. Available in Word template form with form fields that can be filled in – unprotect the form to change the template to meet your needs. Microsoft Word Template.

09/01/2016, Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-planning community-resources storm-recovery
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities Workbook
Community Forest Planning: Storm Mitigation Guide for Virginia Communities WorkbookP00214

Workbook and the accompanying template are intended as tools for Virginia communities to use in assessing their community forest storm readiness, mitigating tree risk and reducing tree-related storm damage, and developing a community forest storm mitigation plan. Printed copies available.

09/01/2016Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-planning community-resources storm-recovery
Community Forest Revitalization Program – Creating and Supporting Community Forestry Projects
Community Forest Revitalization Program – Creating and Supporting Community Forestry ProjectsFT0065

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Community Forest Revitalization Program available to help create and support forestry projects in underserved communities.

02/15/2024Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forest-revitalization-program
Community Tree Planting During COVID-19 - Be Safe, Keep Planting!
Community Tree Planting During COVID-19 – Be Safe, Keep Planting!FT0054

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about safely holding community tree planting events during the COVID-19 pandemic, including guidance for planning, supplies, and more.

01/01/2021Viewurban-and-community-forestryarbor-day community-forestry covid-19 event-management forestry-topics tree-planting
Conservation Easements
Conservation EasementsP00203

Brochure defines conservation easements and provides information about DOF conservation easements, such as easement requirements, property criteria, benefits of an easement and donating an easement. Printed copies available.

Control and Utilization of Tree-of-Heaven: A Guide for Virginia Landowners
Control and Utilization of Tree-of-Heaven: A Guide for Virginia LandownersP00144

Publication provides landowners comprehensive insight to this invasive species, including biology and life cycle, control and elimination methods, utilization of ailanthus, and other resources available. Printed copies available.

03/01/2019Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-control landowner-resources tree-of-heaven
Crop Tree Release Improves Competitiveness of Northern Red Oak Growing in Association with Black Cherry
Crop Tree Release Improves Competitiveness of Northern Red Oak Growing in Association with Black CherryNJAF 23(2)

In 1993, a crop tree study was established in a pole-sized stand consisting of black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) and northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.). Ten-year mean height growth of northern red oak exceeded that of released black cherry, but not that of unreleased black cherry crop trees. Crown expansion and diameter at breast height (dbh) growth also increased as a result of crop tree release for both species, but black cherry clear stem development was suppressed. Based on increment core analysis, dbh growth of released northern red oak crop trees in 2003 was about twice that of unreleased northern red oak, although black cherry treatment related differences in radial growth were no longer present. Ten years after crop tree release, northern red oak crown class distribution improved and black cherry crown class distribution was unchanged. These results suggest crop tree management will improve northern red oak competitiveness in pole-sized stands when growing in association with black cherry and, perhaps, other fast growing species. By Thomas M. Schuler.

01/01/2006Viewforest-managementblack-cherry hardwood-management hardwood-silviculture oak
Cumberland State Forest Recreation and Trails Map
Cumberland State Forest Recreation and Trails MapP00170

Map introduces recreation and trails, including trail segments, descriptions and distances, located on the Cumberland State Forest in Cumberland County.

06/01/2009Viewstate-forestscumberland-sf recreation state-forest-recreation
Developing Wildlife-Friendly Pine Plantations
Developing Wildlife-Friendly Pine PlantationsViewfire-and-emergency-responseprescribed-burning
Disaster Relief - A Guide for Forest Landowners
Disaster Relief – A Guide for Forest LandownersFT0015

Forestry topic information sheet provides the steps you can take for assistance for forest landowners impacted by disasters.

10/22/2024Viewforest-managementdisaster-recovery storm-recovery
DOF Celebrates 100 Years of Forestry
DOF Celebrates 100 Years of ForestryP00208

Report provides a brief history of the Virginia Department of Forestry, highlighting how the agency began and significant changes over the years.

04/01/2014Viewadministrationagency-history agency-reports
DOF Pine Seedlings are Top Choice - Genetically-Improved Seedlings Explained
DOF Pine Seedlings are Top Choice – Genetically-Improved Seedlings ExplainedFT0001

Forestry topic information sheet details why Virginia trees are your best choice, including cooperative research efforts, advantages of our genetically-improved pine, benefits of top clipping seedlings, importance of dormancy, pales weevil treatments, and details about our genetically- improved seedlings available for sale.

08/12/2024Viewnurseriesforestry-topics genetics loblolly-pine
Don't Move Firewood
Don’t Move FirewoodP00135

Brochure advises citizens to leave their firewood at home, explaining the danger of spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

09/01/2015Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resources
Don't Move Firewood - Spanish - No Transport Lena
Don’t Move Firewood – Spanish – No Transport LenaP00136

Brochure advises citizens to leave their firewood at home, explaining the danger of spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

08/01/2007Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resources spanish
Don't Move Firewood Flyer
Don’t Move Firewood Flyer426-106

Flyer advises citizens to leave their firewood at home, explaining the danger of spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. This is a previous version that is still available to use until supply is depleted.

05/01/2009Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resources
Don't Move Firewood Flyer
Don’t Move Firewood FlyerPST007

Flyer advises citizens not to move firewood and prevent spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

05/01/2024Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resources
Don't Move Firewood Flyer - Spanish - No Mueva La Lena
Don’t Move Firewood Flyer – Spanish – No Mueva La LenaPST007

Flyer advises citizens not to move firewood and prevent spreading tree-destroying insects and diseases. Printed copies available.

05/01/2024Viewforest-healthdiseases firewood insects landowner-resources
Dry Hydrant Manual
Dry Hydrant ManualR8-TP-1909/01/1993Viewfinancial-assistance-fire-and-emergency-response fire-and-emergency-responsecost-share-programs dry-hydrant-program dry-hydrants fire-department-resources grant-programs
Effect of Thinning on Height and Diameter Growth of Oak and Yellow-Poplar Saplings
Effect of Thinning on Height and Diameter Growth of Oak and Yellow-Poplar SaplingsNE-173

Studying the response to thinning of a 7- to 9-year-old upland hardwood sapling stand, we found that height growth of yellow-poplar and oak trees was markedly reduced by heavy thinning. This suggests that stand density should be carefully controlled to achieve maximum benefit from thinnings in very young stands. By Rufus H. Allen, Jr. and David A. Marquis.

19700101Viewforest-managementhardwood-management hardwood-silviculture oak yellow-poplar
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash Trees
Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Protecting Ash TreesFT0032

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program for protecting ash trees, including the requirements and treatments covered by the program.

03/10/2025Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryemerald-ash-borer eabt-program forestry-topics
Enjoy Nature Near You in Fall
Enjoy Nature Near You in FallF00003

Family fun activity sheet provides activities to get young people outdoors in nature, including leaf art, find it, family tree, treasure box, and staying safe when out in nature during fall. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2008Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources nature-near-you
Enjoy Nature Near You in Spring
Enjoy Nature Near You in SpringF00001

Family fun activity sheet provides activities to get young people outdoors in nature, including paint by nature, where does water go, family tree, bird nest building, and staying safe when out in nature during spring. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2008Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources nature-near-you
Enjoy Nature Near You in Summer
Enjoy Nature Near You in SummerF00002

Family fun activity sheet provides activities to get young people outdoors in nature, including color walk, butterfly feeder, family tree, quiet time, and staying safe when out in nature during summer. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2008Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources nature-near-you
Enjoy Nature Near You in Winter
Enjoy Nature Near You in WinterF00004

Family fun activity sheet provides activities to get young people outdoors in nature, including bird cookies, feeder watching, family tree, bark rubbings, and staying safe when out in nature during winter. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2008Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources nature-near-you
Environmental Quality Incentives Cost-Share Program - Project Success Stories
Environmental Quality Incentives Cost-Share Program – Project Success StoriesFT0009

Forestry topic information sheet provides “success stories” portraying real-life experiences of Virginia forest landowners who have used Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) cost-share assistance to accomplish sustainable forest management activities. The EQIP program can improve a forest landowner’s “return on investment” by covering a percent of the costs associated with sustainably managing forest stands – planting trees, controlling invasive plant species and improving wildlife habitat. Printed copies available.

08/01/2010Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementcost-share-programs environmental-quality-incentives-program forestry-topics tree-planting wildlife-habitat
Evaluating Initial Responses of Natural and Underplanted Oak Reproduction and a Shade-Tolerant Competitor to Midstory Removal
Evaluating Initial Responses of Natural and Underplanted Oak Reproduction and a Shade-Tolerant Competitor to Midstory Removal

This study describes growth 6 years after mid-story removal of planted and natural black oak, northern red oak, and white oak, and natural red maple competition. Article by Jared M. Craig, John M. Lhotka, Jeffrey W. Stringer, Society of American Foresters. Forest Science, Volume 60, Issue 6, December 2014, Pages 1164–1171.

12/01/2014Viewforest-management research-resource-information resource-informationhardwood-management hardwood-silviculture
Evidence Protection
Evidence ProtectionP00141

Brochure serves as a guide to first-response emergency personnel for protecting life and property, putting the fire out, and securing the scene; providing steps that should be taken at the time of dispatch, en-route, upon arrival, suppression, and securing the area. Printed copies available.

01/01/2009Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefire-department-resources firefighter-resources forestry-laws law-enforcement wildfire-suppression
Facts About Low-Density Plantings of Loblolly Pine - Advantages of Planting Fewer Trees Per Acre
Facts About Low-Density Plantings of Loblolly Pine – Advantages of Planting Fewer Trees Per AcreFT0003

Forestry topic information sheet provides guidance to landowners about low-density planting for loblolly pine, including forest health, thinnings, wood quality, and return on investment.

12/01/2008Viewforest-managementforestry-topics landowner-resources reforestation tree-planting
Fighting Wildfire in Virginia
Fighting Wildfire in VirginiaP00148

Brochure provides a safety and logistical briefing to wildfire personnel fighting wildfire in Virginia, including DOF-provided meals, lodging, personnel/crew time, medical needs, nature’s hazards, and other guidelines for Virginia wildfires.

02/01/2011Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefire-department-resources firefighter-resources wildfire-suppression
Fire Adaptive Landscaping for Native Habitats and Wildlife in the Southern Coastal Plain
Fire Adaptive Landscaping for Native Habitats and Wildlife in the Southern Coastal Plain

Book was prepared by the Georgia Forestry Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Coastal Wildscapes, and Firewise Communities to provide every resident and business owner has the opportunity to enhance wildlife habitat and natural ecological systems by maintaining, or where necessary, restoring connectivity to the surrounding forests and other natural communities through landscaping and gardening activities. They can also address the very important issues of water conservation and loss of habitat from invasive species by using native plants and avoiding exotic plants when deciding what to plant. We invite all coastal plain individuals and communities to emphasize creative solutions to protect native habitats and wildlife while connecting with nature and achieving Firewise principals. This publication was created to give everyday people and everyday businesses guidelines for landscaping with these goals in mind.

01/01/2013Viewfire-and-emergency-response urban-and-community-forestrycoastal-resiliancy community-forestry firewise firewise-landscaping homeowner-resources landowner-resources tree-planting
Fire Effects Guide
Fire Effects GuideNFES 239406/01/2001Viewfire-and-emergency-responseburn-manager-tools fire-ecology prescribed-burning
Firewise Communities for Virginia
Firewise Communities for VirginiaP00111

Brochure provides important steps to protecting your home and community from wildfire, including firewise landscaping, defensible space, fire-resistant roof and exterior construction, fire-resistant attachments, steps to becoming a firewise community, a disaster plan, defensible space, and emergency access. Printed copies available.

12/31/2021Viewfire-and-emergency-responsecommunity-resources firewise homeowner-resources landowner-resources wildfire-prevention
Forest Action Plan 2020 - Virginia Department of Forestry Strategic Plan
Forest Action Plan 2020 – Virginia Department of Forestry Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan is a component of DOF’s Forest Action Plan required by the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Report details agency goals and objectives. This plan is the companion document to the Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources and Virginia National Priorities Addendum.

11/01/2020Viewadministrationagency-reports strategic-planning
Forest Action Plan 2020 - Virginia National Priorities Addendum
Forest Action Plan 2020 – Virginia National Priorities Addendum

National Priorities Addendum is a component of DOF’s Forest Action Plan required by the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Report details national priorities and associated agency objectives. This addendum is the companion document to the Virginia Department of Forestry Strategic Plan and Virginia Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources.

11/01/2020Viewadministrationagency-reports strategic-planning
Forest Action Plan 2020 - Virginia Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources
Forest Action Plan 2020 – Virginia Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources

Statewide Assessment is a component of DOF’s Forest Action Plan required by the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Report includes a comprehensive, statewide assessment of the forest resource, and any potential threats to that resource. This assessment is the companion document to the Virginia Department of Forestry Strategic Plan and Virginia National Priorities Addendum.

11/01/2020Viewadministrationagency-reports strategic-planning
Forest Facts: Forestry in Virginia
Forest Facts: Forestry in VirginiaF00010

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated overview of forestry in Virginia, what is forestry, how does forestry help Virginia, what are working forests and why do we need them, what does a forester do, why do we cut down trees, will we run out of trees, and what can I do to help save our forests. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

10/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Forestry in Virginia - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Forestry in Virginia – Crossword PuzzleF00010A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Forestry in Virginia” publication.

10/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Forests and Fire
Forest Facts: Forests and FireF00013

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of our fiery history; prescribed fire = good fire; wildfire = bad fire; the fire triangle; be fire-safe outdoors; who’s that bear; a fire-loving tree; and fire laws. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

01/01/2025Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources wildfire-prevention
Forest Facts: Forests and Fire – Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Forests and Fire – Crossword PuzzleF00013A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Forests and Fire” publication.

01/01/2025Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources wildfire-prevention
Forest Facts: How A Tree Grows
Forest Facts: How A Tree GrowsF00005

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of how a tree grows, including starting from a seed; how trees grow up, down and out; and tree rings. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: How A Tree Grows - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: How A Tree Grows – Crossword PuzzleF00005A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “How a Tree Grows” publication.

03/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Identifying Trees
Forest Facts: Identifying TreesF00008

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of the key methods for identifying tree species, what defines a tree, identifying features, leaf characteristics, bark characteristics, and other tips for identifying trees. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Identifying Trees - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Identifying Trees – Crossword PuzzleF00008A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Identifying Trees” publication.

03/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Trees and Wildlife
Forest Facts: Trees and WildlifeF00012

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of the importance of trees to wildlife, how trees provide home sweet habitat, how to improve wildlife habitat at home, and how the wildlife changes as the forest changes through forest succession. Target audience: Youth – elementary age Printed copies available.

04/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Trees and Wildlife - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Trees and Wildlife – Crossword PuzzleF00012A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Trees and Wildlife” publication.

10/01/2014Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Trees Protect Water
Forest Facts: Trees Protect WaterF00007

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of how trees help to protect our water, understand a tree’s relationship to the land and water, understanding watersheds, the Chesapeake Bay watershed, how trees protect watersheds, the riparian zone, and how you can help by planting trees. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

03/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Trees Protect Water - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Trees Protect Water – Crossword PuzzleF00007A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Trees Protect Water” publication.

03/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Virginia in the Fall
Forest Facts: Virginia in the FallF00009

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of the science of leaves changing colors, the role of pigments, effects of the calendar and weather, why these changes occur, and fall leaf identification information. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

09/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources fall-foliage forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Virginia in the Fall - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Virginia in the Fall – Crossword PuzzleF00009A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Virginia in the Fall” publication.

09/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Virginia's Alien Invaders
Forest Facts: Virginia’s Alien InvadersF00011

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrator explanation of non-native insects and plants, including how a definition of native or non-native, upsetting the balance, how they spread, how we can stop them, and Virginia’s least wanted species. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2013Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Virginia's Alien Invaders Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Virginia’s Alien Invaders Crossword PuzzleF00011A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Virginia’s Alien Invaders” publication.

04/01/2013Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Why We Need Trees
Forest Facts: Why We Need TreesF00006

Forest Facts information sheet provides an illustrated explanation of just why we need trees, trees are beautiful, provide wildlife habitat, clean the water, give us products, produce oxygen, clear the air, save energy and money, and the loss of trees that is occurring. Target audience: Youth – elementary age. Printed copies available.

04/01/2022Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Facts: Why We Need Trees - Crossword Puzzle
Forest Facts: Why We Need Trees – Crossword PuzzleF00006A

Crossword puzzle tests knowledge learned from the Forest Facts “Why We Need Trees” publication.

03/01/2011Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources forest-facts kids-resources
Forest Health Review 2005-09
Forest Health Review 2005-09No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

09/01/2005Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2006-04
Forest Health Review 2006-04No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

04/01/2006Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2006-11
Forest Health Review 2006-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

11/01/2006Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2007-05
Forest Health Review 2007-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

05/01/2007Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2007-11
Forest Health Review 2007-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

11/01/2007Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2008-05
Forest Health Review 2008-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

05/01/2008Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2008-11
Forest Health Review 2008-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

11/01/2008Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2009-05
Forest Health Review 2009-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

05/01/2009Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2009-11
Forest Health Review 2009-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

11/01/2009Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2010-05
Forest Health Review 2010-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

05/01/2010Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2010-11
Forest Health Review 2010-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

11/01/2010Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2011-05
Forest Health Review 2011-05No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

05/01/2011Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2011-11
Forest Health Review 2011-11No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

11/01/2011Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2012-07
Forest Health Review 2012-07No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

07/01/2012Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2013-01
Forest Health Review 2013-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

01/01/2013Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2014-02
Forest Health Review 2014-02No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

02/01/2014Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2014-12
Forest Health Review 2014-12No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

12/01/2014Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2016-02
Forest Health Review 2016-02No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

02/01/2016Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2017-01
Forest Health Review 2017-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

01/01/2017Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2018-01
Forest Health Review 2018-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

01/01/2018Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2019-01
Forest Health Review 2019-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

01/01/2019Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2020-01
Forest Health Review 2020-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown marmorated stink bug, spotted lanternfly, and more.

01/01/2020Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2021-01
Forest Health Review 2021-01No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown periodical cicadas, spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle, fall cankerworm, and more.

01/01/2021Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2021-12
Forest Health Review 2021-12No #

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown periodical cicadas, spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle, fall cankerworm, and more.

12/31/2021Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2022-12
Forest Health Review 2022-12P00219

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as weather impact, pine bark beetles, spongy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, brown periodical cicadas, spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle, fall cankerworm, red imported fire ant, laurel wilt disease, oak decline, and more.

12/31/2022Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2023-12
Forest Health Review 2023-12P00219

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as invasive species, wavyleaf grass, pine bark beetles, spongy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, vascular streak dieback, heterobasidium, beech leaf disease and more.

12/31/2023Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Health Review 2024-12
Forest Health Review 2024-12P00219

Report provides an update on current forest health issues, such as invasive species, wavyleaf grass, pine bark beetles, spongy moth, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, vascular streak dieback, heterobasidium, beech leaf disease and more.

12/31/2024Viewforest-healthdiseases forest-health-impacts insects
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet - Virginia, 2001
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet – Virginia, 2001SRS-058

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2012Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet - Virginia, 2007
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet – Virginia, 2007SRS-059

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

12/31/2007Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet - Virginia, 2009
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet – Virginia, 2009SRS-035

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2011Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet - Virginia, 2010
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet – Virginia, 2010SRS-056

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2012Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet - Virginia, 2011
Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet – Virginia, 2011SRS-078

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2013Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forest Legacy Program
Forest Legacy ProgramP00200

Brochure provides information regarding the Forest Legacy Program available to landowners for conserving their forestland, including program overview, public purposes, methods of acquisition, application process, and program requirements. Printed copies available.

09/01/2011Viewforestconservation forest-legacy forest-legacy-program
Forest Research Review 2006-08
Forest Research Review 2006-08

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: longleaf pine establishment methods, shortleaf pine establishment methods, American chestnut backcross breeding, white pine seedling handling and competition control methods, loblolly pine release tank mixes and surfactants, epicormic branching of white oak, and northern red oak planting.

08/01/2006Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationchestnut competition-control diminished-species genetics hardwood-silviculture loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices shortleaf-pine white-pine
Forest Research Review 2007-03
Forest Research Review 2007-03

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: the loblolly pine tree improvement program, competition control for shortleaf pine establishment, competition control for white pine establishment, pruning methods for urban trees, white oak crop tree release, tree-of-heaven control methods, yellow-poplar thinning response, and northern red oak planting.

03/01/2007Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments invasive-species loblolly-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices shortleaf-pine tree-improvement tree-of-heaven urban-forestry white-pine yellow-poplar
Forest Research Review 2007-09
Forest Research Review 2007-09

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: financial value of improved loblolly pine seedlings, loblolly pine planting density, white pine seedling handling and planting study, pre-commercial thinning of loblolly pine, riparian buffer planting success, and tree-of-heaven control methods.

09/01/2007Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control forest-economics genetics hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices riparian-forest-buffers tree-improvement tree-of-heaven white-pine
Forest Research Review 2008-04
Forest Research Review 2008-04

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: row orientation in loblolly pine growth, fertilizer x planting density effects on loblolly pine growth, varietal vs. open-pollinated loblolly pine, North Carolina and South Carolina families of loblolly pine in VA, longleaf pine establishment methods, longleaf pine provenances, biosolids for fertilizing loblolly pine, interplanting loblolly pine, and southern red oak crop tree release and fertilization.

04/01/2008Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species fertilizers genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices tree-improvement
Forest Research Review 2008-10
Forest Research Review 2008-10

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: loblolly pine seed orchard management strategies, advances in pine plantation silviculture, longleaf pine grafting methods, competition control for shortleaf pine establishment, tip moth control methods for loblolly pine, tree-of-heaven control methods, and northern red oak planting.

10/01/2008Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture insects invasive-species loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices shortleaf-pine tree-improvement tree-of-heaven
Forest Research Review 2009-04
Forest Research Review 2009-04

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: potential for continued loblolly pine tree improvement, effects of thinning and fertilization in loblolly pine, American chestnut breeding program, longleaf pine provenance study, biosolids for fertilizing loblolly pine, interplanting loblolly pine, tip moth control methods for loblolly pine, and southern red oak crop tree release and fertilization.

04/01/2009Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationchestnut competition-control diminished-species fertilizers genetics hardwood-silviculture insects intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices tree-improvement
Forest Research Review 2010-03
Forest Research Review 2010-03

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: loblolly pine site index, stem sinuosity in loblolly pine, longleaf pine establishment methods, American chestnut, effects of competing hardwoods on loblolly pine, white pine competition control and storage time, tip moth control methods for loblolly pine, white oak crop tree release and fertilization.

03/01/2010Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationchestnut competition-control diminished-species fertilizers genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture insects intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices tree-improvement white-pine
Forest Research Review 2010-10
Forest Research Review 2010-10

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: Forest Modeling Research Cooperative, potential for pine plantation woody biomass, stem forking in loblolly pine, biosolids for fertilizing loblolly pine, interplanting loblolly pine, loblolly pine growth after age two hardwood control, site preparation vs. release for loblolly pine growth, initial seedling size and establishment methods for northern red oak.

10/01/2010Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices tree-improvement
Forest Research Review 2011-05
Forest Research Review 2011-05

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: thinning and fertilization in mid-rotation loblolly pine, loblolly pine planting spacing, biosolids for fertilizing loblolly pine, timing of hardwood control in loblolly pine, longleaf pine provenance comparison, and white oak crop tree release.

05/01/2011Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species fertilizers growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices
Forest Research Review 2012-08
Forest Research Review 2012-08

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: effects of pruning in loblolly pine, effects of planting density and fertilizer on loblolly pine growth, varietal vs open-pollinated loblolly pine, biosolids for fertilizing loblolly pine, shortleaf pine provenance test, interplanting loblolly pine, tree shelter comparison for red oak in riparian buffers, crop tree release and fertilization of white oak and southern red oak.

08/01/2012Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species fertilizers genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices riparian-forest-buffers shortleaf-pine tree-improvement
Forest Research Review 2013-08
Forest Research Review 2013-08

Research reports and updates from ongoing DOF studies. In this issue: fourth cycle loblolly pine tree breeding, spacing impacts on loblolly lumber quality, fertilizer fate and carbon sequestration in loblolly pine, logging slash for skid trail stabilization, longleaf pine provenances, growth and value of low-density loblolly pine plantations, projected value of interplanted loblolly pine, biosolids for fertilizing loblolly pine, growth and value of loblolly pine after site prep vs. release, hardwood plantations in central VA, tree shelters for northern red oak

08/01/2013Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species ecosystem-services fertilizers forest-economics genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine longleaf-pine oak pine-silviculture planting-practices tree-improvement
Forest Statistics for Virginia, 1992
Forest Statistics for Virginia, 1992SE-13107/01/1992Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-statistics
Forest Statistics for Virginia, 1992
Forest Statistics for Virginia, 1992SE-131

This report highlights the principal findings of the sixth forest survey of Virginia. Field work began in October 1990 and was completed in January 1992.Five previous surveys, completed in 1940, 1957, 1966, 1977 and 1986, provide statistics for measuring changes and trends over the past 52 years. The primary emphasis in this report is on the changes and trends since 1986.

07/01/1992Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forest Utilization and Marketing Program - Working to Develop and Promote Forest Markets
Forest Utilization and Marketing Program – Working to Develop and Promote Forest MarketsFT0058

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the mission and services of the DOF Forest Utilization and Marketing Program and how DOF works to support and promote Virginia’s forest products industry while maintaining a sustainable forest resource.

05/01/2022Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-industry forest-products forestry-topics specialty-forest-products
Forestland Conservation Review 2013-04
Forestland Conservation Review 2013-04P00210

Report provides an update on current forest conservation topics in the Commonwealth, such as Forest Legacy Program, DOF conservation easements, Virginia Grown program and more.

04/01/2013Viewforestconservation conservation-easements generation-next
Forestland Conservation Review 2013-12
Forestland Conservation Review 2013-12P00210

Report provides an update on current forest conservation topics in the Commonwealth, such as Forest Legacy Program, DOF conservation easements, Virginia Grown program and more.

12/01/2013Viewforestconservation conservation-easements generation-next
Forestland Conservation Review 2014-10
Forestland Conservation Review 2014-10P00210

Report provides an update on current forest conservation topics in the Commonwealth, such as Forest Legacy Program, DOF conservation easements, Virginia Grown program and more.

10/01/2014Viewforestconservation conservation-easements generation-next
Forestland Conservation Review 2021-11
Forestland Conservation Review 2021-11P00210

Report provides an update on current forest conservation topics in the Commonwealth, DOF conservation easements,  Generation Next planning, and more.

11/01/2021Viewforestconservation conservation-easements generation-next
Forestry Workforce Development – Working to Develop a Strong Workforce for the Future
Forestry Workforce Development – Working to Develop a Strong Workforce for the FutureFT0057

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about developing workforce training programs for forestry sectors throughout Virginia, position availability and how businesses can assist in meeting demand.

02/17/2022Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-industry forest-products forestry-topics
Forests and Water - Get the Most Out of Your Land
Forests and Water – Get the Most Out of Your LandP00211

Publication is directed to landowners to educate about forest buffers, stream water quality, watersheds, riparian buffer tax credit program and other programs that can assist. Printed copies available.

08/01/2016Viewwatershedcost-share-programs farms forest-planning landowner-assistance riparian-forest-buffers
Forests of Virginia, 2014
Forests of Virginia, 2014SRS-094

Report provides an overview of forest resources in Virginia updated by means of the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2016Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Forests of Virginia, 2015
Forests of Virginia, 2015FS-191

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2017Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forests of Virginia, 2017
Forests of Virginia, 2017FS-191

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2019Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forests of Virginia, 2019
Forests of Virginia, 2019FS-Null

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

12/31/2019Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forests of Virginia, 2020
Forests of Virginia, 2020FS-395

This resource update is a brief look at some of the basic metrics that describe the status of and changes to forest resources in Virginia. This information is based on field data collected using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annualized sample design, and it is updated yearly.

01/01/2022Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Forests: Providers of Ecosystem Services
Forests: Providers of Ecosystem ServicesP00142

Brochure provides insight into the other ecosystem benefits that forests provide, such as carbon sequestration, water quality, wetland and species mitigation banking.

01/01/2009Viewforestconservation ecosystem-services tree-benefits
From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia's Native Longleaf Pine - 2014 Status Report
From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia’s Native Longleaf Pine – 2014 Status ReportP00212

Report provides a brief history of longleaf pine in Virginia, the original range of longleaf pine, longleaf and fire, the search for native longleaf pine, the case for conserving and restoring Virginia’s longleaf pine, the importance of Northern-source seedlings for longleaf pine restoration, seed collection and seedling production, orchard development, where we are restoring longleaf pine, special programs available to promote the restoration effort, and future goals and challenges. Printed copies available.

01/01/2014Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthdiminished-species longleaf-pine lpr-program species-restoration
From Trees to Products - We Depend on Trees for Many Everyday Products
From Trees to Products – We Depend on Trees for Many Everyday ProductsFT0034

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the products we get from trees, including solid wood products, wood pulp products and products from other tree parts.

05/01/2018Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-products forestry-topics tree-benefits
Growing Loblolly Pine for Profit - Productivity and Financial Implications of Three Pine Competition Control Prescriptions
Growing Loblolly Pine for Profit – Productivity and Financial Implications of Three Pine Competition Control PrescriptionsFT0033

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about growing pine trees for profit based on research, comparing three possible competition control scenarios, resulting volume growth, financial projections and the timing of the practices.

03/01/2018Viewforest-managementforest-economics forestry-topics landowner-resources pine-management reforestation
Hardwood Initiative - Improving Hardwood Forests for Future Generations
Hardwood Initiative – Improving Hardwood Forests for Future GenerationsFT0061

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s hardwood initiative to bring focus to improving hardwood forests for future generations.

06/01/2023Viewforest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-management
Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program - Cost Assistance for Hardwood Management
Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program – Cost Assistance for Hardwood ManagementFT0071

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Hardwood Initiative Cost-Share Program, who is eligible and what qualifies for cost share.

07/18/2023Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-initiative-cost-share-program hardwood-management
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program - Offering Tax Incentives for Hardwood Management
Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program – Offering Tax Incentives for Hardwood ManagementFT0062

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about Department of Forestry’s Hardwood Initiative Tax Credit Program, who is eligible and what qualifies for the tax credit.

07/18/2023Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-initiative-tax-credit hardwood-management
Hardwood Management Practices - Improving Hardwood Forests with Proper Forest Management
Hardwood Management Practices – Improving Hardwood Forests with Proper Forest ManagementFT0070

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about various hardwood management practices that may be used during the establishment, regeneration and tending stages to improve hardwood forests.

06/01/2023Viewforest-managementforestry-topics hardwood-initiative hardwood-management
Hardwood Planting Guide
Hardwood Planting GuideP00137

Brochure illustrates and explains proper planting techniques for planting bare-root hardwood seedlings. Printed copies available.

08/12/2024Viewnurserieshardwood-management homeowner-assistance landowner-resources reforestation seedling-nurseries tree-planting
Healthy Watersheds Forest Retention Project Phases 1 and 2 Final Report
Healthy Watersheds Forest Retention Project Phases 1 and 2 Final Report06/01/2017Viewwater-quality
Hemlock Tree Management - Protection from the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Hemlock Tree Management – Protection from the Hemlock Woolly AdelgidFT0063

Forestry topic information sheet discusses treatment options to protect hemlock trees from the damaging hemlock woolly adelgid.

03/01/2023Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health urb forest-health urban-and-community-forestryforestry-topics hemlock-woolly-adelgid hemlock-woolly-adelgid-treatment-cost-share-program insects
Herd Health
Herd Health

Brochure by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation provides tips for keeping cattle healthy through better watering techniques.

06/01/2008Viewwater-qualityfarms water-quality-protection
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2015
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2015

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors, budget summary and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

01/01/2015Vieweducation public-informationcamp educator-resources
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2016
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2016

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors, budget summary and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

10/01/2016Vieweducation public-informationcamp educator-resources
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2017
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2017

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors, budget summary and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

10/01/2017Vieweducation public-informationcamp educator-resources
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2018
Holiday Lake Forestry Camp Annual Report 2018

Report is published each year following camp and provides the highlights of camp, staff, programs, sponsors, budget summary and announcement of dates for the following year’s camp.

11/01/2018Vieweducation public-informationcamp educator-resources
Home Wildfire Safety Checklist - Is Your Home Firewise?
Home Wildfire Safety Checklist – Is Your Home Firewise?FT0002

Forestry topic information sheet provides a checklist of items to answer about your home to assist in identifying characteristics of your home that may require changes to improve the wildfire safety of your home.

08/01/2014Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefirewise forestry-topics homeowner-resources landowner-resources wildfire-prevention
How To Kill A Tree
How To Kill A Tree

Poster demonstrates the most common mistakes made that negatively impact tree health. Printed copies available.

03/01/2020Viewurban-and-community-forestryposter tree-care
How Trees Can Save Energy
How Trees Can Save EnergyTCUSA No. 21

This Arbor Day Foundation Tree City USA Bulletin provides information about how trees can save energy. Trees have been called the low-tech solution to energy problems and climate change. Whether you want to reduce the amount of money you spend each month on utility bills or help guide your community toward wiser energy policies, the information in this Bulletin is of special importance.

05/23/2023Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry community-resources energy-conservation homeowner-resources landowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefits urban-forestry
Impact of Planting Treatments on Eastern White Pine Seedling Survival and Growth at the Matthews State Forest in Grayson County, Virginia
Impact of Planting Treatments on Eastern White Pine Seedling Survival and Growth at the Matthews State Forest in Grayson County, VirginiaCNRE-137NP

As part of an undergraduate research project, two Virginia Tech students collected data in a white pine seedling survival study to determine which planting treatments had the best survival and growth rates. The test plot was located on the Matthews State Forest in Grayson County, Virginia. This report summarizes the findings of this case study.

01/01/2022Viewforest-management research-resource-information state-forests resource-informationmatthews-sf white-pine
Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer
Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer

Learn more about all treatment options available for ash trees with this multi-state emerald ash borer insecticide fact sheet.

Viewforest-healthemerald-ash-borer insects
Integrating Chemical and Biological Control of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: a Resource Manager's Guide
Integrating Chemical and Biological Control of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: a Resource Manager’s GuideFHAAST-2018-04

A non-native invasive insect, the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), threatens the ability of natural resource managers to maintain eastern and Carolina hemlocks as critical components of unique forest ecosystems in eastern North America. Although substantial progress has been made in both chemical and biological control of HWA, neither of these tactics applied alone are expected to provide adequate control of HWA throughout its introduced range. This guide presents a methodological strategy for integrating biological and chemical control together in the same forest stands.

01/01/2020Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insects
Intensity of Precommercial Crop-Tree Release Increases Diameter and Crown Growth in Upland Hardwoods
Intensity of Precommercial Crop-Tree Release Increases Diameter and Crown Growth in Upland HardwoodsNE-197

In 1988, seven study areas were established in Connecticut to examine the effects of precommercial crop tree release on bole and crown growth. Relative to unreleased trees, 4-yr diameter growth of northern red oak increased by 86%, black/scarlet oak by 65%, red maple by 56%, and black birch by 52%. Release slowed height growth of dominant and codominant oaks for only the first 2 yr. In sapling stands with few oaks in upper canopy positions, precommercial release could be used to augment oak density. Survival and diameter growth of oaks in the intermediate and suppressed crown classes increased with release intensity. Release also increased height growth of northern red oak in the suppressed crown classes. By Jeffrey S. Ward.

01/01/1995Viewforest-managementhardwood-management hardwood-silviculture
Invasive Plants - Help Stop the Spread
Invasive Plants – Help Stop the SpreadP00216

Brochure educates citizens about invasive plants, including what makes an plant invasive, the problems they cause, characteristics, and how to stop the spread of invasive plants. Printed copies available.

08/01/2017Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-identification landowner-resources
Is Your Home Safe from a Wildfire
Is Your Home Safe from a Wildfire01/01/2011Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefirewise firewise-landscaping homeowner-resources landowner-resources
Landowner Guide to Buffer Success
Landowner Guide to Buffer Success

This guide is created by Pennsylvania Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) partners and modified by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to aid with buffer projects in Virginia. The guide features key tasks by season, tips to improve outcomes, example photos, summaries of how riparian forest buffers help streams, and links to resources.

Landowner Options for Forestland Conservation
Landowner Options for Forestland ConservationP00146

Brochure provides information regarding options available to landowners for conserving their forestland, including use-value taxation, ag and forestal districts, riparian Buffer tax credit, cost-share assistance, conservation easements, purchase of development rights, grants for fee-simple acquisition and easements, and donations of property. Printed copies available.

09/01/2012Viewforestconservation conservation-easements estate-planning forest-planning
Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Abundance Through Forestry
Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Abundance Through Forestry420-138

Virginia Cooperative Extension publication provides in-depth information about forestry practices for wildlife.

Laurel Wilt
Laurel WiltR8-PR-01-19

USDA Forest Service Pest Alert publication about laurel wilt discusses symptoms, disease process, hosts, detection, and management.

Laurel Wilt Disease - A Threat to All Species in the Laurel Family
Laurel Wilt Disease – A Threat to All Species in the Laurel FamilyFT0056

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about laurel wilt disease – a threat to all species in the Laurel family. Information includes the hosts, signs and symptoms, and how to manage the disease.

09/13/2021Viewforest-healthdiseases forestry-topics laurel-wilt
Legacy Planning Stories
Legacy Planning Stories

Stories about how landowners “like me” are ensuring the future of their land.

Viewforestestate-planning forest-legacy generation-next
Legacy Planning… A Guide for Virginia Landowners
Legacy Planning… A Guide for Virginia LandownersCNRE-121

A comprehensive guide to successful legacy planning for your forestland.

11/01/2020Viewforestestate-planning forest-legacy generation-next
Let's Learn About Trees Coloring Book
Let’s Learn About Trees Coloring BookP00215

Coloring book teaches children about the value of trees while through the fun activity of coloring. Target audience: Youth – preschool and young elementary age. Printed copies available.

02/01/2017Vieweducation public-informationeducator-resources kids-resources
Logger Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-Share Program
Logger Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-Share ProgramFT0047

Forestry topic information sheet provides program information about the Logger Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-Share Program providing cost-share assistance to loggers for installation of best management practices.

09/15/2022Viewfinancial-assistance-water-quality water-qualitybest-management-practices cost-share-programs forestry-topics logger-bmp-program logger-resources
Logger Incentive Cost-Share Program - First Commercial Pine Thinning
Logger Incentive Cost-Share Program – First Commercial Pine ThinningFT0028

Forestry topic information sheet provides an overview of the Logger Incentive Cost-Share Program offering financial assistance for first commercial pine thinning as a part of the Pine Bark Beetle Prevention Program.

04/30/2024Viewfinancial-assistance-water-quality water-qualitycost-share-programs forestry-topics lpfct-program thinning timber-harvesting
Logger Notification Log Book for Loggers
Logger Notification Log Book for Loggers

Log book is a booklet of timber harvest notification forms for use by loggers to keep track of their notifications. Printed copies available.

09/01/2009Viewwater-qualityharvest-notification logger-resources timber-harvesting
Making Sense of the Genetics Market
Making Sense of the Genetics Market09/01/2017Viewforest-managementgenetics
Making Sense of the Genetics Market
Making Sense of the Genetics Market

Report explains loblolly pine genetics, tree improvement, and the evolution of seedling markets, and is intended to help landowners understand their choices in seedling genetics. Steve McKeand is Professor of Forestry and Environmental Resources and Director, North Carolina State University Cooperative Tree Improvement Program.

09/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgenetics loblolly-pine tree-improvement
Mulch Fires
Mulch FiresP00130

Brochure provides insight into the serious threat of mulch fires and steps you can take to be aware of this fire safety hazard. Printed copies available.

09/01/2011Viewfire-and-emergency-responseburning landowner-resources wildfire-prevention
Nine-Year Growth Responses to Planting Density Manipulation and Repeated Early Fertilization in a Loblolly Pine Stand in the Virginia Piedmont
Nine-Year Growth Responses to Planting Density Manipulation and Repeated Early Fertilization in a Loblolly Pine Stand in the Virginia Piedmont

Report provides results of a study of two planting densities (363 and 726 trees per acre) and three levels of nutrient additions aimed at maintaining the current site index (SI25) of the stand (55 ft.) or improving the SI25 to 70 and 80 ft. None of the treatments affected survival or height during the first 9 years, but both affected diameter growth. Colleen A. Carlson, Thomas R. Fox, Jerre Creighton, Phillip M. Dougherty, and John R. Johnson

02/01/2009Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationfertilizers growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices soil-amendments
No. 001 A Comparison of Tree Growth and Development Between a Shortleaf and Loblolly Pine Plantation Growing on Nason Soil in Orange County, Virginia; by H. W. Bashore and R. L. Marler
No. 001 A Comparison of Tree Growth and Development Between a Shortleaf and Loblolly Pine Plantation Growing on Nason Soil in Orange County, Virginia; by H. W. Bashore and R. L. MarlerOR-001

Report summarizes field data gathered in Orange County, VA in shortleaf and loblolly pine plantations.

09/01/1955Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies shortleaf-pine
No. 002 Yellow-Poplar Growth and Yield Data on Selected Stands in Virginia; by R. L. Marler
No. 002 Yellow-Poplar Growth and Yield Data on Selected Stands in Virginia; by R. L. MarlerOR-002

Report provides field data on selected yellow-poplar stands gathered by the Virginia Division of Forestry in 1955. An effort was made to include field work measurements of existing plantings in addition to natural stands.

11/01/1955Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture research-studies yellow-poplar
No. 003 Early Tree Plantings Starting to Pay in Virginia; by R. L. Marler
No. 003 Early Tree Plantings Starting to Pay in Virginia; by R. L. MarlerOR-003

Report summarizes selected data from a 1954 survey of older tree plantings intended to provide information on how old tree plantings were when first thinned and the dollar value of those thinnings.

11/01/1955Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield planting-practices research-studies
No. 004 Tree Planting Production Rates in Virginia; by R. L. Marler
No. 004 Tree Planting Production Rates in Virginia; by R. L. MarlerOR-004

Report summarizes cost and production rate data from more than 300 tree planting jobs during the 1955-1956 planting season.

09/01/1956Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine planting-practices research-studies
No. 005 Results of Helicopter Spraying of 2,4,5-T to Control Unwanted Hardwoods in Charlotte County, Virginia; by R. L. Marler
No. 005 Results of Helicopter Spraying of 2,4,5-T to Control Unwanted Hardwoods in Charlotte County, Virginia; by R. L. MarlerOR-005

Report provides results of a helicopter-applied herbicide treatment for controlling unwanted hardwoods in Charlotte County, VA.

09/01/1957Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 006 Virginia's 1958 Pine Seed Tree Reproduction Survey
No. 006 Virginia’s 1958 Pine Seed Tree Reproduction SurveyOR-006

Report provides information regarding the relative effectiveness of the Pine Seed Tree Act in 12 Virginia counties between 1950 and 1955.

05/01/1959Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices
No. 007 Aerial Spraying for Planting Site Preparation on the Buckingham State Forest; W. F. Custard and R. L. Marler
No. 007 Aerial Spraying for Planting Site Preparation on the Buckingham State Forest; W. F. Custard and R. L. MarlerOR-007

Report provides the results of a 1959 aerial herbicide application for site preparation of a 40-acre cutover hardwood stand on Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest.

11/01/1960Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture research-studies site-preparation
No. 008 Virginia Landowners Try Direct Seedling Loblolly Pine; by R. L. Marler
No. 008 Virginia Landowners Try Direct Seedling Loblolly Pine; by R. L. MarlerOR-008

Report provides first growing season results from loblolly pine direct seeded pilot areas in 15 counties.

01/01/1961Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices
No. 009 Foliage Spraying to Control Hardwoods: Using a Trailer-Type Sprayer on the Buckingham State Forest; by W. F. Custard and R. L. Marler
No. 009 Foliage Spraying to Control Hardwoods: Using a Trailer-Type Sprayer on the Buckingham State Forest; by W. F. Custard and R. L. MarlerOR-009

Report provides the results of foliage spray tests to control hardwoods on the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest in 1959 and 1960.

08/01/1961Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 010 Comparative Growth and Yield of Loblolly and Shortleaf Pine in a Mixed Plantation; W.F. Custard and R. L. Marler
No. 010 Comparative Growth and Yield of Loblolly and Shortleaf Pine in a Mixed Plantation; W.F. Custard and R. L. MarlerOR-010

Report provides growth data from a 1937 Buckingham County plantation containing both loblolly and shortleaf pine that was thinned at age 19 and again at age 24, providing evidence of the more rapid growth of loblolly pine.

10/01/1961Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies shortleaf-pine
No. 011 Some Virginia Direct Seeding Results for 1961
No. 011 Some Virginia Direct Seeding Results for 1961OR-011

Report provides first growing season results from white and loblolly pine direct seeded pilot areas in 1961.

12/01/1961Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices white-pine
No. 012 Direct Seeding Can Provide a Low Cost Method of Establishing Pine; by W. F. Custard and R. L. Marler
No. 012 Direct Seeding Can Provide a Low Cost Method of Establishing Pine; by W. F. Custard and R. L. MarlerOR-012

Report provides the results of the successful conversion of a low-grade hardwood stand to loblolly pine by direct seeding on seven acres at the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest.

12/01/1961Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 013 Fertilization of Planted Loblolly Pine Seedlings Fails to Increase Height Growth; by W. A. Hubble, Jr., T. A. Dierauf, W. F. Custard and R. L. Marler
No. 013 Fertilization of Planted Loblolly Pine Seedlings Fails to Increase Height Growth; by W. A. Hubble, Jr., T. A. Dierauf, W. F. Custard and R. L. MarlerOR-013

Report provides height growth comparisons from four trials where fertilizer was applied to newly-planted loblolly pine seedlings.

01/01/1962Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationfertilizers intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 014 Plowing Versus Chemical Sod Control; by J. G. Swiand R. L. Marler
No. 014 Plowing Versus Chemical Sod Control; by J. G. Swiand R. L. MarlerOR-014

Report provides age three results from a study of chemical and mechanical control methods of sod control in an old-field loblolly pine planting.

12/01/1962Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture research-studies site-preparation
No. 015 Backpack Mist Blower Study; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 015 Backpack Mist Blower Study; by T. A. DieraufOR-015

Report provides first-year results from 32 plots testing backpack mist blower applications of herbicides for hardwood competition control in pine stands of the Piedmont and coastal plain.

01/01/1963Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 016 Covering Pine Seeds Produces More Seedlings; by E. H. Robertson and R. L. Marler
No. 016 Covering Pine Seeds Produces More Seedlings; by E. H. Robertson and R. L. MarlerOR-016

Report provides first-year results from spot-seeded plots comparing uncovered and lightly-covered (with soil) treatments for establishing loblolly and shortleaf pine.

01/01/1963Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seedling-handling sowing-seed
No. 017 Results of 1962 Broadcast Seedlings on Private Lands in Virginia; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 017 Results of 1962 Broadcast Seedlings on Private Lands in Virginia; by T. A. DieraufOR-017

Report provides one-year results from 34 plots direct-seeded with loblolly, Virginia and white pine.

09/01/1963Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices virginia-pine white-pine
No. 018 Pine Spot Seeding, 1962 Results; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 018 Pine Spot Seeding, 1962 Results; by T. A. DieraufOR-018

Report provides first-year results of a study to test spot seeding as a method of establishing loblolly, Virginia and shortleaf pine on cutover land.

11/01/1963Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices shortleaf-pine virginia-pine
No. 019 Tree Planting Survival: A 3-Year Study; by R. L. Marler
No. 019 Tree Planting Survival: A 3-Year Study; by R. L. MarlerOR-019

Report summarizes a three-year study of planting survival of loblolly, shortleaf and white pine, including more than 3,300 different plantings.

11/01/1963Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices shortleaf-pine white-pine
No. 020 Tractor-Mounted Mist Blower Study; William Mc. Newman; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 020 Tractor-Mounted Mist Blower Study; William Mc. Newman; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-020

Report summarizes 1961 and 1962 tests of the use and effectiveness of a tractor-mounted mist blower to control hardwoods using different herbicides and rates at Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest.

12/01/1963Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 021 Yield of Planted Loblolly Pine in Piedmont and Coastal Plain VA; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 021 Yield of Planted Loblolly Pine in Piedmont and Coastal Plain VA; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-021

Report provides pulpwood yield information for planted loblolly pine in the piedmont and coastal plain of Virginia.

12/01/1965Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine research-studies
No. 022 Yellow-Poplar Direct Seeding and Planting Study; by J. W. Hodge, Jr. and T. A. Dierauf
No. 022 Yellow-Poplar Direct Seeding and Planting Study; by J. W. Hodge, Jr. and T. A. DieraufOR-022

Report provides four-year results from a 1961-62 study comparing stratified and non-stratified seed on planted 1-0 seedlings of yellow-poplar on an old field in Augusta County, VA.

01/01/1966Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationhardwood-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices yellow-poplar
No. 023 Height Comparisons of Direct Seeded and Planted Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 023 Height Comparisons of Direct Seeded and Planted Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. DieraufOR-023

Report compares height growth of loblolly pine established by direct seeding and planting after three and five growing seasons.

01/01/1966Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 024 White Pine Spot Seeding Study; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 024 White Pine Spot Seeding Study; by T. A. DieraufOR-024

Report provides three-year results of study plots testing spot seeding as a method of establishing white pine on cutover land in the mountains.

03/01/1966Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationpine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices white-pine
No. 025 Direct Seeding Loblolly Pine in Piedmont VA; by W. M. Newman, T. A. Dierauf, and R. L. Marler
No. 025 Direct Seeding Loblolly Pine in Piedmont VA; by W. M. Newman, T. A. Dierauf, and R. L. MarlerOR-025

Report summarizes results from a series of loblolly pine direct seeding studies established between 1961 and 1964 at Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest.

03/01/1967Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices
No. 026 Dybar for Planting Site Preparation; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 026 Dybar for Planting Site Preparation; by T. A. DieraufOR-026

Report provides hardwood control results from a series of plots established in 1964 and 1965 testing the herbicide Dybnar at a range of rates.

06/01/1967Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies site-preparation
No. 027 Clay Dipped vs. Bare Rooted Survival; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 027 Clay Dipped vs. Bare Rooted Survival; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-027

Report provides results of 1965 and 1966 studies evaluating clay-dipped compared to bare-rooted preparation methods of packaging, storing and shipping loblolly and white pine seedlings.

12/01/1967Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine research-studies white-pine
No. 028 A Shortleaf and Loblolly Pine Flowering Phenology Study; by R. G. Wasser
No. 028 A Shortleaf and Loblolly Pine Flowering Phenology Study; by R. G. WasserOR-028

Report provides results of a 1967 study to compare flowering dates of the different genetic lines of loblolly and shortleaf pines in the DOF seed orchard at that time.

12/01/1967Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species loblolly-pine research-studies shortleaf-pine tree-improvement
No. 029 A Loblolly Pine "Super Seedling" Study; by R. W. Slocum, R. G. Wasser, and R. L. Marler
No. 029 A Loblolly Pine “Super Seedling” Study; by R. W. Slocum, R. G. Wasser, and R. L. MarlerOR-029

Report provides 11-year results of a study comparing the growth of loblolly seedlings selected as average and superior height in the nursery bed.

02/01/1968Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 030 Treating Individual Trees with Dybar; by T. A. Dierauf and R. B. Geddes
No. 030 Treating Individual Trees with Dybar; by T. A. Dierauf and R. B. GeddesOR-030

Report provides results of a 1965 study of Dybar using different rates and application methods for control of residual hardwoods on a bulldozed site.

02/01/1968Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture research-studies site-preparation
No. 031 Loblolly Pine Cold Storage Planting Study; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 031 Loblolly Pine Cold Storage Planting Study; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-031

Report provides three-year survival and height comparison of different nursery cold storage times and clay-dipped vs. bare-root loblolly pine.

02/01/1969Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 032 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Established by Direct Seeding; by W. M. Newman, T. A. Dierauf, and R. L. Marler
No. 032 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Established by Direct Seeding; by W. M. Newman, T. A. Dierauf, and R. L. MarlerOR-032

Report provides results of a study evaluating the effects of first-year seedling height and presence of secondary needles on subsequent performance of direct seeded loblolly pine after two to four growing seasons.

04/01/1969Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine research-studies seeding-practices
No. 033 Damage from Mist Blowing to Recently Planted and Germinated Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf, W. M. Newman, and S. F. Warner
No. 033 Damage from Mist Blowing to Recently Planted and Germinated Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf, W. M. Newman, and S. F. WarnerOR-033

Report provides data from a study of damage from mist-blowing herbicides on planted or direct seeded loblolly pine after five growing seasons.

04/01/1970Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 034 Exposure, Clay Treatment and Storage of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 034 Exposure, Clay Treatment and Storage of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-034

Report provides three-year results from a study of the effects of exposure, clay dipping and storage time on survival and growth of loblolly pine seedlings.

01/01/1971Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 035 A Three-Year White Pine Direct Seeding Study; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 035 A Three-Year White Pine Direct Seeding Study; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-035

Report provides results of a three-year study of direct seeding of white pine in Floyd County, VA.

02/01/1971Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationresearch-studies seeding-practices white-pine
No. 036 Effectiveness of an Underground Storage Unit for Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. Marler
No. 036 Effectiveness of an Underground Storage Unit for Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and R. L. MarlerOR-036

Report compares the use of an underground storage unit and an open shed for storing loblolly pine seedlings.

03/01/1971Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 037 Direct Seeding and Planting Virginia and Loblolly Pine on Sites Prepared by Burning; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Garner, and R. L. Marler
No. 037 Direct Seeding and Planting Virginia and Loblolly Pine on Sites Prepared by Burning; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Garner, and R. L. MarlerOR-037

Report provides results of a test of direct seeding of Virginia pine compared to planting of both Virginia and loblolly pines.

11/01/1971Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices virginia-pine
No. 038 A Three-year Loblolly Pie Direct Seeding Study; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 038 A Three-year Loblolly Pie Direct Seeding Study; by T. A. DieraufOR-038

Report summarizes stocking and height data from a study of direct seeding loblolly pine on coastal plain soil in Chesterfield County, VA.

02/01/1972Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies seeding-practices
No. 039 Loblolly Pine Planting Date Study; by J. W. Garner
No. 039 Loblolly Pine Planting Date Study; by J. W. GarnerOR-039

Report compares three-year survival and height for loblolly pine seedlings planted monthly from December through June, 1969.

11/01/1972Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 040 Effect of Seedling Grade on Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 040 Effect of Seedling Grade on Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. DieraufOR-040

Report provides a three-year summary of a study comparing loblolly pine seedlings of a range of root collar diameters, top lengths and maturity.

04/01/1973Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 041 Rough Land Tree Planter Study; by J. W. Garner and T. A. Dierauf
No. 041 Rough Land Tree Planter Study; by J. W. Garner and T. A. DieraufOR-041

Report summarizes two-year survival and height growth of loblolly pine on hand- and machine-planted plots.

11/01/1973Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 042 A Comparison of Planting, Spot Seeding and Broadcast Seeding of Loblolly Pine; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 042 A Comparison of Planting, Spot Seeding and Broadcast Seeding of Loblolly Pine; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-042

Report provides results of a five-year trial of planting, spot seeding and broadcast seeding on 10 different tracts.

12/01/1973Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 043 Effect of Time in Cold Storage on Loblolly Pine Seedling Survival; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 043 Effect of Time in Cold Storage on Loblolly Pine Seedling Survival; by T. A. DieraufOR-043

Report provides survival and height growth of dormant and non-dormant loblolly pine seedlings after cold storage ranging from zero to three months through age three.

11/01/1974Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 044 Effect of Freezing on Survival of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by J. W. Garner and T. A. Dierauf
No. 044 Effect of Freezing on Survival of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by J. W. Garner and T. A. DieraufOR-044

Report provides results of a two-year survival of loblolly pine seedlings exposed for two and three days to temperatures of 12 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit prior to planting.

11/01/1974Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 045 Kraft Bags Versus Conventional Packaging: Effects on Survival; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 045 Kraft Bags Versus Conventional Packaging: Effects on Survival; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-045

Report provides results of two studies installed in 1970 with the purposes of 1) comparing survival of loblolly pine seedlings packed in kraft paper bags with seedlings packed in conventional packages, and 2) assessing the effects of varied periods of exposure to the sun prior to planting.

11/01/1974Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 046 Predicting Number of Sound Seeds per Cone from a Cone Cutting Study in Twelve-Year-Old Loblolly Orchard; by T. A. Dierauf and R. G. Wasser
No. 046 Predicting Number of Sound Seeds per Cone from a Cone Cutting Study in Twelve-Year-Old Loblolly Orchard; by T. A. Dierauf and R. G. WasserOR-046

Report summarizes data and prediction models for estimating seed yields per cone of 20 different coastal plain and piedmont cones in the DOF loblolly pine seed orchard.

07/01/1975Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine research-studies tree-improvement
No. 047 A Test of Agricol as a Root Dip; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 047 A Test of Agricol as a Root Dip; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-047

Report provides three-year results from a study comparing loblolly pine seedlings root-dipped in water, kaolin clay suspension, and Agricol, and exposed to the sun and air for 0, 30, 60, and 90 minutes prior to planting.

12/01/1975Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 048 Height Growth of Planted and Direct Seeded Loblolly Pine; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 048 Height Growth of Planted and Direct Seeded Loblolly Pine; by T. A. DieraufOR-048

Report provides eight-year height growth of planted and direct seeded loblolly pines on piedmont and coastal plain sites.

12/01/1975Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 049 Yield of Old Field Shortleaf Pine Plantations; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 049 Yield of Old Field Shortleaf Pine Plantations; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-049

Report summarizes yield data from 57 shortleaf pine stands in 40 different plantations in 25 different piedmont and mountain counties.

07/01/1976Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species growth-and-yield pine-silviculture research-studies shortleaf-pine
No. 050 Changes in Loblolly Pine Seedling Dry Weight and Top to Root Ratio Between October and March; by J. W. Garner and T. A. Dierauf
No. 050 Changes in Loblolly Pine Seedling Dry Weight and Top to Root Ratio Between October and March; by J. W. Garner and T. A. DieraufOR-050

Report provides an analysis of dry weights and root:shoot ratios of loblolly pine seedlings lifted from nursery beds at monthly intervals between October 1, 1973 and March 1, 1974.

07/01/1976Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 051 Cold Damage to Loblolly Seedlings at New Kent Nursery; by T. A. Dierauf and H. L. Olinger
No. 051 Cold Damage to Loblolly Seedlings at New Kent Nursery; by T. A. Dierauf and H. L. OlingerOR-051

Report documents the extent and patterns of damage to loblolly pine seedlings in nursery beds at New Kent Forestry Center following the exceptionally cold temperatures of November 1976 – January 1977.

01/01/1977Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 052 Root Pruning Loblolly Pine Seedlings, Effect on Survival and Growth; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 052 Root Pruning Loblolly Pine Seedlings, Effect on Survival and Growth; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-052

Report provides results from a three-year study where moderate and severe root pruning just before planting was compared to no root pruning on two size classes of seedlings (smaller and larger than average).

02/01/1978Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 053 Does Interplanting Increase Yield?; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Garner and H.L. Olinger
No. 053 Does Interplanting Increase Yield?; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Garner and H.L. OlingerOR-053

Report summarizes 15-year growth of loblolly pines in a study of interplanting in old field plantations one, two, and three years after initial planting.

04/01/1980Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 054 1974 Loblolly Pine Seed Sizing Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 054 1974 Loblolly Pine Seed Sizing Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-054

Report provides information from a study comparing nursery survival and growth of loblolly pine seed from three size classes sown at the same rate in replicated seedbed plots.

04/01/1980Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 055 Results of Root Wrenching in a Sandy Nursery Soil; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 055 Results of Root Wrenching in a Sandy Nursery Soil; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-055

Report provides information on three-year performance of loblolly pine seedlings subjected to mechanical root wrenching in the seedbeds (simulated by hand-pulling) and top clipping.

04/01/1980Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 056 Loblolly Seed Bed Density Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 056 Loblolly Seed Bed Density Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-056

Report provides information on growth and survival for three years after planting of loblolly pine grown at 24, 36, and 52 seedlings per square foot in the nursery bed.

04/01/1980Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 057 Effects of Seedling Size, Herbicides, Fertilizer, and Coppicing on Survival and Growth of Planted Black Walnut Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 057 Effects of Seedling Size, Herbicides, Fertilizer, and Coppicing on Survival and Growth of Planted Black Walnut Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-057

Report provides findings from 57 black walnut planting studies installed across Virginia between 1967 and 1974 where the effects of initial seedling size, competition control using herbicides, fertilization, and coppicing after planting were studied.

01/01/1981Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationblack-walnut competition-control fertilizers hardwood-silviculture nursery-practices planting-practices research-studies
No. 058 A Study of Undercutting, Lateral Root Pruning, Top Clipping in Loblolly Pine Nursery Beds; by T. A. Dierauf and H. L. Olinger
No. 058 A Study of Undercutting, Lateral Root Pruning, Top Clipping in Loblolly Pine Nursery Beds; by T. A. Dierauf and H. L. OlingerOR-058

Report summarizes growth and survival data for three years after planting of seedlings that were undercut, laterally root-pruned, and top-clipped in the nursery beds.

03/01/1982Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies root-treatments seedling-handling
No. 059 Two Tests of Potassium Fertilizations to Induce Earlier Dormancy of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 059 Two Tests of Potassium Fertilizations to Induce Earlier Dormancy of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. DieraufOR-059

Report provides results of studies in 1976 and 1978 to test the efficacy of potassium fertilizer to induce earlier dormancy in nursery seedlings.

11/01/1982Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 060 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 1; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 060 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 1; by T. A. DieraufOR-060

Report summarizes findings from three paired plots released from hardwood competition by hand chopping at age nine and measured through age 23. The basal area and volume response to release varied widely, but, on average, released plots had 18% more basal area and 15% more volume than check plots.

01/01/1984Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 061 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 2; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 061 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 2; by T. A. DieraufOR-061

Report summarizes findings from eight plots released from hardwood competition by hand chopping at age five and measured through age 18. Released plots averaged 16% more basal area and 27% more volume than check plots.

01/01/1984Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 062 Direct Seeding Black Walnut Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 062 Direct Seeding Black Walnut Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-062

Report provides 7-year results of a study installed on four widely separated tracts to assess sowing timing, seed size, sowing depth, and protection from squirrels. The most successful direct seeded seedlings were almost as tall as planted seedlings and were growing at the same rate after seven years.

02/01/1984Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationblack-walnut planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 063 A Comparison of "Normal Depth" with "Deep Planting" of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 063 A Comparison of “Normal Depth” with “Deep Planting” of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. DieraufOR-063

Report summarizes three-year survival and growth of seedlings planted about an inch deeper than they grew in the nursery compared to those planted about two inches deeper. After three years, there were no statistically significant differences in survival or height related to planting depth, but height was related to initial root collar diameter.

02/01/1984Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine planting-practices research-studies
No. 064 Survival of Root-Pruned Loblolly Pine Seedlings After Long-Term Cold Storage; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 064 Survival of Root-Pruned Loblolly Pine Seedlings After Long-Term Cold Storage; by T. A. DieraufOR-064

Report provides three-year results of a trial where root-pruned and non-root-pruned loblolly pine seedlings were kept in cold storage for up to 99 days before planting. Root-pruned seedlings survived and grew as well as unpruned seedlings.

02/01/1984Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices planting-practices research-studies
No. 065 Results at Age 23 of a Loblolly Pine Pre-Commercial Thinning Study; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 065 Results at Age 23 of a Loblolly Pine Pre-Commercial Thinning Study; by T. A. DieraufOR-065

Report describes effects of pre-commercial thinning in a four-year-old direct-seeded loblolly pine stand on long-term growth and yield. Treatments increased diameter growth and pulpwood yields through age 23.

02/01/1985Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield intermediate-stand-treatments loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 066 A Three-Year Study of Immersing Stored Loblolly Pine Seedlings in Water Before Planting; by T. A. Dierauf and L. C. Edwards
No. 066 A Three-Year Study of Immersing Stored Loblolly Pine Seedlings in Water Before Planting; by T. A. Dierauf and L. C. EdwardsOR-066

Report summarizes survival of loblolly pine in three studies where seedlings were stored in unheated buildings from four to nine weeks after various water soaking treatments. Survival of seedlings stored in unheated buildings from four to nine weeks improved five to eight percentage points when they were immersed in water for an hour before planting.

02/01/1985Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices outplanting research-studies seedling-handling
No. 067 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 3; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 067 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 3; by T. A. DieraufOR-067

Report summarizes findings from two areas released from hardwood competition by either hand chopping or mist-blowing herbicides at age two compared to no treatment and measured through age 19. Hand-chopped plots averaged 63% more basal area and 80% more volume than the check plots, and mist-blown plots averaged 29% more basal area and 25% more volume than check plots.

05/01/1986Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 068 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 4; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 068 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 4; by T. A. DieraufOR-068

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by mist-blowing herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 19. Mist-blown plots averaged 25% more basal area and 28% more volume than check plots.

05/01/1986Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 069 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 5; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 069 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 5; by T. A. DieraufOR-069

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by mist-blowing herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 21. Mist-blown plots averaged 78% more basal area and 91% more volume than check plots.

05/01/1986Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 070 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 6; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 070 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 6; by T. A. DieraufOR-070

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by either hand chopping or mist-blowing herbicides at age five to no treatment and measured through age 22. Hand-chopped plots averaged 52% more basal area and 63% more volume than the check plots, and mist-blown plots averaged 19% more basal area and 17% more volume than check plots.

05/01/1986Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 071 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Damaged by an Early Hail Storm; by T. A. Dierauf, R. S. Jenkins, and D. L. Hixson
No. 071 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Damaged by an Early Hail Storm; by T. A. Dierauf, R. S. Jenkins, and D. L. HixsonOR-071

Report documents the effects of severe hail on loblolly pine seedlings with three different kinds of damage: those with stems broken at the groundline survived best (62%) and had the best growth; those with stems broken above the groundline survived worst (24%) and were intermediate in growth, and those with unbroken stems which lost most of their cotyledons were intermediate in survival (46%), and had the slowest growth.

05/01/1986Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationforest-health-impacts loblolly-pine nursery-practices planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices
No. 072 An Undercutting Study in Loblolly Pine Seedbeds; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 072 An Undercutting Study in Loblolly Pine Seedbeds; by T. A. DieraufOR-072

Report summarizes three-year results of a trial initiated in 1982 to compare different undercutting treatments (once, twice, or three times) in the nursery. Results indicated small or no difference in survival or height growth after any of the treatments.

11/01/1988Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 073 A Two-Year Study Comparing Five Sowing Depths for Loblolly Pine Seed; by T. A Dierauf and L. J. Apgar
No. 073 A Two-Year Study Comparing Five Sowing Depths for Loblolly Pine Seed; by T. A Dierauf and L. J. ApgarOR-073

Report provides results from a study repeated in 1984 and 1985 to evaluate sowing loblolly pine seed at the New Kent Nursery at depths of 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 inch. Seed at depths of 1/4 to 3/4 inches germinated best, and speed of germination was inversely correlated with sowing depth.

11/01/1988Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 074 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 7; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 074 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 7; by T. A. DieraufOR-074

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by mist-blowing herbicides at age two to no treatment and measured through age 16. Mist-blown plots averaged 30% more basal area and 43% more volume than check plots.

12/01/1988Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 075 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 8; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 075 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 8; by T. A. DieraufOR-075

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by mist-blowing herbicides at age three to no treatment and measured through age 21. Mist-blown plots averaged 88% more basal area and 98% more volume than check plots.

02/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 076 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 9; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 076 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 9; by T. A. DieraufOR-076

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by hand chopping at age five to no treatment and measured through age 21. Hand-chopped plots averaged 109% more basal area and 153% more volume than check plots.

02/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 077 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 10; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 077 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 10; by T. A. DieraufOR-077

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by hand chopping at age four to no treatment and measured through age 22. Hand-chopped plots averaged 7% more basal area and 5% more volume than check plots.

05/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 078 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 11; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 078 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 11; by T. A. DieraufOR-078

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 18% more basal area and 23% more volume than check plots. This report also introduced the pine free-to-grow classification system that has been used ever since in hardwood control studies across the South.

02/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 079 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 12; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 079 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 12; by T. A. DieraufOR-079

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age six to no treatment and measured through age 18. Herbicide plots averaged 41% more basal area and 39% more volume than check plots.

05/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 080 Performance of Pine Needles and Wood Chip Mulches Compared to No Mulch on Loblolly Pine Seedbeds; by T. A. Dierauf and L. J. Apgar
No. 080 Performance of Pine Needles and Wood Chip Mulches Compared to No Mulch on Loblolly Pine Seedbeds; by T. A. Dierauf and L. J. ApgarOR-080

Report provides findings from a two-year study that compared no mulch with mulches of pine needles or wood chips. Whether mulched or not, seed drilled 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep produced higher stocking than surface sown seed. When seed was drilled, mulches did not improve seedbed stocking, but when used to cover surface sown seed, mulches immensely improved stocking.

11/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 081 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Damaged by an Early Wind Storm; by L. J. Apgar
No. 081 Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Damaged by an Early Wind Storm; by L. J. ApgarOR-081

Report provides information from a 1988 study to assess the effects of damage from a severe wind storm on survival and growth of recently-sown (20-29 days prior to the storm) loblolly pine seedlings. Both survival and growth were reduced with increasing severity of damage.

11/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationforest-health-impacts loblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 082 Root Pruning White Pine Seedlings Prior to Planting; by T. A. Dierauf and H. Hannah
No. 082 Root Pruning White Pine Seedlings Prior to Planting; by T. A. Dierauf and H. HannahOR-082

Report provides results from six separate studies installed between 1980 and 1984 to test root pruning of white pine seedlings to lengths of 1, 3, and 5 inches compared to unpruned seedlings. Severe root pruning (to 1 inch) reduced survival by 60-75%, and pruning to 3- or 5-inch lengths reduced survival to lesser amounts. Surviving seedlings did not differ in height growth regardless of severity or pruning.

11/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationnursery-practices research-studies white-pine
No. 083 Early Planting, Over-Winter Storage, and Late Planting of White Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 083 Early Planting, Over-Winter Storage, and Late Planting of White Pine Seedlings; by T. A. DieraufOR-083

Report summarizes results from a study installed from 1981-1984 to evaluate early lifting/planting, over-winter storage, and late lifting/planting of white pine. The most significant effect on survival came from storage; seedlings lifted and planted in the fall or in the spring survived equally. Height growth of surviving seedlings was not affected by lifting/planting schedule.

11/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationnursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies white-pine
No. 084 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 13; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 084 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 13; by T. A. DieraufOR-084

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 68-70% more basal area and 91-99% more volume than check plots.

12/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 085 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 14; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 085 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 14; by T. A. DieraufOR-085

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 16. Herbicide plots averaged 22% more basal area and 35% more volume than check plots.

12/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 086 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 15; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 086 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 15; by T. A. DieraufOR-086

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age four to no treatment and measured through age 19. Herbicide plots averaged 31% more basal area and 53% more volume than check plots.

12/01/1989Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 087 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 16; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 087 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 16; by T. A. DieraufOR-087

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age three to no treatment and measured through age 15. Herbicide plots averaged slightly less basal area and only 0.4 cords per acre more volume than check plots.

02/01/1990Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 088 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 17; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 088 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 17; by T. A. DieraufOR-088

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 18. Herbicide plots averaged 10-16% more basal area and 13-23% more volume than check plots.

02/01/1990Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 089 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No.18; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 089 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No.18; by T. A. DieraufOR-089

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age three to no treatment and measured through age 16. Herbicide plots averaged 29% more basal area and 48% more volume than check plots.

02/01/1990Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 090 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 19; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 090 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 19; by T. A. DieraufOR-090

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age two to no treatment and measured through age 18. Herbicide plots averaged 54-76% more basal area and 67-103% more volume than check plots.

03/01/1990Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 091 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 20; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 091 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 20; by T. A. DieraufOR-091

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 17-32% more basal area and 28-65% more volume than check plots.

03/01/1990Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 092 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 21; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 092 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 21; by T. A. DieraufOR-092

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 17. Herbicide plots averaged 28-29% more basal area and 48-66% more volume than check plots.

03/01/1990Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 093 A Three-Year Loblolly Pine Seedbed Irrigation Study; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. Chandler
No. 093 A Three-Year Loblolly Pine Seedbed Irrigation Study; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. ChandlerOR-093

Report describes results from plots testing irrigation options over a three-year period at two nurseries. Drier irrigation treatments generally reduced height and diameter growth and increased the number of cull seedlings. After three years in the field, there were no consistent effects of irrigation treatment on survival.

01/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 094 A Five-Year Study of Different Sawdust and Nitrogen Rates in a Loblolly Pine Nursery; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 094 A Five-Year Study of Different Sawdust and Nitrogen Rates in a Loblolly Pine Nursery; by T. A. DieraufOR-094

Report provides results from a series of trials comparing three sawdust rates, three nitrogen rates, and top clipping on loblolly pine seedling development. After three seasons, there were no consistent effects on survival or height. Top clipping consistently improved survival.

01/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 095 Comparison of Loblolly and Virginia Pine Yields; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 095 Comparison of Loblolly and Virginia Pine Yields; by T. A. DieraufOR-095

Report compares yields on 34 pairs of plots planted in 1966 and 1967, which shows that loblolly out-produced Virginia pine on 33 out of 34 locations and at age 19-21 most loblolly plots were ready for thinning while none of the Virginia pine plots were.

01/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine research-studies virginia-pine
No. 096 Diameter Growth Following an Understory Prescribed Burn; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 096 Diameter Growth Following an Understory Prescribed Burn; by T. A. DieraufOR-096

Report describes effects of crown scorch following a 1984 burn in loblolly pine. After four years, more than half the trees with 100% crown scorch had died but early differences in diameter growth had disappeared.

02/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationintermediate-stand-treatments pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 097 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 22; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 097 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 22; by T. A. DieraufOR-097

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by 1) hand chopping, 2) basal spraying herbicides, or 3) mist blowing herbicides at age three to no treatment and measured through age 20. Herbicide plots averaged 6-12% more basal area and 9-13% more volume than check plots.

08/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 098 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 23; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 098 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 23; by T. A. DieraufOR-098

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by basal spraying herbicides at two dilution rates at age one to no treatment and measured through age 19. Cordwood yield response varied from +22% on the lower dilution rate to -17% with the higher dilution.

08/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 099 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 24; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 099 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 24; by T. A. DieraufOR-099

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age three to no treatment and measured through age 20. Herbicide plots averaged 11% more basal area and 18% more volume than check plots.

08/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 100 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 25; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 100 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 25; by T. A. DieraufOR-100

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age two to no treatment and measured through age 18. Herbicide plots averaged 169% more basal area and 215% more volume than check plots.

08/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 101 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 26; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 101 Loblolly Pine Release Study Report No. 26; by T. A. DieraufOR-101

Report summarizes findings from plots comparing release from hardwood competition by aerial application of herbicides at age three to no treatment and measured through age 19. Herbicide plots averaged 22% more basal area and 38% more volume than check plots.

08/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control growth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 102 Loblolly Pine Release Response to Complete Elimination of Understory Vegetation; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 102 Loblolly Pine Release Response to Complete Elimination of Understory Vegetation; by T. A. DieraufOR-102

Report provides information regarding loblolly pine growth through age 18 on plots released from understory (blueberry and huckleberry) vegetation at age 10. Complete elimination of understory competition had no significant impact on diameter or basal area growth.

08/01/1991Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 103 A Three-Year Loblolly Pine Direct Seeding Study: Yields at Age 24; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 103 A Three-Year Loblolly Pine Direct Seeding Study: Yields at Age 24; by T. A. DieraufOR-103

Report provides age 24 pulpwood yields on plots of a three-year study of eight direct seeding treatments (two rates x four sowing dates). Yields at age 24 ranged from 6.6 to 29.1 cords per acre, considerably less than would be expected from plantations at the same age.

01/01/1992Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine research-studies seeding-practices
No. 104 Lateral Roots Extending From the Planting Hole - How Serious?; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 104 Lateral Roots Extending From the Planting Hole – How Serious?; by T. A. DieraufOR-104

Report provides three-year results from a study of effects of exposed long roots on planted loblolly pine seedlings. Lateral roots extending from the planting hole and exposed on the surface did not reduce survival or subsequent height growth.

01/01/1992Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine planting-practices research-studies
No. 105 Stripping Lateral Roots From Loblolly During Lifting; by T. A. Dierauf, L. A. Chandler, and D. L. Hixson
No. 105 Stripping Lateral Roots From Loblolly During Lifting; by T. A. Dierauf, L. A. Chandler, and D. L. HixsonOR-105

Report provides three-year survival results of loblolly pine seedlings with no root damage, all lateral roots removed, and all lateral roots removed plus taproot damage. Most of the seedlings with roots removed died, while survival of undamaged seedlings was satisfactory.

01/01/1992Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 106 A Three-year Loblolly Pine Interplanting Study on Site-Prepared Forestland; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 106 A Three-year Loblolly Pine Interplanting Study on Site-Prepared Forestland; by T. A. DieraufOR-106

Report provides 20-year results of a study comparing planting 824 trees per acre, 412 trees per acre, and 412 trees per acre followed by interplanting another 412 trees the following year. Interplanting had a negative effect on stand productivity, reducing average stem diameter and increasing the number of sub-merchantable trees.

11/01/1992Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 107 Loblolly Pine Seedling Grade - Effect on Survival and Growth Through 20 Years; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. Chandler
No. 107 Loblolly Pine Seedling Grade – Effect on Survival and Growth Through 20 Years; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. ChandlerOR-107

Report summarizes 20-year growth of loblolly pine in studies comparing small, average, and large initial root collar diameter. Large seedlings survived only slightly better than average seedlings, but small seedlings suffered considerable mortality. Even if small seedlings had survived as well as the others, they would have produced significantly less volume.

07/01/1993Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 108 25- and 26-Year Measurement of Loblolly Pine Seedling Grade Study; by T. A. Dierauf
No. 108 25- and 26-Year Measurement of Loblolly Pine Seedling Grade Study; by T. A. DieraufOR-108

Report provides three-year results comparing seedlings ranging in root collar diameter from 2/32 to 6/32 inches. Age 25-26 growth data are also reported but are difficult to interpret because the original planting was at a 3 x 3 feet spacing.

07/01/1993Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 109 Effect of Initial Root Collar Diameter on Survival and Growth of Yellow Poplar Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 109 Effect of Initial Root Collar Diameter on Survival and Growth of Yellow Poplar Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-109

Report summarizes 20-year growth of yellow-poplar as affected by initial root collar diameter.

07/01/1993Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture research-studies yellow-poplar
No. 110 The Effect of Mycorrhizae on Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. Chandler
No. 110 The Effect of Mycorrhizae on Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. ChandlerOR-110

Report provides results of two studies of the effects of mycorrhizae on loblolly pine seedling performance. Results did not identify any significant differences between non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal seedlings.

07/01/1993Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 111 The Paul Forest Hardwood Pre-Commercial Thinning, Study at Age 27; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Hodge, and J. A. Scrivani
No. 111 The Paul Forest Hardwood Pre-Commercial Thinning, Study at Age 27; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Hodge, and J. A. ScrivaniOR-111

Report provides results of a study comparing 27-year effects of pre-commercial thinning vs. no thinning at age 11 in a hardwood stand. Although thinning resulted in a 1-inch gain in diameter growth, it had not made much difference in either species composition or projected rotation age of the developing stand.

12/01/1993Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments research-studies timber-stand-improvement
No. 112 A Black Walnut Seed-Source-Elevation Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 112 A Black Walnut Seed-Source-Elevation Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-112

Report provides nine-year data from a test comparing 21 different seed sources of black walnut collected within a 100-mile radius but ranging in altitude from 480 to 2,400 feet. Altitude of source did not affect frost resistance but height tended to decrease with increasing source altitude.

01/01/1994Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationblack-walnut genetics growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture research-studies tree-improvement
No. 113 Controlling Herbaceous Competition and Tip Moth - Effects After 16 Years; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. Scrivani
No. 113 Controlling Herbaceous Competition and Tip Moth – Effects After 16 Years; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. ScrivaniOR-113

Report describes the effects of four treatments – herbaceous vegetation control, tip moth control, herbaceous vegetation and tip moth control combined, and no treatment – on loblolly pine growth through age 16. Herbaceous control increased height by 2 feet, diameter by 0.5 inches, and basal area by 25 square feet. Tip moth control had only slight effects on those attributes.

03/01/1994Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control insects loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 114 Natural Straightening of Young Black Walnut; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. Garner
No. 114 Natural Straightening of Young Black Walnut; by T. A. Dierauf and J. W. GarnerOR-114

Report provides information regarding the straightening that occurred over a 21-year period in four different stands of black walnut that had forks, multiple tops, crooks and sweeps at an early age.

05/01/1994Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationblack-walnut hardwood-silviculture research-studies
No. 115 Additional Tests of Root Pruning Loblolly Seedlings in the Seedbed; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. Chandler
No. 115 Additional Tests of Root Pruning Loblolly Seedlings in the Seedbed; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. ChandlerOR-115

Report summarizes results of five separate studies involving varied frequency, timing, and depth of undercutting of loblolly pine seedlings in the nursery bed. Overall, there was little to no difference between pruned and unpruned seedlings.

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies root-treatments seedling-handling
No. 116 Root Pruning White Pine Seedlings in the Seedbeds; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. Chandler
No. 116 Root Pruning White Pine Seedlings in the Seedbeds; by T. A. Dierauf, J. A. Scrivani, and L. A. ChandlerOR-116

Report summarizes results of five separate studies involving varied frequency, timing and depth of undercutting of white pine seedlings in the nursery bed. Root pruning resulted in substantial gains in survival in all five studies, ranging from 13 to 20 percentage points.

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationnursery-practices research-studies root-treatments seedling-handling white-pine
No. 117 Planting 1-0 White Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. Chandler
No. 117 Planting 1-0 White Pine Seedlings; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. ChandlerOR-117

Report summarizes three-year results from a test of 1-0 white pine seedlings from 2/32 to 5/32 inches in root collar diameter compared to 2-0 seedlings. Smaller seedlings survived as well as larger ones, but grew less in height; 2-0 seedlings grew more in height than 1-0.

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationnursery-practices pine-silviculture research-studies white-pine
No. 118 A Study of Diameter Growth in Black Walnut Stands; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Garner, and J. A. Scrivani
No. 118 A Study of Diameter Growth in Black Walnut Stands; by T. A. Dierauf, J. W. Garner, and J. A. ScrivaniOR-118

Report provides results from diameter monitoring plots in 32 black walnut stands scattered over the piedmont and mountain regions of Virginia and 57 black walnut planting study sites.

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationblack-walnut growth-and-yield hardwood-silviculture research-studies
No. 119 Ripping to Improve Loblolly Seedling Survival and Growth; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. Scrivani
No. 119 Ripping to Improve Loblolly Seedling Survival and Growth; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. ScrivaniOR-119

Report provides information about a study where loblolly pine seedlings were planted in rows that had either been ripped to a depth of 16 inches or not ripped on eight different tracts. At age six, neither survival nor height were significantly affected by treatment, but the gain in diameter of 0.13 inches was statistically significant.

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies site-preparation soil-amendments
No. 120 Field Performance of Grade 1 and 2 Loblolly Seedlings from a Top Clipping Study; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. Chandler
No. 120 Field Performance of Grade 1 and 2 Loblolly Seedlings from a Top Clipping Study; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. ChandlerOR-120

Report provides results of the effects of top-clipping treatments on loblolly pine seedlings with varied root collar diameters in the nursery and field (through age three).

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies seedling-grade seedling-handling top-clipping
No. 121 Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization Rate in the Seedbed on Growth in the Field; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. Chandler
No. 121 Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization Rate in the Seedbed on Growth in the Field; by T. A. Dierauf and L. A. ChandlerOR-121

Report provides seven-year results from two studies comparing varying rates of nitrogen fertilizer applied loblolly pine seedlings in the nursery seedbed. Nitrogen rate did not have any effect on survival or growth of the seedlings seven years after planting.

03/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies seedling-handling soil-amendments
No. 122 Sowing Five Clonal Lots of Loblolly Seed Separately or Randomly Mixed - Results A20 Years; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. Scrivani
No. 122 Sowing Five Clonal Lots of Loblolly Seed Separately or Randomly Mixed – Results A20 Years; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. ScrivaniOR-122

Report provides 20-year results of a comparison of seedlings from five open-pollinated loblolly pine parents sown either separately or randomly mixed in the nursery bed. Survival was not affected by sowing pattern, but at age 20, the randomly-mixed seedlings were taller than those sown in pure lots and there were differences among genotypes.

04/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgenetics loblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies seedling-handling sowing-seed tree-improvement
No. 123 White Pine Old-Field Plantation Yields Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. Scrivani
No. 123 White Pine Old-Field Plantation Yields Study; by T. A. Dierauf and J. A. ScrivaniOR-123

Report summarizes yield data from 59 plots installed in 48 different white pine plantations over a 30-year period that was used to construct volume tables and site index curves and project board-foot volumes.

04/01/1995Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield pine-silviculture research-studies white-pine
No. 124 Wide-Spacing Plantings of Loblolly Pine - Age 15 Results; by J. A. Scrivani and W.F. Bowman
No. 124 Wide-Spacing Plantings of Loblolly Pine – Age 15 Results; by J. A. Scrivani and W.F. BowmanOR-124

Report provides 15-year growth information on three locations of plots in the piedmont of Virginia planted with 200, 300, and 400 loblolly pines per acre. This study demonstrated that relatively low-density plantings of loblolly pine can result in well-stocked stands capable of supporting a merchantable thinning by age 15.

11/01/2004Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 125 Effects of Storage, Handling and Tranportation on Eastern White Pine 1st-Year Survival and Height; by Jerre L. Creighton and Wayne F. Bowman
No. 125 Effects of Storage, Handling and Tranportation on Eastern White Pine 1st-Year Survival and Height; by Jerre L. Creighton and Wayne F. BowmanOR-125

Report summarizes past studies and results from a new test of varied storage times, exposure during grading and planting, and transport. Survival ranged from 46% to 91% and was reduced by cold storage over four weeks when combined with prolonged exposure during planting and exposure during transportation.

11/01/2005Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationpine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies seeding-practices seedling-handling white-pine
No. 126 Factors Limiting Early Development of Riparian Hardwood Plantings in Page, Shenandoah, Warren and Rockingham Counties in Virginia (2010-2013)
No. 126 Factors Limiting Early Development of Riparian Hardwood Plantings in Page, Shenandoah, Warren and Rockingham Counties in Virginia (2010-2013)RR-126

Thousands of hardwood seedlings are planted in Virginia every year through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). The plantings are inspected initially and again two to three years later to monitor success. Report summarizes the results of those inspections and underscores the influence natural impacts and maintenance can have on the success of planting.

03/01/2014Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield riparian-forest-buffers
No. 127 Seven-Year Evaluation of Biosolids as a Fertilizer in Mid-Rotation Loblolly Pine
No. 127 Seven-Year Evaluation of Biosolids as a Fertilizer in Mid-Rotation Loblolly PineRR-127

Biosolids are solid and liquid materials produced from the treatment of municipal sewage sludge, commonly applied as a fertilizer material on agricultural fields. Most forestland in Virginia becomes nitrogen-limited as the stand develops. Report summarizes the results of a seven-year-old study to examine the effects of biosolids applied as fertilizers to a mid-rotation loblolly pine plantation in Essex County, showing that pine trees benefit from the biosolids much as they would from traditional inorganic fertilizers.

07/01/2014Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine pine-silviculture
No. 128 Growth Response of White Oak to Repeated Crop Tree Release and Fertilization
No. 128 Growth Response of White Oak to Repeated Crop Tree Release and FertilizationRR-128

Report of nine-year responses from a study installed in a 15-year-old mixed hardwood stand to assess the combined effects of crop tree release and fertilization on the growth of white oak.

07/01/2014Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcrop-tree-release hardwood-silviculture oak research-studies
No. 129 Surfactant Chemistry
No. 129 Surfactant ChemistryRR-129

The choice of surfactant can be critical in determining the outcome of an herbicide application. Research report reviews important factors to consider, including solution chemistry, herbicides state, surfactant type and chemistry, and important considerations for glyphosate herbicides. It also includes a case study.

09/01/2006Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control pine-silviculture
No. 130 Site Prep vs. Release for Woody Competition Control in Loblolly Pine: 10-Year Growth and Projected Financial Returns
No. 130 Site Prep vs. Release for Woody Competition Control in Loblolly Pine: 10-Year Growth and Projected Financial ReturnsRR-130

A study of the effects on loblolly pine growth of seven herbicide competition control alternatives was installed at the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest between July 2005 and August 2007. After 10 years, analysis of variance indicates that hardwood competition control has had a significant (P<0.01) positive effect on pine growth (basal area and volume).

12/01/2016Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control loblolly-pine pine-silviculture
No. 131 Development of Loblolly Pine Interplanted One Year After Simulated First-Year Mortality
No. 131 Development of Loblolly Pine Interplanted One Year After Simulated First-Year MortalityRR-131

Report discusses a study that was installed in the spring of 2007 at Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest to examine the effects of interplanting loblolly pine seedlings in plots with varying levels of simulated seedling mortality in a one-year-old plantation.

03/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationforest-economics loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices
No. 132 Growth Projection and Discounted Cash Flow as Decision Tools for Loblolly Pine Silviculture
No. 132 Growth Projection and Discounted Cash Flow as Decision Tools for Loblolly Pine SilvicultureRR-132

Report provides projected yields from a study of the effects of competition control alternatives on loblolly pine growth were used to calculate present values of different scenarios comparing alternate rates of return (interest rates), rotation lengths, hardwood competition levels, thinning strategies, product prices, site qualities and establishment wait times.

06/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationforest-economics growth-and-yield research-studies
No. 133 Loblolly Pine Productivity after Five Years Growing in Four Planting Configurations
No. 133 Loblolly Pine Productivity after Five Years Growing in Four Planting ConfigurationsRR-133

Report provides five-year results from a study comparing the growth and productivity of loblolly pine planted at varying densities in four planting configurations intended to produce shorter-rotation (biofuel or pulpwood) vs. longer-rotation (chip-n-saw or sawtimber) products.

06/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine planting-practices research-studies
No. 134 Effects of Planting Date (Month) on Longleaf Pine Survival in Virginia
No. 134 Effects of Planting Date (Month) on Longleaf Pine Survival in VirginiaRR-134

Report provides an update on the effects of planting date on longleaf pine survival in Virginia.

07/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species longleaf-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices
No. 135 Growth of Loblolly Pine Planted at Low Densities
No. 135 Growth of Loblolly Pine Planted at Low DensitiesRR-135

Report provides age 22 data from a study installed on the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest between 1990 and 1993 to compare the tree growth and stand-level productivity of plots planted with 200, 300 and 400 seedlings per acre (spa).

08/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationforest-economics loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 136 Ten-Year Performance of Eight Longleaf Pine Provenances in Virginia
No. 136 Ten-Year Performance of Eight Longleaf Pine Provenances in VirginiaRR-136

Report provides 10-year results from a study comparing the survival and growth of longleaf pine seedlings from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina (two sources), South Carolina, and Virginia. Primarily due to earlier growth initiation and better survival, the Virginia source produced significantly more volume per acre and ranked higher in fitness score than the other provenances.

11/01/2017Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species genetics longleaf-pine tree-improvement
No. 137 Controlling American Holly with Basal Sprays of Triclopyr
No. 137 Controlling American Holly with Basal Sprays of TriclopyrRR-137

Report describes two-year results of a test of the herbicide triclopyr ester (product name Garlon 4 Ultra) applied as a basal spray to control American holly in the understory of mixed hardwood stands. Rates as low as 5% applied in February or 20% applied in March were highly effective.

08/01/2019Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control hardwood-silviculture invasive-species
No. 138 Early Performance of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Lifted with Two Nursery Lifting Machines
No. 138 Early Performance of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Lifted with Two Nursery Lifting MachinesRR-138

A report from a three-year study to determine whether the root beater mechanism (reciprocating vs. oscillating) on the lifters used at the Garland Gray nursery affected either survival or growth of seedlings after planting.  Results indicate no statistically significant effects of lifter on either attribute.

04/01/2021Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 139 First-Year Performance of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Stored in Open-Ended Bundles Compared to Kraft Bags
No. 139 First-Year Performance of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Stored in Open-Ended Bundles Compared to Kraft BagsRR-139

Report summarizes results of a study installed in 2020 to compare packaging and storage of loblolly pine seedlings in open-ended bundles and multi-walled kraft / polyethylene bags.  After one growing season, there was no statistically significant difference in either survival or height growth.

04/01/2021Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices research-studies
No. 140 Comparison of Early Performance of Containerized and Bare-Root Loblolly Pine Seedlings Planted from October through April
No. 140 Comparison of Early Performance of Containerized and Bare-Root Loblolly Pine Seedlings Planted from October through AprilRR-140

Report provides two-year results of a test to compare loblolly pine seedlings propagated in containers to those raised in traditional beds and planted “bare-root” in October, November, December, February, March, and April. Container seedlings survived and grew well if planted in the fall or spring but not in winter, while bare-root seedlings performed acceptably at all planting dates.

05/01/2021Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationloblolly-pine nursery-practices planting-practices research-studies
No. 141 Performance of Four Hybrid Poplars and Three Native Hardwoods in Plantations in Central Virginia at Age 14
No. 141 Performance of Four Hybrid Poplars and Three Native Hardwoods in Plantations in Central Virginia at Age 14RR-141

Report provides 14-year results of a test to compare plantations of three native hardwood species and four hybrid poplar crosses to loblolly pine for potential fiber production. Of the eight species/hybrids tested, only one hybrid poplar cross – Populus trichocarpa x deltoides – survived and grew well.

05/01/2021Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgenetics hardwood-silviculture loblolly-pine outplanting research-studies yellow-poplar
No. 142 Five-Year Effects of Herbicide Tank Mixes and Surfactants for Loblolly Pine Release
No. 142 Five-Year Effects of Herbicide Tank Mixes and Surfactants for Loblolly Pine ReleaseRR-142

Report provides results from a study of the effects of five surfactants when applied with three common herbicide mixes for loblolly pine release. Pine damage was associated with the Arsenal (imazapyr) x Accord (glyphosate) tank mix – either with or without surfactants – and was temporary. Five-year pine growth was significantly better with release despite the damage.

06/01/2022Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 143 Site Prep vs. Release for Woody Competition Control in Loblolly Pine: 15-Year Results
No. 143 Site Prep vs. Release for Woody Competition Control in Loblolly Pine: 15-Year ResultsRR-143

Report provides age 15 results from a study of the effects on loblolly pine growth of seven herbicide alternatives for hardwood competition control (all with and without an additional year one herbaceous weed control treatment). After 15 years, pine productivity increased by 70% with the best site prep treatment compared to 40% with a second-year release.

06/01/2022Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies site-preparation
No. 144 Effects of Hardwood Control Timing on Loblolly Pine Growth - Age Five Results
No. 144 Effects of Hardwood Control Timing on Loblolly Pine Growth – Age Five ResultsRR-144

Report provides results from a study of the effects on loblolly pine growth of five hardwood competition control strategies (pre-plant site prep, year-one release, year-two release, one-year layout followed by pre-plant site prep, and no control). After five years, all treatments had effectively controlled hardwood competition and differences in pine growth were directly related to the timing of hardwood control.

08/01/2021Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control loblolly-pine pine-silviculture research-studies
No. 145 Triclopyr Ester for Controlling Tree-of-Heaven
No. 145 Triclopyr Ester for Controlling Tree-of-HeavenRR-145

Report provides results from a series of four studies of tree-of-heaven control using triclopyr ester applied at different times during the year by basal spray or cut stump application methods. A mixture of 25% triclopyr ester herbicide in an oil-based carrier achieved excellent tree-of-heaven control for trees up to 16 inches in diameter.

08/01/2021Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationintermediate-stand-treatments invasive-species invasive-species-control research-studies tree-of-heaven
No. 146 Establishment Methods for Shortleaf Pine
No. 146 Establishment Methods for Shortleaf PineRR-146

Report provides results from three locations of a study of competition control and fertilizer treatments for establishing shortleaf pine on old-field and cutover sites. Herbaceous weed control (using herbicides or mechanical scalping) at the beginning of the first growing season improved survival and growth of planted shortleaf pine on both old field and cutover sites after two years.

04/01/2022Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species fertilizers pine-silviculture research-studies shortleaf-pine site-preparation
No. 147 Establishment Methods for Longleaf Pine
No. 147 Establishment Methods for Longleaf PineRR-147

Report provides results from a study of the effects of seedling source (NC orchard mix, GA mountain and GA coastal), competition control methods and planting depth on the establishment and early growth of longleaf pine on an old-field site. Five-year results show that the most important factor in  establishment success was scalping. Shallow planting and Oustar at 8 -12 oz./acre were also helpful. 

04/01/2022Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control diminished-species genetics longleaf-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
No. 148 Ten-Year Growth of Loblolly Pine Planted in Different Configurations Targeting Varied Product Objectives
No. 148 Ten-Year Growth of Loblolly Pine Planted in Different Configurations Targeting Varied Product ObjectivesRR-148

Report provides results from a study comparing the growth and productivity of loblolly pine planted at varying densities in four planting configurations. Changing the planting density and between- or within-row spacing met different product objectives while producing up to 51% more volume within a 10-year time frame compared to a 10 ft. x 10 ft. spacing (436 trees per acre).

05/01/2022Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Control Treatments - Timing Methods and Herbicide Rates
Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Control Treatments – Timing Methods and Herbicide RatesFT0031

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about possible control treatments for some of Virginia’s most common non-native invasive plant species.

10/01/2018Viewforest-healthforestry-topics invasive-species invasive-species-control
Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)
Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)

Virginia DWR information sheet provides information about the endangered northern long-eared bat.

04/18/2023Viewforest-management water-qualitynorthern-long-eared-bat
Oak Decline in Virginia
Oak Decline in Virginia

This report provides an overview of oak decline and the factors that cause it.

Viewforest-healthinsects oak-decline
Oak Shelterwood: A Technique to Improve Oak Regeneration
Oak Shelterwood: A Technique to Improve Oak RegenerationSP-676

Article reviews a method of involving a well-timed, mid-story removal to improve the number and vigor of oak advance regeneration and a subsequent overstory removal to facilitate regeneration of the stand. Jeff Stringer, Extension Professor of Hardwood Silviculture, Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky.

01/01/2006Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationhardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments oak
Optimized Insecticide Dosage for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Hemlock Trees
Optimized Insecticide Dosage for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Hemlock Trees

Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) (Adelges tsugae) is killing hemlock trees in the eastern U.S. This invasive insect is native to Japan and has been in the eastern U.S. since the 1950’s. HWA feed by sucking fluids from hemlock twigs just at the base of the needles, depleting the tree of needed energy reserves. Large swaths of hemlock forests have been decimated by HWA, and millions of hemlocks have died. This publication provides information about optimized dosage for HWA control in hemlock trees

02/01/2020Viewforest-healthhemlock-woolly-adelgid insects
Outdoor Fire Laws
Outdoor Fire LawsP00107

Brochure provides an overview, as well as detailed fire law information in the Commonwealth of Virginia, encouraging citizens to know the forest fire laws and local ordinances before burning, and safety tips for burning. Printed copies available.

02/01/2023Viewfire-and-emergency-response4pm-burning-law burning fire-department-resources fire-laws firefighter-resources forestry-laws landowner-resources wildfire-prevention
People of Forestry - Discover Careers in the Forest
People of Forestry – Discover Careers in the Forest

Activity book helps youth explore careers in the forest through a variety of activities. Limited printed copies available.

08/01/2021Vieweducation public-informationcareers kids-resources
Phragmites and Fire
Phragmites and FireP00109

Brochure describes just what phragmites is, why it is a serious threat, how to recognize the problem, and reducing the risk to your home and property.

11/01/2002Viewfire-and-emergency-responselandowner-resources wildfire-prevention
Pine Planting Guide
Pine Planting GuideP00117

Brochure illustrates and explains proper planting techniques for planting bare-root pine seedlings. Printed copies available.

08/12/2024Viewnurserieshomeowner-assistance landowner-resources pine-management reforestation seedling-nurseries tree-planting
Plan Your Forest's Future
Plan Your Forest’s FutureP00205

Brochure provides information regarding the responsibility of owning forestland and the importance of planning your forest’s future, conserving your forestland, forest planning options, types of plans, elements of a plan, and benefits of a plan. Printed copies available.

09/01/2015Viewforest-managementconservation estate-planning forest-planning land-planning landowner-assistance landowner-resources
Potential Value-added Products from Wildfire Fuel Mitigation Projects in Eastern Virginia
Potential Value-added Products from Wildfire Fuel Mitigation Projects in Eastern VirginiaP00120

This report presents the conclusions of a study, which was initiated to examine the feasibility of increasing the utilization of small diameter (1 – 9 inches) and low-value timber to create economic opportunities in eastern Virginia, while reducing wildfire risks in the Suburban/Rural Interface. The desired results will be to generate interest from current industries that wish to expand operations, attract new entrepreneurs, and inform interested parties of the potential economic advantages of utilizing these materials.

07/01/2003Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-economics forest-products
Preserving Longleaf Pine in Virginia - Restoring Our Native Species
Preserving Longleaf Pine in Virginia – Restoring Our Native SpeciesFT0008

Forestry topic information sheet encourages the preservation of the native species longleaf pine, including the history of longleaf, why preserve longleaf, DOF’s longleaf research, native Virginia longleaf, and cost-share programs available. Printed copies available.

09/01/2007Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationdiminished-species forestry-topics longleaf-pine
Property Mulching Techniques
Property Mulching Techniques

Publication explains proper mulching techniques, including type, amount, and method.

01/01/2011Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry tree-care urban-forestry
Protect Your Pine Forest
Protect Your Pine ForestP00114

Brochure educates landowners on options available to help maintain healthy pine forests and prevent bark beetle damage including cost-sharing pre-commercial thinning and cost-sharing longleaf pine restoration. Printed copies available.

01/01/2007Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-health forest-healthcost-share-programs forest-health-impacts landowner-resources pine-management timber-harvesting
Rain Gardens
Rain GardensP00124

Brochure educates landowners on options available to resolve issues with excess drainage from roofs, gutters, sidewalks, and roads, eliminating soil erosion, improving the quality of water, and how to put nature to work for you. Printed copies available.

05/01/2012Viewurban-and-community-forestry water-qualityhomeowner-assistance landowner-resources rain-gardens stormwater-management
Rain Gardens: Technical Guide
Rain Gardens: Technical GuideP00127

Technical guide provides detailed instruction for homeowners, teachers, community leaders, gardeners and landscape architects on the planning and development of rain gardens to create a landscape feature that will solve drainage problems, address erosion problems, improve water quality, create wildlife habitat and create a garden focal point. Printed copies available.

05/01/2014Viewurban-and-community-forestry water-qualityhomeowner-assistance landowner-resources rain-gardens stormwater-management
Red Imported Fire Ant
Red Imported Fire Ant

Information about the red imported fire ant (RIFA).

Refining the Oak-Fire Hypothesis for Management of Oak-Dominated Forests of the Eastern United States
Refining the Oak-Fire Hypothesis for Management of Oak-Dominated Forests of the Eastern United StatesJAF 110(5)

For prescribed fires to be effective, they must positively influence oak regeneration at one or more critical life stages: pollination, flowering, seed set, germination, establishment, seedling development and release into the canopy.  The authors propose a refinement in our thinking to improve the match between management tools and objectives and provide some guidelines for thinking more ecologically about when and where to apply fire on the landscape to sustain oak-dominated forests. A very helpful key is provided on page 7 to help managers identify when fire will help managing the forest.

07/01/2012Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-managementburn-manager-tools competition-control fire-ecology hardwood-management hardwood-silviculture intermediate-stand-treatments oak oak-decline prescribed-burning species-restoration
Reforestation of Timberlands Program - Cost-Share Assistance for Growing Pines
Reforestation of Timberlands Program – Cost-Share Assistance for Growing PinesFT0020

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Reforestation of Timberlands Program (RT Program), including an overview and information about the projects and payment rates for various covered activities.

05/01/2024Viewforest-managementcost-share-programs forestry-topics landowner-resources reforestation rt-program
Reforesting Cutover Timberland - Pine… A Good Investment
Reforesting Cutover Timberland – Pine… A Good InvestmentFT0004

Forestry topic information sheet provides guidance to landowners about reforesting their cutover timberland, including planning, site preparation, planting, and checking survival. Printed copies available.

11/01/2011Viewforest-managementforestry-topics landowner-resources pine-management reforestation tree-planting
Riparian Buffer Implementation Plan 2006-2010
Riparian Buffer Implementation Plan 2006-2010

Report provides details of the implementation plan to support the Virginia Riparian Buffer Initiative.

06/01/2007Viewwatershedchesapeake-bay riparian-forest-buffers
Riparian Buffers Tax Credit
Riparian Buffers Tax CreditP00123

Brochure described the Riparian Buffers Tax Credit program, including who is eligible, how to sign up, application requirements, application approval, Buffer specifications, noncompliance, and inspections. Printed copies available.

02/01/2011Viewwater-qualityriparian-buffer-tax-credit riparian-forest-buffers
Riparian Forest Buffers - Forests on the Water's Edge
Riparian Forest Buffers – Forests on the Water’s EdgeP00140

Publication is the effort of the Chesapeake Bay Program, including multiple states within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, to educate the community leaders and the public about the benefits of riparian forest Buffers, their importance to watersheds for air quality, water quality and fish and wildlife habitat, forest Buffer losses and how we manage growth in riparian zones, how to maintain quality riparian forest Buffers, efforts in riparian forest restoration, and what you can do for forest Buffers. Printed copies available.

12/01/2013Viewwatershedchesapeake-bay landowner-assistance riparian-forest-buffers streamside-forests tree-benefits water-quality-protection
Riparian Forest Handbook 1 - Appreciating and Evaluating Stream Side Forests
Riparian Forest Handbook 1 – Appreciating and Evaluating Stream Side ForestsNo #

Handbook is a valuable resource describing why riparian forests are important, evaluating the health of your riparian buffer, and determining how to restore your riparian forests.

Riparian Forests for Landowners Program – Providing Flexible, No-Cost Forest Buffer Installation
Riparian Forests for Landowners Program – Providing Flexible, No-Cost Forest Buffer InstallationFT0066

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Riparian Forests for Landowners program for private landowners, including objective, eligibility, funding and requirements and how to apply.

07/09/2024Viewfinancial-assistance-water-quality water-quality watershedgrant-programs riparian-forest-buffers riparian-forests-for-landowners-program
Rotation-Age Results from a Loblolly Pine Spacing Trial
Rotation-Age Results from a Loblolly Pine Spacing Trial

Report provides cubic-foot volume yields for particular product definitions from a 25-year-old loblolly pine spacing trial and shows how closely, in the absence of thinning, total and merchantable wood production are linked to initial spacing. The results of this study suggest that no single planting density will be optimal for all management objectives. Ralph L. Amateis and Harold E. Burkhart.

01/01/2012Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationgrowth-and-yield loblolly-pine pine-silviculture planting-practices research-studies
Safe Debris Burning
Safe Debris BurningP00133

Brochure provides a fire safety alert to this common danger, including alternatives to burning, building a shelter for wildlife, burning responsibly, and safety tips. Printed copies available.

09/01/2015Viewfire-and-emergency-responseburning landowner-resources wildfire-prevention
Seedling Price Guide
Seedling Price GuideP00139

Brochure provides a listing of seedling species available for sale at our state Nurseries and current pricing. For more detailed species information and to order online, visit our Web Store. Printed copies available.

09/01/2024Viewnurserieshardwood-management homeowner-assistance landowner-resources pine-management seedling-nurseries seedling-sales tree-planting
Seeking Acorns and Nuts to Grow Seedlings - We Need Your Help
Seeking Acorns and Nuts to Grow Seedlings – We Need Your HelpFT0011

Forestry topic information sheet encourages citizens to get involved in the collection of acorns and nuts for propagation at our nursery, including the species needed, how and when to collect, and where to deliver seed.

08/20/2024Viewnurseriesacorns-nuts forestry-topics
Services for Landowners
Services for LandownersP00112

Brochure provides information about the services available to landowners from the Virginia Department of Forestry, including forest management and forest health, timber harvesting and water quality, land conservation, tree seedling production, and resource protection. Printed copies available.

02/01/2022Viewfire-and-emergency-response forest-health forest-management forest nurseries urban-and-community-forestry water-qualityagency-services conservation forest-health-impacts forest-planning land-planning landowner-assistance seedling-nurseries timber-harvesting water-quality-laws water-quality-protection wildfire-prevention wildfire-suppression
Serving 2.0 Veterans in the Urban Forest - Success Stories
Serving 2.0 Veterans in the Urban Forest – Success StoriesFT0038

Forestry topic information sheet provides success stories relating to veterans finding opportunity with urban wood to serve our communities again through their small forestry businesses.

09/01/2018Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-industry forest-products forestry-topics specialty-forest-products urban-wood-utilization
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation - 2022
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation – 2022P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

02/13/2023Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation - 2023
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation – 2023P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/06/2024Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation - 2024
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation – 2024P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

02/04/2025Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2007-2008
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2007-2008P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

04/01/2009Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2009
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2009P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

07/01/2010Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2010
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2010P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2011Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2011
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2011P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2012Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2012
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2012P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2013Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2013
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2013P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

04/01/2014Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2014
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2014P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2015Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2015
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2015P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2016Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2016
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2016P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2017Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2017
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2017P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2018Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2018
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2018P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2019
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2019P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

03/01/2020Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2020
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2020P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

04/01/2021Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia - 2021
Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation Monitoring for Virginia – 2021P00143

Annual report on the implementation of BMP monitoring in Virginia, including the audit methods and results of audits over the course of a year.

02/22/2022Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices timber-harvesting
Smokey Bear Face Pumpkin Pattern
Smokey Bear Face Pumpkin Pattern

Pattern to be used in carving a Smokey Bear face on a pumpkin.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responsehalloween kids-resources smokey-bear
Smokey Bear Halloween Coloring Sheet
Smokey Bear Halloween Coloring Sheet

Coloring sheet for Halloween with a fire prevention message.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responsehalloween kids-resources smokey-bear
Smokey Bear Happy Holidays Coloring Sheet
Smokey Bear Happy Holidays Coloring Sheet

Coloring sheet with a happy holidays message.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responseholidays kids-resources smokey-bear
Smokey Bear St. Patrick's Day Coloring Sheet
Smokey Bear St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Sheet

Coloring sheet with a happy St. Patrick’s Day message.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responseholidays kids-resources smokey-bear
Spongy Moth Control Methods - A Guide for Homeowners
Spongy Moth Control Methods – A Guide for HomeownersFT0068

Forestry topic information sheet describes spongy moth, the damage it causes, and how you can protect your trees using chemical and natural control methods.

04/22/2024Viewforest-healthforestry-topics insects spongy-moth
Spotted Lanternfly Logger Self-Inspection Checklist - Slow the Spread!!!
Spotted Lanternfly Logger Self-Inspection Checklist – Slow the Spread!!!FT0050

Forestry topic information sheet provides a checklist for loggers to do a self-inspection for spotted lanternfly, including photos of what to be looking for.

03/01/2021Viewforest-healthforestry-topics logger-resources spotted-lanternfly
State of the Forest - 2005
State of the Forest – 2005P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/01/2005Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2006
State of the Forest – 2006P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/01/2006Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2007
State of the Forest – 2007P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/01/2007Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2008
State of the Forest – 2008P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

10/01/2008Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2009
State of the Forest – 2009P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

11/01/2009Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2010
State of the Forest – 2010P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

11/01/2010Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2011
State of the Forest – 2011P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

11/01/2011Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2012
State of the Forest – 2012P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

11/01/2012Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2013
State of the Forest – 2013P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

11/01/2013Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2014
State of the Forest – 2014P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

11/01/2014Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2015
State of the Forest – 2015P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

10/01/2015Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2016
State of the Forest – 2016P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/01/2016Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2017
State of the Forest – 2017P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

10/01/2017Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2018
State of the Forest – 2018P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

10/01/2018Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2019
State of the Forest – 2019P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/01/2019Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2020
State of the Forest – 2020P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/01/2020Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2021
State of the Forest – 2021P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, highlights, and report of key activities over the past year.

12/31/2021Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2022
State of the Forest – 2022P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, as well as agency highlights and accomplishments over the past fiscal year.

12/31/2022Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2023
State of the Forest – 2023P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, as well as agency highlights and accomplishments over the past fiscal year.

12/31/2023Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
State of the Forest - 2024
State of the Forest – 2024P00129

Annual report provides an assessment of the challenges and opportunities faced in forestry, as well as agency highlights and accomplishments over the past fiscal year.

12/31/2024Viewpublic-informationagency-reports annual-report
Stormwater to Street Trees
Stormwater to Street Trees

EPA publication explores engineering urban forests for stormwater management.

09/01/2013Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry stormwater-management urban-forestry water-quality-protection
Success of Riparian Restoration Projects in the Mountains, Piedmont and Coastal Plain of Virginia
Success of Riparian Restoration Projects in the Mountains, Piedmont and Coastal Plain of Virginia

Report provides results from a summer 2006 evaluation of 63 CREP sites located in the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Ridge and Valley regions of VA. Findings indicated that additional efforts should be made to ensure fencing is maintained, species selections are based on site conditions, and invasive species are controlled. Benjamin N. Bradburn, W. Michael Aust, Mathew B. Carroll, Dean Cumbia, and Jerre Creighton.

01/01/2010Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationecosystem-services hardwood-silviculture planting-practices riparian-forest-buffers
Tables For Measuring Timber
Tables For Measuring TimberP00058

Pocket card provides tables to assist in measuring and calculating timber volumes.

03/01/2016Viewforest-managementforest-planning pre-harvest-planning timber-harvesting
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2021 Tax Year
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2021 Tax YearFS-1188

This USDA Forest Service publication provides tax tips intended to assist forest landowners and their tax advisors in preparing 2021 Federal income tax returns. It can also help plan for future years. This material is for information and educational use only and is not intended as financial, tax, or legal advice. Please consult with your tax advisor concerning your particular tax situation.

12/15/2021Viewfinancial-assistance-forest-management forest-management forestestate-planning forest-planning land-planning tax-planning
The Benefits of Trees!
The Benefits of Trees!PST006

Poster educates the public about the benefits of trees – human health, improved water quality, energy savings, reducing heat, and providing local wood sources. Printed copies available.

12/01/2019Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry poster tree-benefits
The Benefits of Trees! (Los Beneficios de Los Arboles)
The Benefits of Trees! (Los Beneficios de Los Arboles)PST006

El póster educa al público sobre los beneficios de los árboles – mejor salud y bienestar, mejor calidad del agua, conservación de la energía, reducción de temperaturas extremas, y aprovechamiento de madera local. Los árboles mantienen nuestra salud y la salud del medio ambiente.

12/01/2019Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry poster spanish tree-benefits
The Development of Pine Plantation Silviculture in the Southern United States
The Development of Pine Plantation Silviculture in the Southern United States

Article reviews the contributions of applied silvicultural research in tree improvement, nursery management, site preparation, weed control, and fertilization to plantation forestry in the South. Thomas R. Fox, Eric J. Jokela, and H. Lee Allen.

11/01/2007Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationcompetition-control fertilizers growth-and-yield loblolly-pine nursery-practices pine-silviculture tree-improvement
The Economic Impact of the Agriculture and Forest Industries in Virginia 2022
The Economic Impact of the Agriculture and Forest Industries in Virginia 2022

The Economic Impact of Agriculture and Forestry on the Commonwealth of Virginia by Terance J. Rephann, Ph.D, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia. This study describes the contribution of the agriculture and forestry industries to Virginia’s economy. The study relies on both published and unpublished data as well as literature that address trends in the agriculture and forestry industries. It also provides separate estimates of agriculture and forestry impacts, impacts by industry groupings arranged by level of dependency on raw materials originating within the state, and impacts by region. By Terance J. Rephann, Ph.D, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia.

The Future of Woodcrafting - Success Stories
The Future of Woodcrafting – Success StoriesFT0053

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the future of woodworking, including success stories in development of wood technology training and programs in schools.

02/01/2020Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-industry forest-products forestry-topics specialty-forest-products
The Value of Pine Production - An Analysis of Investment
The Value of Pine Production – An Analysis of InvestmentFT0021

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the value of producing pines, including starting with a plan, growing pines, pine as an investment, and getting started.

06/01/2014Viewforest-managementforest-economics forestry-topics landowner-resources pine-management reforestation
The Value of Virginia's Forests
The Value of Virginia’s ForestsP00100

Brochure summarizes the economic impact of agriculture and forestry in Virginia, as reported in the full report “The Economic Impact of Agriculture and Forestry on the Commonwealth of Virginia” published by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia.

07/01/2018Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-economics forest-industry forest-products
The Woods in Your Backyard - A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas
The Woods in Your Backyard – A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas

This 108-page guide, including more than 100 color photos, was developed by University of Maryland Extension, Penn State Extension and Virginia Cooperative Extension. It guides small-acreage owners through the process of implementing proper forestry and wildlife habitat improvement practices to enhance a property’s natural resources. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resources
Timber Harvest Notification - Required by Law
Timber Harvest Notification – Required by LawFT0027

Forestry topic information sheet educated logger and landowners about the timber harvest notification that is required by Virginia law.

04/12/2023Viewwater-qualityforestry-topics harvest-notification logger-resources timber-harvesting water-quality-laws
Timber Harvesting and Water Quality
Timber Harvesting and Water QualityP00132

Brochure educates landowners and harvesters about the impact of timber harvesting on water quality and the steps required to maintain compliance with applicable laws during pre-harvest planning, harvesting and tract closeout after harvesting. Printed copies available.

03/01/2020Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices landowner-assistance landowner-resources logger-resources timber-harvesting water-quality-laws
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2011
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2011SRS-098

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2014Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2013
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2013SRS-114

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2017Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2015
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2015SRS-129

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2017Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2017
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2017FS-277

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2020Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2018
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2018FS-293

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2020Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2019
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2019FS-306

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2021Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2020
Timber Product Output and Use for Virginia, 2020FS-357

Report summarizes timber product output and use for Virginia as a result of surveys completed. Produced in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

01/01/2021Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-economics forest-industry forest-inventory forest-products timber-products-output
Timber Sales
Timber SalesP00118

Brochure offers guidance to landowner’s considering selling the timber from their property, including planning for success, selling methods, forest law compliance, public forestry services, private forestry services, and timber sale contract provisions. Printed copies available.

05/01/2014Viewforest-managementpre-harvest-planning timber-harvesting timber-sales
Timber Theft in Virginia
Timber Theft in VirginiaCNRE-117P

Publication by Virginia Cooperative Extension address timber theft in Virginia. Woodlands provide recreational opportunities, ecosystem services such as wildlife habitat and clean water, and can be an important source of income. Many landowners take careful steps to ensure that their property is managed to maximize these benefits. However, all of this work can be easily eradicated by one of Virginia’s most dreaded forest pests: timber thieves.

Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbances
Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbancesP00217

Book provides guidance about tree and forest health; conditions that are common or important enough in Virginia to gain frequent attention are covered. General guidelines are given for the diagnosis and treatment of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) disturbances of forests and individual trees. Guide should not be used as a final reference, but rather a quick field guide and training tool.

09/01/2020Viewforest-healthdiseases insect-and-disease-id insects
Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbances (2-page spread)
Tree and Forest Health Guide: A handbook for the diagnosis of urban and rural forest disturbances (2-page spread)P00217

Book provides guidance about tree and forest health; conditions that are common or important enough in Virginia to gain frequent attention are covered. General guidelines are given for the diagnosis and treatment of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) disturbances of forests and individual trees. Guide should not be used as a final reference, but rather a quick field guide and training tool.

09/01/2020Viewforest-healthdiseases insect-and-disease-id insects
Tree Owner's Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Tree Owner’s Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United StatesNA-FR-04-07

Manual provides guidance about proper tree care from planting a tree to maintenance and care through the life of the tree.

11/01/2008Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry homeowner-assistance landowner-resources tree-care tree-planting urban-forestry
Tree Owner's Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Tree Owner’s Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United StatesFT0218

Manual provides guidance about proper tree care from planting a tree to maintenance and care through the life of the tree. Manual produced by USDA Forest Service, cover created by DOF. Limited printed copies available.

10/01/2022Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry homeowner-assistance landowner-resources tree-care tree-planting urban-forestry
Tree Seedling and Understory Plant Presence in Deer Exclosures on the Matthews State Forest
Tree Seedling and Understory Plant Presence in Deer Exclosures on the Matthews State ForestCNRE-138NP

The purpose of this case study was to determine the impact of deer on the composition of the herbaceous and regeneration layer in two stands in the Matthews State Forest. This report summarizes the findings of this case study.

01/01/2022Viewforest-management nurseries research-resource-information state-forests resource-informationhardwood-management wildlife
Trees and Extreme Weather - Make Your Landscape Storm Ready
Trees and Extreme Weather – Make Your Landscape Storm ReadyFT0064

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the benefits of trees and how to make your landscape storm ready and resilient against extreme storms.

06/01/2023Viewurban-and-community-forestrycommunity-forestry homeowner-resources storm-planning tree-benefits
Trees are Renewable!
Trees are Renewable!

A mini-curriculum for the book “Why Would Anyone Cut a Tree Down?”

01/01/2014Vieweducation public-informationkids-resources
Trees with a Future - Success Stories
Trees with a Future – Success StoriesFT0037

Forestry topic information sheet provides success stories relating to veterans finding opportunity with urban wood to serve our communities again through their small forestry businesses.

09/01/2018Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-industry forest-products forestry-topics specialty-forest-products urban-wood-utilization
Urban and Community Forestry Programs - Resources for Trees in Our Communities, Cities and Towns
Urban and Community Forestry Programs – Resources for Trees in Our Communities, Cities and TownsFT0052

Forestry topic information sheet discusses the urban and community forestry programs available through the DOF.

05/01/2023Viewurb urban-and-community-forestrycommunity-assistance community-forestry community-resources cost-share-programs forestry-topics
Use of Systemic Fipronil and Imidacloprid to Control Regeneration Pests of Loblolly Pine; Chris Asaro and Jerre Creighton (published 2011 Entomological Society of America)
Use of Systemic Fipronil and Imidacloprid to Control Regeneration Pests of Loblolly Pine; Chris Asaro and Jerre Creighton (published 2011 Entomological Society of America)

Article written by Chris Asaro and Jerre Creighton with Virginia Department of Forestry for the Entomological Society of America regarding the use of systemic fipronil and imidacloprid to control regeneration pests of loblolly pine.

08/01/2011Viewresearch-resource-information resource-informationforest-health-impacts loblolly-pine pine-silviculture
Valuing Virginia's Forests - Ecosystem Benefits Provided by Our Forests
Valuing Virginia’s Forests – Ecosystem Benefits Provided by Our ForestsFT0005

Forestry topic information sheet provides a brief overview of the indirect benefits, such as ecosystem services, that we derive from our forests. Printed copies available.

03/01/2006Viewforestconservation ecosystem-services forestry-topics tree-benefits
Virginia Century Forest Program - Celebrating and Recognizing Family Dedication to Forestry and Conservation
Virginia Century Forest Program – Celebrating and Recognizing Family Dedication to Forestry and ConservationFT0029

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about the Virginia Century Forest Program, which recognizes those individuals and families who have made a long-term commitment to enhancing the environment and protecting the quality of life for their fellow Virginians through forestry. The Program honors families whose property has been in the same family for 100 years or more and includes at least 20 contiguous acres of managed forest.

06/01/2019Viewforestcentury-forest-program forestry-topics
Virginia Cooperative Spongy Moth Suppression Program
Virginia Cooperative Spongy Moth Suppression Program

Publication provides information on the Spongy Moth Slow the Spread Program.

09/01/2020Viewforest-healthinsects spongy-moth
Virginia Department of Forestry - An Overview
Virginia Department of Forestry – An OverviewFT0040

Forestry topic information sheet provides a brief overview of the Virginia Department of Forestry.

03/01/2022Viewadministrationagency-services forestry-topics
Virginia Forest Cover Types - Poster
Virginia Forest Cover Types – Poster

Poster maps the various forest types in Virginia and is 24 in. x 36 in. Printed copies available.

02/01/2018Viewpublic-informationeducator-resources forest-cover forest-types poster
Virginia Forest Resource Fact Sheet 2020 (long version)
Virginia Forest Resource Fact Sheet 2020 (long version)

This summary fact sheet produced by the USDA Forest Service (USFS) provides a short summary of the USFS investment in Virginia as well as summarizes the most important forest resource issues and accomplishments, and program highlights. (longer version)

Virginia Forest Resource Fact Sheet 2020 (short version)
Virginia Forest Resource Fact Sheet 2020 (short version)

This summary fact sheet produced by the USDA Forest Service (USFS) provides a short summary of the USFS investment in Virginia as well as summarizes the most important forest resource issues and accomplishments, and program highlights. (shorter version)

Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: Appendix
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: AppendixP00212

Appendix provides an excellent supplement to an individual landowner’s Forest Stewardship Plan. Subjects include land ownership, forest management, forest products marketing, water quality, forest health, fire, forests and wildlife, forest recreation, forest conservation, natural heritage and historic resources, taxes and financial assistance, forest stewardship program and certification, glossary, and contacts. Printed copies available with DOF Stewardship Plan development services only.

06/01/2022Viewforest-managementagency-services forest-planning stewardship wildlife
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: Appendix - Introduction Cover Letter
Virginia Forest Stewardship Plan: Appendix – Introduction Cover LetterP00212

Appendix provides an excellent supplement to an individual landowner’s Forest Stewardship Plan. Subjects include land ownership, forest management, forest products marketing, water quality, forest health, fire, forests and wildlife, forest recreation, forest conservation, natural heritage and historic resources, taxes and financial assistance, forest stewardship program and certification, glossary, and contacts. Printed copies available with DOF Stewardship Plan development services only.

06/01/2017Viewforest-managementagency-services forest-planning stewardship
Virginia Grown Forest Products
Virginia Grown Forest ProductsP00204

Brochure offers information about the Virginia Grown Forest Products program, the forest resource, how the program works and how you can get started. Printed copies available.

Virginia Invasive Plant Species List
Virginia Invasive Plant Species List

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation maintains the invasive plant species list.

Viewforest-healthinvasive-species invasive-species-identification
Virginia Reader
Virginia ReaderP00110

Newspaper-style publication provides fire safety and prevention information for youth, including fire and water, fire behaviour, the fire triangle, history of fire, fighting wildland fires, effects of fire on water quality, effects of fire on air quality, and a crossword puzzle to test what you learn.

12/01/2002Viewfire-and-emergency-responsekids-resources wildfire-prevention
Virginia Riparian Forest Buffer Action Plan 2024
Virginia Riparian Forest Buffer Action Plan 2024

Report collaboratively identifies challenges in increasing buffer establishment and proposes solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Virginia Smoke Management Guidelines
Virginia Smoke Management GuidelinesViewfire-and-emergency-responseburn-manager-tools prescribed-burning
Virginia's 4PM Burning Law Amended for Orchard and Vineyard Growers
Virginia’s 4PM Burning Law Amended for Orchard and Vineyard Growers

Information sheet provides guidance regarding the 4PM burning law amended for orchard and vineyard growers allowing burning for freeze/frost protection.

03/01/2017Viewfire-and-emergency-response4pm-burning-law fire-department-resources forestry-laws wildfire-prevention
Virginia's Emerging Forest Threats
Virginia’s Emerging Forest Threats

Publication produced by the USDA Southeast Climate Hub with cooperation of DOF to educate landowners about preparing for the likelihood of climate change when managing their land.

Virginia's Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality: Field Guide
Virginia’s Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality: Field GuideP00134

Technical field guide provides a convenient pocket instruction guide for timber harvesters to protect water quality when harvesting timber and comply with applicable laws. Printed copies available.

10/01/2019Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices logger-resources pre-harvest-planning riparian-forest-buffers streamside-forests timber-harvesting water-quality-laws water-quality-protection
Virginia's Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality: Technical Manual
Virginia’s Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality: Technical ManualP00104

Technical guide (5th edition) provides detailed instruction for timber harvesters to protect water quality when harvesting timber and comply with applicable laws. Printed copies available.

03/01/2011Viewwater-qualitybest-management-practices logger-resources pre-harvest-planning riparian-forest-buffers streamside-forests timber-harvesting water-quality-laws water-quality-protection
Virginia's Forestry Laws
Virginia’s Forestry LawsP00002

Pocket guide provides detailed information about the forestry laws in Virginia, including general forestry laws, forest fire laws and penalties, certified prescribed burn manager laws, seed tree laws, riparian forest buffer tax credit laws, debris in streams laws and penalties, silvicultural water quality laws and penalties, and more. Printed copies available.

02/01/2020Viewfire-and-emergency-response4pm-burning-law fire-department-resources fire-laws firefighter-resources forestry-laws water-quality-laws
Virginia's Forests - A Reliable Resource
Virginia’s Forests – A Reliable ResourceFT0022

Forestry topic information sheet provides an overview of the status and reliability of the forest resource in Virginia.

07/01/2014Viewadministrationforest-inventory forestry-topics
Virginia's Forests Our Common Wealth 2001
Virginia’s Forests Our Common Wealth 2001P00106

Economic study provides an in-depth look into the economic side of forestry and forest industry in the state of Virginia. Detailed economic data is provided.

05/01/2002Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-economics forest-industry
Virginia's Forests Our Common Wealth 2006
Virginia’s Forests Our Common Wealth 2006P00106

Economic study provides an in-depth look into the economic side of forestry and forest industry in the state of Virginia. Detailed economic data is provided.

12/01/2006Viewmarketing-and-utilizationforest-economics forest-industry
Virginia's Forests, 2001
Virginia’s Forests, 2001SRS-120

This summary report provides data collected through the Forest Inventory Analysis Program. These data are used to provide an overview of forest resources that may include, but is not limited to, forest area, forest ownership, forest type, stand structure, timber volume, growth, removals, mortality, management activity, down woody material, carbon storage and sequestration, and invasive species.

10/01/2007Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Virginia's Forests, 2007
Virginia’s Forests, 2007SRS-159

This summary report provides data collected through the Forest Inventory Analysis Program. These data are used to provide an overview of forest resources that may include, but is not limited to, forest area, forest ownership, forest type, stand structure, timber volume, growth, removals, mortality, management activity, down woody material, carbon storage and sequestration, and invasive species.

07/01/2009Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Virginia's Forests, 2011
Virginia’s Forests, 2011SRS-197

This summary report provides data collected through the Forest Inventory Analysis Program. These data are used to provide an overview of forest resources that may include, but is not limited to, forest area, forest ownership, forest type, stand structure, timber volume, growth, removals, mortality, management activity, down woody material, carbon storage and sequestration, and invasive species.

11/01/2013Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Virginia's Forests, 2016
Virginia’s Forests, 2016SRS-223

This summary report provides data collected through the Forest Inventory Analysis Program. These data are used to provide an overview of forest resources that may include, but is not limited to, forest area, forest ownership, forest type, stand structure, timber volume, growth, removals, mortality, management activity, down woody material, carbon storage and sequestration, and invasive species.

09/01/2018Viewforest-inventory-analysis resource-informationforest-inventory forest-statistics
Virginia's Least Wanted - Emerald Ash Borer
Virginia’s Least Wanted – Emerald Ash BorerPST003

Poster shows the damage done but this threat to our native ash trees. Designed for 24 in. x 36 in. poster. Target audience: Youth – elementary age.

10/01/2013Vieweducation public-informationemerald-ash-borer kids-resources poster
Virginia's Least Wanted - Invasive Plants
Virginia’s Least Wanted – Invasive PlantsPST004

Poster helps identify invasive plants, which threaten our forest ecosystems. Designed for 24 in. x 36 in. poster. Target audience: Youth – elementary age.

10/01/2013Vieweducation public-informationinvasive-species invasive-species-identification kids-resources poster
Virginia's Least Wanted - Thousand Cankers Disease
Virginia’s Least Wanted – Thousand Cankers DiseasePST005

Poster shows the damage done but this threat to our native black walnut trees. Designed for 24 in. x 36 in. poster. Target audience: Youth – elementary age.

10/01/2013Vieweducation public-informationkids-resources poster thousand-cankers-disease
Virginia's State and Federal Cost-Share Programs - An Overview of Landowner Programs
Virginia’s State and Federal Cost-Share Programs – An Overview of Landowner ProgramsFT0019

Forestry topic information sheet provides information about various state and federal cost-share programs for landowners.

07/01/2013Viewforest-managementcost-share-programs forestry-topics landowner-resources
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1992
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1992SE-145

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

06/01/1994Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1995
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1995SRS-019

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

07/01/1997Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1999
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1999SRS-074

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

06/01/2002Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2001
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2001SRS-095

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

08/01/2004Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2003
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2003SRS-108

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

06/01/2006Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2005
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2005SRS-125

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

11/01/2007Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2007
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2007SRS-155

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

07/01/2009Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2009
Virginia’s Timber Industry – An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 2009SRS-179

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

07/01/2011Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - Timber Product Output and Use, 2011
Virginia’s Timber Industry – Timber Product Output and Use, 2011SRS-098

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

02/01/2014Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - Timber Product Output and Use, 2013
Virginia’s Timber Industry – Timber Product Output and Use, 2013SRS-114

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

01/01/2017Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Virginia's Timber Industry - Timber Product Output and Use, 2015
Virginia’s Timber Industry – Timber Product Output and Use, 2015SRS-129

Report contains the findings of a canvas of all primary wood-using plants in Virginia and presents changes in product output and residue use.It complements the Forest Inventory and Analysis periodic inventory of volume and removals from Virginia’s timberland.

01/01/2017Viewforest-inventory-analysis marketing-and-utilization resource-informationforest-industry forest-inventory
Walnut Thousand Cankers Disease Alert
Walnut Thousand Cankers Disease Alert

This Virginia Cooperative Extension factsheet will help detail thousand cankers disease {TCD} and what symptoms to be on the lookout for.

Viewforest-healthinsects thousand-cankers-disease
Why Plant Forest Buffer? - Planting Riparian Forest Buffer is Real Forestry
Why Plant Forest Buffer? – Planting Riparian Forest Buffer is Real ForestryFT0013

Forestry topic information sheet emphasizes the importance of riparian Buffers to protect waterways, including what are riparian Buffers, riparian Buffer implementation, and cost-share programs available, such as the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP).

09/01/2011Viewwatershedforestry-topics riparian-forest-buffers streamside-forests water-quality-protection
Why Would Anyone Cut a Tree Down?
Why Would Anyone Cut a Tree Down?NA–IN–01–12

Illustrator children’s book discusses the benefits of trees, why we cut trees, and how we can plant trees back. Produced by the USFS.

02/01/2013Vieweducation public-informationkids-resources
Wildfire Smoke - A Guide for Public Health Officials and Factsheets
Wildfire Smoke – A Guide for Public Health Officials and Factsheets

This document, originally developed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), is designed to help local public health officials prepare for smoke events, to take measures to protect the public when smoke is present, and communicate with the public about wildfire smoke and health.

Viewfire-and-emergency-responsefire-department-resources prescribed-burning
Wildlife and Your Forest
Wildlife and Your ForestP00207

Brochure provides an overview of the critical relationship between forests and wildlife, the habitat required, and forest projects that benefit wildlife.

Woodland Health Assessment - Checklist and Management Actions
Woodland Health Assessment – Checklist and Management Actions

This assessment is part of the Woodland Health Practices Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas but also available separately to assist green industry professionals and do-it-yourselfers in assessing a variety of conditions on the site and recommending management actions.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resources
Woodland Health Practices - A Field Guide
Woodland Health Practices – A Field Guide

This pocket-sized quick-reference guide assists managers in the field with implementing land-care practices. This 68-page, full-color resource is a distillation of the Woodland Health Practices Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resources
Woodland Health Practices Handbook - A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas
Woodland Health Practices Handbook – A Practitioner’s Guide for Creating, Enhancing, and Maintaining Natural Areas

This 85-page guide, including more than 60 color photos, provides an overview of land management techniques, checklist and management action tables, glossary and index. Available for purchase.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resources
Woodland Health Practices Handbook Webinar Series Recordings
Woodland Health Practices Handbook Webinar Series Recordings

A four-part webinar series covering the information in the Woodland Health Practices Handbook was held in fall 2020 and an eight-part series in spring 2021. Webinar recordings of this series is available here.

Viewforest-management urban-and-community-forestryhomeowner-assistance homeowner-resources landowner-assistance landowner-resources
Woodland Owner Legacy Planning Benefits and Barriers
Woodland Owner Legacy Planning Benefits and Barriers

Summary report of research about the benefits and barriers for landowners in keeping their forestland in tact.

10/01/2018Viewforestestate-planning forest-legacy generation-next